Meeting Report – 11th June 2015
The bell for the lower entrance is now working. The bollards by the disabled parking area are due to be installed within the next 4 weeks and we will ask Surrey County Council for the handrail to be repaired at the same time.
The PPG commented favourably about the improvements to the waiting room. The official opening will be on Friday 19th June at 1pm and Sam Gymah MP, local council, CCG groups, PPG, health visitors and varous groups are invited. The PPG have their own noticeboard in the waiting room which will display the meeting report, the newsletter, latest talk information and our Terms of Reference. We raised the need for identifying patients with special requirements such as visual impairment or an austistic child for help while waiting for their appointment.
We discussed the next talk on Dementia in July and it was noted that Windmill Manor Care home has agreed to sponsor the event. The following talk will be on arthritis, Dr Sian Griffith has agreed to talk. Suggestions for future talks were Sports Injuries, Joint Replacement, Dermatology and Allergies.
A new member of the PPG has now been recruited, George Choy, who will replace Theresa Rose. The PPG thanked Theresa for all her help while on the PPG.
Ronnie Godfrey advised that OHC have recruited a GP who will be starting in September and is still looking for more GP cover as part of their forward planning programme. OHC are still trying to recruit another Nurse.
We discussed text appointment reminders as currently online booking does not prompt a text reminder. OHC are trying to get a group of GP practices to join together to buy the the text reminder software. Ronnie Godfrey advised that GPs are doing care plans for 'at risk' patients in order to avoid them having to be admitted to hospital. Electronic prescribing is now in use, each chemist has their own system. 1st July is live day and a few glitches may occur. Online request to OHC activates GP authorisation which is forwarded to the appropriate chemist and the prescription dispensed. This system should save time and resolve lost prescription issues.
We discussed local area defibrillators and it was felt that someone taking responsibility for it was more of an issue than money or sites.
The next meeting is Thursday 10th September 2015 at 7:00pm.