Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
Prioritize school’s needs as identified in one or more of the following needs assessments:
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment (Title I Schools)
- WASC Self Study
- WASC Category B: Standards Based Student Learning: Curriculum, instruction
- WASC Category C: Standards Based Student Learning: Instruction
- WASC Category D: Standards Based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability
- International Baccalaureate (IB) Authorization
- Other
- Need: Elevate the Hawaiian Language proficiency of all students and staff.
- Need: Improve student math proficiency K-12.
- Need: Improve students’ reading proficiency levels in Hawaiian and English.
5. Need: Strengthen Nā HopenaA’o Learning Outcomes (Belonging, Responsibility, Excellence, Aloha, Total Well-Being, Hawaiʻi) in students, staff and throughout the school.
6. Need: Improve student attendance.
Addressing Equity: Sub Group Identification
In order to address equity, list the targeted sub group(s) and their identified needs. **Specific enabling activities listed in the academic plan should address identified sub group(s) and their needs.
- Students new to the Hawaiian language (students entering the school at 1st grade or higher) - Goal 1, EA 1
- 5th and 6th grade students (English LA starts in 5th grade) - Goal 1, EA 3
- Chronic absentee students - Goal 1, EA 6
ORGANIZE: Identify your Academic Review Team Accountable Leads.
Name and Title of ART Team Accountable Lead / Responsible for implementation of the school’s strategies and initiatives
1. Glen Miyasato, Principal / 1. Nā HopenaA’o / SEL / Student leadership development, ILT
2. BabāYim, Vice Principal / 2. ‘Ōlelo Hawai’i (assessments, PD)
3. Leimomi Sing, Academic/ Data Coordinator / 3. Hawaiian Reading, Math, Science, Data Teams
4. LeilaniKamalani, Title I Coordinator / Curriculum Coordinator / 4. English Reading, Math, STEM, Parent Involvement
5. KaʻoiNuʻuanu, Librarian / Mentor / 5. Induction and Mentoring
6. KayleneLoui, SSC / Counselor / 6. Attendance
7. Wini Terada, Tech Coordinator / 7. Technology
8. / 8.
9. / 9.
10. / 10.
Goal 1: Student Success. All students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career and citizenship.
XObjective 1: Empowered -All students are empowered in their learning to set and achieve their aspirations for the future.
XObjective 2: Whole Child -All students are safe, healthy, and supported in school, so that they can engage fully in high-quality educational opportunities.
XObjective 3: Well Rounded - All students are offered and engage in rigorous, well rounded education so that students are prepared to be successful in their post-high school goals.
XObjective 4: Prepared and Resilient - All students transition successfully throughout their educational experiences.
Outcome: By the end of three years, / Rationale:- The Hawaiian Language Oral Proficiency of students and staff will increase.
- The school will continue to develop a system of assessments in Hawaiian for Hawaiian Language, reading in Hawaiian and math in Hawaiian.
- Student proficiency in reading, math and science will improve.
- The school will strengthen Nā HopenaA’o Learning Outcomes (Belonging, Responsibility, Excellence, Aloha, Total Well-Being, Hawai’i) in students, staff and throughout the school.
- Student attendance will improve.
- Hawaiian language is the language of instruction and research tells us that when studentsʻ level of language increases their ability to learn increases along with their academic performance in all content areas.
- Assessments in English are not valid for students that are taught in Hawaiian so the school needs to develop its own assessments to gather data on student proficiency.
- Student assessment data shows a need to improve student proficiency in reading, math and science.
- The school has been piloting Nā HopenaA’o Learning Outcomes and sees the Nā HopenaA’o framework as an excellent culturally-relevant tool for school improvement and building student character and empathy which will support all of the school’s academic plan activities.
- The school’s SY 15-16 chronic absenteeism rates were 27% (K-6), 17% (7,8) and 16% (9-12). Given that attendance directly affects student achievement, the school can positively affect student achievement by improving student attendance.
Planning / Funding / Interim Measures of Progress
Desired Outcome / Enabling Activities
(Indicate year(s) of implementation
in next column) / School Year(s) of Activity / ART Accountable Lead(s) / Source of Funds
(Check applicable boxes to indicate source of funds) / Define the relevant data used to regularly assess and monitor progress
100% of students will show improvement in 1 or more strands of the Hawaiian Language Oral Fluency Assessment (Loiloi ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i). / 1. Revise the current Hawaiian language proficiency assessment and utilize the data team process to select instructional strategies to improve student Hawaiian Language fluency.
- Provide extended Hawaiian language instruction for students new to the language (tutoring w/ PTTs/PPTs)
- Provide PD in Hawaiian Language for teachers and staff
revise assessment
2017-20 / BabāYim / X WSF
X Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
X Other
☐N/A / School-wide Hawaiian language proficiency assessment data
Teacher created Hawaiian language proficiency assessments
The % of students meeting proficiency in math will increase by 10% each year over baseline data to be collected during year 1. / 2. Increase effectiveness of math instruction and provide targeted support for students in math
- Create & implement a school-wide standards-based math proficiency assessment to be administered at least three times a year as a universal screener / diagnostic tool to inform instruction & determine which students to target
- Provide extended math instruction for struggling students (tutoring with PTTs/PPTs, IXL)
- Provide meeting time for math teachers to articulate K-12
- Focus on essential standards to prepare students for Algebra 1 at 9th grade
- Offer opportunities for advanced credit in math
- Provide continuing math PD opportunities for teachers
Summer 2017 teacher work days to develop assessment / Leimomi Sing & LeilaniKamalani / X WSF
X Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Math proficiency assessment data (administered at least 3 times / year)
Student course grades (secondary student D & F list)
20% of 5-12 students will be reading at grade level in English.
Utilize data from grade-level aligned He Lawai’a reading assessment to determine desired outcomes for Hawaiian reading. / 3. Increase effectiveness of reading instruction and provide targeted support for students in reading
- Articulate Hawaiian reading grade level targets and align with He Lawai’a reading assessment
- Continue to administer assessments of English (5-12) and Hawaiian reading (K-6) to inform instruction and determine which students to target
- Create & implement a Hawaiian reading assessment for 7-12 that addresses Kaiapuni Language Arts standards
- Provide extended reading instruction for struggling students including 5th & 6th grade students (elective class, tutoring with PTTs/PPTs, Achieve3000, Max Scholar)
- Provide continuing PD opportunities in reading instructional strategies and assessment for teachers
Summer 2017 teacher work days to set reading levels and reading assessments / Leimomi Sing & LeilaniKamalani / X WSF
X Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Reading assessment data:
English - Achieve3000 Lexile data
Hawaiian - He Lawai’a data
Student course grades (secondary student D & F list)
The school will have an articulated K-12 culturally-based Aloha ‘Āina Science / STEM curriculum / 4. Articulate K-12 Aloha ‘Aina Science / STEM curriculum based on cultural knowledge/ Hawaiian world-view and aligned with standards (Kaiapuni, NGSS)
- Develop continuum for scientific method / inquiry K-12
- Provide PD opportunities in Science / STEM Immersion standards for teachers
- Provide meeting time for teachers to articulate K-12 science and cross-discipline Project-Based Learning
☐Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Notes from K-12 science articulation meetings
K-12 articulated science curriculum
Science project evaluations (7-12)
% of students reporting a positive school climate on the SQS will increase by 15% / 5. Address Nā HopenaA’o Learning Outcomes throughout the school
- Continue to address students’ Social Emotional Learning through consistent use of inclusion activities and reflection, group norms, and conflict resolution (PTT, Roots of Empathy)
- Continue to develop student leadership skills (E ‘ōpūali’i, ‘aha ‘ōpio)
- Replace PBS monthly values with Nā HopenaA’o ‘ōlelono’eau (students of the month)
- Replace the Mauliola award (for GLOs) with a Nā HopenaA’o award
- Continue to refine the Nā HopenaA’o data collection process K-12 (student discussion groups)
- Develop and pilot a system for assessing Nā HopenaA’oconditions / indicators
- Provide Professional development on Nā HopenaA‘o
☐Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
X Other
☐N/A / Feedback from student Nā HopenaA’o discussion groups
Quarterly SEL reports from teachers
Nā HopenaA’o award lists
The % of chronic absentee students will decrease to:
yr 1 - 22%; yr 2 - 17%; yr 3 - 12%
Middle & High:
yr 1 - 14%; yr 2 - 11%; yr 3 - 9% / 6. Create a school-wide focus on improving attendance to support student achievement
- Strengthen the school’s attendance policy to address chronic absenteeism earlier (don’t differentiate between excused and unexcused, letters home, parent meetings)
- Communicate school-wide attendance goals and post weekly attendance data by level (incentive program)
2017-20 / New SSC / X WSF
☐Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Student attendance data (daily attendance rate, chronic absentee list)
Goal 2: Staff Success. Kula Kaiapuni 'o Ānuenue has a high-performing culture where employees have the training, support and professional development to contribute effectively to student success.
Outcome: By the end of three years, / Rationale:- The school will have strengthened its mentoring program to support its new teachers throughout their first years of teaching.
- The school will have developed stronger ties with other kaiapuni schools to support teacher development and school improvement.
- The number of new teachers has increased the past few years and the school's current mentoring system that relies on other teachers to mentor new teachers doesn't provide the level of support they need. The school aims to create a full-release mentor that can provide the needed support to new teachers.
- The school has begun to collaborate with other kaiapuni schools and sees the mutual benefit that comes from sharing ideas and resources with them as well as the economies of scale that combining efforts can provide.
Planning / Funding / Interim Measures of Progress
Desired Outcome / Enabling Activities
(Indicate year(s) of implementation
in next column) / School Year(s) of Activity / ART Accountable Lead(s) / Source of Funds
(Check applicable boxes to indicate source of funds) / Define the relevant data used to regularly assess and monitor progress
Mentoring records will show new-teacher progress on 100% of mentoring goals / 7. Expand the new-teacher mentoring program
- Create a full-release mentor position
☐Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Mentoring records and reports
Other kaiapuni schools will participate in ILT walkthroughs at Ānuenue and Ānuenue will participate in ILT walkthroughs at other kaiapuni schools.
Ānuenue teachers will participate in PD with teachers from other kaiapuni schools. / 8. Collaborate and participate in Kaiapuni professional learning communities
- Conduct Instructional Leadership Team walkthroughs with other kaiapuni schools
- Collaborate with other kaiapuni schools on workshops and PD opportunities
Leimomi Sing / X WSF
☐Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / ILT walkthrough data
PD agendas and sign-in sheets
Goal 3: Successful Systems of Support. The system and culture of Kula Kaiapuni 'o Ānuenueworks to effectively organize financial, human, and community resources in support of student success.
Outcome: By the end of three years, / Rationale:- The school will have implemented a system of school-wide articulation periods for grade-level data teams to meet to examine student data and make instructional improvements to address student needs.
- Parent involvement in supporting student achievement and Hawaiian Language proficiency will increase.
- The school will provide students and employees with computer systems and technology that support 21st century learning.
- The school has attempted to implement data teams many times in the past, but without a block of time set aside specifically for data teams and a designated lead to keep teams to an agenda and hold them accountable, data teams were never very effective.
- Research shows that students with involved parents, no matter their income or background, are more likely to: Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs; Be promoted, pass their classes and earn credits; Attend school regularly; Have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school; Graduate and go on to post-secondary education (SEDL, 2002)
- The school relies heavily on technology to support student learning in instruction, tutoring, assessments and administration.
Planning / Funding / Interim Measures of Progress
Desired Outcome / Enabling Activities
(Indicate year(s) of implementation
in next column) / School Year(s) of Activity / ART Accountable Lead(s) / Source of Funds
(Check applicable boxes to indicate source of funds) / Define the relevant data used to regularly assess and monitor progress
All students will show improvement in the instructional areas targeted by their grade level data teams / 9. Implement the data team process K-12
- Dedicate time during the school day for each grade level to meet (secondary - change master schedule; elementary - utilize resource teachers)
☐Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Student data from data team / articulation meeting minutes
Parent satisfaction ratings on the SQS will increase by 15%. / 10. Continue efforts to increase parent involvement and engagement around student achievement (PTTs - parent involvement coordinator, tech communication coordinator)
- Maintain robust parent communication including newsletters and effectively utilizing technology (email, School Connects, Infinite Campus, school website, social media …)
- Increase opportunities for parents to engage with the school to support student achievement (SCC, curriculum nights, Coffee Hours, Hawaiian Language activities, Open House, etc…)
- Offer a Hawaiian language class for parents & community (PTT, MCSA)
X Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
X Other
☐N/A / Parent sign-in sheets / registration for classes & activities
100% of teachers and students will have access to educational technology to support teaching, learning and assessment needs. / 11. Implement school-wide technology plan to support curriculum, instruction and assessment
- Technology Coordinator to manage tech purchasing and inventory, provide technology literacy instruction to students and tech-related support for teachers
X Title I
☐Title II
☐Title III
☐N/A / Inventory records
School's Tech Plan
Curriculum map addressing technology-related CCSStandards
Kula Kaiapuni 'o Ānuenue Three-Year Academic PlanPage | 1Version #1, May 1, 2017