NOVEMBER 9, 2016

The monthly business meeting of the Hope Township Committee convened at 7:04 P.M. at the Hope Township Municipal Building with the following members present: Mayor Timothy McDonough, Deputy Mayor George Beatty, and Committeeman John Koonz. Also present were Acting Municipal Clerk, Judith Fisher, RMC and Township Engineer, Ted Rodman, P.E.

Under the provisions of the “Open Public Meetings Act”, adequate notice of the meeting had been provided by publishing notice in The Express Times and The Star Gazette and by posting notices in the Hope Post Office and on the Township bulletin boards all on January 11, 2016 and January 15, 2016.

PAYMENT OF THE BILLS: Motion made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to authorize the bills presented before them tonight in the amount of $770,944.69 be paid. The following bill were pulled for explanation: CenturyLink – $2540.30; Hope Volunteer Fire Department – Balance of donation $12,950.00 and Trudy Murphy – Face Painting, Halloween Party $230.00. The Face Painting has a duplicate billing for $330.00 which was an incorrect amount; CenturyLink will be held until the CFO can explain why this was so high. Hope Volunteer Fire Department donation will be done after the roll call vote as Committeeman Koonz has a conflict as he is a member of the Fire Department.

Roll Call: Committeeman Beatty-yes; Mayor McDonough-yes; Committeeman Koonz – yes

Payment of the Hope Volunteer Fire Department donation - $12.950.00

Motion was made by Committeeman Beatty, seconded by Committeeman McDonough and carried.
Roll Call: Committeeman Beatty – yes, Mayor McDonough – yes, Committeeman Koonz – abstained

RECEIPTS: The total receipts for October, 2016 were $16,842.92

Trooper White, Assistant Station Commander from the Hope Barracks stopped in to introduced himself and say hello. He is available to anyone if they need any help.

Township Engineer’s Report

Mr. Rodman talked again about the salt shed and that he tried to get quote on a canvass top, which was a no go. He talked with 2 contractors who can do the shed for under $40,000 if the Township uses Kathleen Reinalda with her QPA license. Contractors would supply the drawings, but a door would be an option. Noted was that the demolition and removal was not included to this cost; also no included was the cost for permits and drawings.


Chief Financial Officer: Report submitted and reviewed

Tax Assessor: No report submitted.

Tax Collector: Report was submitted noting a year to date amount of $5,035,455.61

Construction Code Official No report submitted

Zoning Officer : No report submitted at this time

Road Department : The Public Works Foreman submits weekly reports which are available for review in the Clerk’s office during normal business hours.

Fire Department: Monthly report submitted for October. There were a total of 6 calls for the month with a total of 53 man hours.

Blairstown Ambulance Corp: No report submitted.

Warren County Health Department Report on file in Clerk’s Office

Agriculture Advisory Committee No report submitted

Municipal Court of North Warren at Hope No report submitted

Community Police Officer No report submitted

Use of Township Facility Request: American Cancer Society, Relay of Life, Elementary School Field. June 9 – 10, 2017 Application was reviewed and granted for June 9 – 10, 2017

Motion was made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried.

Roll Call: Committeeman Koonz – yes, Committeeman Beatty – yes, Mayor McDonough - yes

Mayor McDonough: No report at this time

Deputy Mayor Beatty: No report at this time

Committeeman Koonz: No report at this time

CORRESPONDENCE: On file in the Clerk’s Office

Sussex-Warren Area Energy Cooperative

November 9, 2016 the auction took place this morning. The contract was awarded to TriEagle Energy LP at a rate of $0.07998/kwH for a term of 20 months beginning March 1, 2017 and ending October 31, 2018. Attached to this memo is the Agreement for Provision of Electricity Generation Supply Services for Residential Government Energy Aggregation. According to the memo, this agreement must be signed and return by close of business, November 11, 2016. The next step will be scheduling outreach meetings and the mailings to the residents.

The Clerk will send this agreement to the Attorney for his review before it is signed.

A motion was made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to authorize the Deputy Mayor to sign this agreement if the Attorney finds it to be in order.

Roll Call: Committeeman Koonz –yes Committeeman Beatty – yes, Mayor McDonough - abstained


Motion was made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to approve Resolution 2016-64.

2016-64 Authorizing the Acquisition of a Development Easement, Block 700, Lot 500 (Almeida/Scorp Property)

WHEREAS, the Township of Hope previously owned Lot 500 in Block 700, otherwise having an address of 494 Delaware Road, Hope Township, New Jersey and consisting of 54.69 acres; and

WHEREAS, said property was encumbered by the Township with a farmland preservation easement on June 4, 2004, in accordance with the Agricultural Retention and Development Program. The Township took no consideration upon the recording of said easement; and

WHEREAS, said property was subsequently auctioned to a private buyer who took title to the property subject to the aforesaid easement on August 31, 2005; and

WHEREAS, Hope Township now seeks to award itself monies from its Open Space Trust Fund based upon the value of farmland preservation easement at that time it was recorded, June 1, 2004; and

WHEREAS, the Township had the subject easement appraised by Landmark I Appraisal, LLC, which established a value in the amount of $4,600 per acre for a total value of $228,500; and

WHEREAS, the Township seeks to transfer a portion of its Open Space funds in consideration of the real value of the easement at the time it was established.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Township Committee of the Township of Hope, County of Warren, and State of New Jersey, that the Township Committee supports the payment of the value of the farmland preservation easement as of June 1, 2004 and is hereby authorized to proceed with the transfer of the appropriate funds.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Committee finds the appraisal prepared by Landmark I Appraisal, LLC to be reasonable and fair value for the easement at the time of the transfer of the property.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Committee hereby authorizes the transfer of $150,000.00 from its Open Space Trust Fund to the Township’s General Fund for 2016 in consideration of the acquisition of the foregoing.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Township Committee hereby authorizes the transfer of $78,500.00 from its Open Space Trust Fund to the Township’s General Fund for 2017 in consideration of the acquisition of the foregoing.

Roll Call: Committeeman Beatty-yes; Mayor McDonough-yes; Committeeman Koonz – yes

ORDINANCE 2nd Reading and Public Hearing

A motion made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to adopt Ordinance 2016-08.


WHEREAS, the Committee of the Township of Hope, County of Warren, State of New Jersey, has determined that Chapter 20, “Zoning,” Ordinance 20-26.1(i), “Zoning Permits” of the Code of the Township of Hope must be amended and revised to simplify the zoning permit fees.

WHEREAS, the Committee of the Township of Hope, County of Warren, State of New Jersey, believes that the amendment and revision of the aforesaid ordinance is in the best interests of the Township and will protect the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Committee of the Township of Hope, County of Warren, State of New Jersey that that Chapter 20, “Zoning,” Ordinance 20-26.1(i), “Zoning Permits” of the Code of the Township of Hope shall be amended and revised to read as follows:

Chapter XX

Section 20-26.1

Zoning Permits

i.  Each application for a zoning permit shall be accompanied by a fee in accordance with the following schedule:

Residential renovations/additions and accessory structures/ building $ 50.00

New residential construction $100.00

Commercial – New business or change of use $ 50.00

Commercial renovations/additions and accessory structures/buildings $100.00


NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced to pass on first reading at a regular meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Hope held on October 12, 2016, at 7:00PM and ordered published in accordance with the law. Said Ordinance will be considered for final reading and adoption at a regular meeting of the Township Committee to be held on November 9, 2016, at 7:00PM, or as soon thereafter as the Township Committee may hear this Ordinance at the Municipal Building, 407 Hope-Great Meadows Road, Hope, New Jersey, at which time all persons interested may appear for or against the passage of said Ordinance.

Motion was made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to open this portion of the meeting to the public for any comments on Ordinance 2016-08

Seeing no comments

Motion was made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to close this portion of the meeting to the public.

Motion was made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to adopt Ordinance 2016-08.

Roll Call: Committeeman Koonz –yes Committeeman Beatty – yes, Mayor McDonough – yes

Ordinance: Further Discussion before publishing for 2nd reading and public hearing

2016-09 To Amend and Revise Chapter II entitled “Administration” to add a New Section for the Establishment of the Position of a Qualified Purchasing Agent. The ordinance was reviewed and a few minor changes were made.

Motion was then made by Committeeman Koonz, seconded by Committeeman Beatty and carried to introduce Ordinance 2016-09


WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (“LPCL”) provides that the position of Qualified Purchasing Agent must be created by Ordinance; and

WHEREAS, the LPCL further provides that once the Qualifying Purchasing Agent (“QPA”) position has been created and the QPA has been appointed, the governing body of the contracting unit may establish the bid threshold to be up to the higher threshold amount adjusted by the Governor pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3(e); and

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Hope desired to establish the position of QPA by Ordinance and avail itself to the higher bid threshold amount.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the Committee of the Township of Hope, County of Warren, and State of New Jersey, as follows:

Section I

Chapter 2, Administration, of the Code of the Township of Hope is hereby amended by creating a new Section 20, Qualified Purchasing Agent, as set forth below:

Chapter 2-20 Qualified Purchasing Agent.

2-20.1 Creation

There is hereby created the position of Purchasing Agent for the Township of Hope.

2-20.2  Appointment

The Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by the Mayor and Township Committee.

2-20.3  Qualified Purchasing Agent Certificate

The Purchasing Agent is required to possess a valid Qualified Purchasing Agent Certificate, as issued by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs.

2-20.4  Authority

2-20.5  Authority

The Purchasing Agent shall have, on behalf of the Mayor and Committee of the Township of Hope, the authority, responsibility and accountability for: the purchasing activity pursuant to Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq., to prepare public advertising for and to receive bids and requests for proposals for the provision of performance of goods, services and construction contracts; to award contracts pursuant to New Jersey law in accordance with the regulations, forums and procedures promulgated by state regulatory agencies; the establishment and enforcement of any and all local purchasing policies adopted by the governing body; the purchasing and claims approval authority of the Township Purchasing Officer set forth by Ordinance; and the conduct of any activities as may be necessary or appropriate to the purchasing function of the Township of Hope.

2-20.6  Adjustment of Threshold

Having appointed a Qualified Purchasing Agent pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9, the Township will take advantage of the higher bid threshold (currently $40,000.00, with a quote threshold of 15% or $6,000.00), pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3(a), as such threshold may be adjusted from time to time pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3(e), but may at its discretion go to bid at a lower amount to encourage greater competition among bidders.

Section II

All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistencies.

Section III

If any section, subsection, paragraph, phrase or sentence of this ordinance is, for any reason, declared to be unconstitutional or invalid, such section, subsection, paragraph, phrase or sentence shall be deemed severable.

Section IV

This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final publication as provided by law.


NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced to pass on first reading at a regular meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Hope held on October 26, 2016, at 7:00 PM and ordered published in accordance with the law. Said Ordinance will be considered for final reading and adoption at a regular meeting of the Township Committee to be held on November 22, 2016, at 6:00PM, or as soon thereafter as the Township Committee may hear this Ordinance at the Municipal Building, 407 Hope-Great Meadows Road, Hope, New Jersey, at which time all persons interested may appear for or against the passage of said Ordinance.

The Clerk noted that this ordinance will be published with 2nd reading and public hearing at the November 22, 2016 meeting.

2016-10 To add Chapter XXVI Titled “Emergency Service Volunteers and Military Personnel Permit Fee Exemption” of the Code of the Township of Hope.

The ordinance was reviewed and a few minor changes were made.