Quantitative heteroduplex analysis and optimization of DNA mixtures for genotyping all SNPs by high-resolution melting for SNP genotyping.
Short title: Quantitative heteroduplex analysis for genotyping.
Robert A Palais, Michael A Liew, and Carl T Wittwer
High-resolution melting of PCR productstechniques can detect heterozygous mutations and most homozygous mutations differences without electrophoretic or chromatographic separations. However, some homozygous SNPs have melting curves identical to the wild type as predicted by nearest-neighbor thermodynamic models. In theseTo address the remaining cases, ifwe propose adding DNA of known referencehomozygous genotype is added to each unknown before PCR, quantitative heteroduplex analysis can differentiatewhich enables distinguish betweendiscrimination among a high-resolution melting curves from heterozygous SNP, a homozygous SNP, and wild- type genotypessamples if the fraction of reference DNA is chosen carefully DNA. Our analysisTheoretical calculations suggests that melting curve separation is proportional to heteroduplex content difference, and that when homozygotes are most similar, quantity of additionalreference homozygous DNA at one-seventh of total DNA results in the bestwill produce which optimizes the optimal separation discrimination between the three genotypes of bi-allelic SNPs, diploid DNA comprises one-seventh of the resulting mixture. This theory was verified empirically by qQuantitative analysis of both high-resolution melting and(qTGCE) temperature gradient capillary electrophoresis data. Reference genotype proportions other than one-seventh of total DNA were suboptimal validated the model independently and demonstrated that suboptimal mixturesand may fail to distinguish sthe ome genotypes. Optimal mixing before PCR followed byand high-resolution melting analysis permits genotyping of all SNPs with a single closed-tube analysis.
Keywords: High-resolution melting; SNP; mixing; spiking; genotyping; heteroduplex analysis; quantitative TGCE analysis; nearest-neighbor symmetry.
Heteroduplex analysis is a popular technique to screen for sequence variants in diploid DNA. After PCR, heteroduplexes are analyzedusually separated by separation techniques such as conventional gel electrophoresis [1,2,3], although denaturing high pressure liquid chromatography (DHPLCdHPLC],)[4], and temperature gradient capillary electrophoresis (TGCE)0 [5] can be used. Recently, heteroduplexes have been detected directly in PCR solution after PCR without separation by high-resolution melting analysis. Either labeled primers [56] or a saturating DNA dye [7] were used to detect a change in shape of the fluorescent melting curve resulting from generatedwhen heteroduplexes were produced by PCR. High-resolution melting of PCR products from diploid DNA has been used for mutation scanning [8-10], HLA matching [11], and genotyping [7, 12].
Heteroduplex analysis techniques using separation areis seldom used for genotyping because different homozygotes are usually not resolvedseparated. In some cases, DHPLC may separate PCR products by size (13). However, bBoth DHPLC dHPLC and TGCE usually fail to detect homozygous single base changesnucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), as well as small homozygous insertions and deletions. If suspected, these homozygous changes can be detected by mixing the PCR product of the unknown sample with thea PCR product from a known homozygous reference PCR productsample. The mixture is first, denatured, followed by cooling to form heteroduplexes, and the separation repeated. ing, then hybridizing the mixture, and performing another separation. If heteroduplexes are detected in the mixture,Formation the two samples are of different genotype. Two sequential analyses and manual processing are required, exposing and the concentrated PCR product is exposed to the laboratory and, increasing the chance of PCR product contamination of subsequent reactions.
High-resolution melting can usually distinguish to DHPLC and TGCE, different homozygotes by a difference in melting temperature. can usually be distinguished by high-resolution melting analysis. Complete genotyping of human SNPs by high-resolution melting is possible in over 90% of cases [12]. However,in in somesome SNPs, the melting curves may not distinguish the mutant homozygote from wild type. Typically, this is due to a nearest-neighbor thermodynamic symmetry where the bases adjacent to the SNP are identical on both DNA strands, and the SNP consists of an interchange between complementary bases. An example is the hemochromatosis (HFE) H63D), 187C>G SNP.gene locus The two homozygous genotypes 5’-TCA-3’ and 5’-TGA-3’ have identical nearest neighbor pairs (TC/AG and CA/GT). To address this limitation posed byFor complete genotyping of these “symmetric” SNPs, post-PCR mixing and separation studies couldan be performed, but the advantage of closed-tube analysis is then lost. WEarlier studies have confirmed that when DNA mixturesof mixed genotypes aries amplified by PCR for heteroduplex detection, the strand stoichiometric proportions of strands of different genotypes before and after amplification do not changeare nearly the same [2,3].When homozygous samples are mixed after PCR, equal volumes of PCR products are combined, denatured, annealed, and melted.
This suggests an alternative approach to complete genotyping of these SNPs by mixing unknown and reference samples lternatively, unknown DNA can be mixed with known homozygous DNA before PCR instead of after.
Depending on both the proportionamount of homozygous reference DNA that is added, and the genotype of the unknown sample,whether the genotype of the sample DNA is heterozygous, homozygous of the same genotype, or homozygous of a different genotype different amounts of heteroduplexes will be produced that should allow discrimination of all genotypes (none in the case of the same genotype.). By choosing the amount of reference DNA (e.g., wild type) properly, we would like this genotype-dependent heteroduplex content difference to result in high-resolution melting curves which allow discrimination of all SNP genotypes.
Previously, we empirically determined that such discrimination was possible with the addition of 15% (w/w) of homozygous reference DNA to 85% of unknown DNA prior to PCR [12]the optimum amount of known homozygous DNA. However, the optimal percentage of reference DNA was not known.
to distinguish all SNP genotypes was approximately 15%. We have now presentcreated a predictive mathematical model for the present a rigorous derivation of this optimum, by analyzing the theoretical heteroduplex content of mixtures in terms of the fraction of reference DNA added and the genotype of the unknown DNA. The resultant, as well as for the effect of heteroduplex content determines the extent thaton the high-resolution melting curve deviates from wild type samplesseparations and on the relative intensitysize of the heteroduplex TGCE peaksmeasurements across a full spectrum of genotype mixing proportions, which are also of interest in pooled sample studies. The primary consequences of this model are: 1) For each reference DNA fraction and after normalization, the difference between melting curves corresponding to different sample genotypes is simply their heteroduplex content difference multiplied by a fixed curve shape, (with a similar result for TGCE peaks); and 2) The reference DNA fraction (wild type) thatwhich optimally distinguishes genotypesheteroduplex content is 1/7 of the total DNA, resulting in predicted heteroduplex contents of 0 (wild type), 12/49 (heterozygote), and 24/49 (homozygous mutant)when mixed with wild type, homozygous mutant, and heterozygous genotypes, respectively. This is quite close to the empirically derived value of 15%.This
We then tested the prediction was tested by amplifying mixtures representing variousa full spectrum of mixing proportions of reference wild type DNA mixed into each genotype. Qand performing quantitative analyses of the high-resolution melting curves and TGCE peaks obtained from these experiments. Substantial agreed with theoryment was observed among both types of analysis and theory. Both theory and experiments alsoand emphasize revealed highlight the sensitivity of the procedure to the variations of the reference DNA fraction. from its optimal value: IIf the reference DNA fraction is sub-optimal, for instance, one-third or one-half of total DNA,, for instance some genotypes can no longer be virtually distinguished by high-resolution melting or quantitative TGCE analysis.
In Fig. 1, we show high-resolution melting curves of amplicons from DNA exhibiting three SNP genotypes. The melting curve corresponding to samples with a homozygous mutation is indistinguishable from that of the wild type, due to nearest-neighbor thermodynamic symmetry. (This says that the bases immediately surrounding the mutation are identical when the strands are interchanged, e.g.,
5'-TCA-3' 5'-TGA-3'
3'-AGT-5' 3'-ACT-5'
The melting curves corresponding to heterozygous samples, which as genomic DNA consist of equal parts wild-type homoduplexes and mutant homoduplexes, appear quite different than the melting curves of either of these species of duplex. Even though PCR amplifies all strands in the form of homoduplexes, by the time it plateaus, strands are reassociating randomly into homoduplexes and heteroduplexes instead of extending. In the heterozygous case, the DNA that is melted is an equal mixture of four species of duplex, the wild-type and mutant heteroduplexes, and two types of nearly complementary heteroduplexes, so that the total heteroduplex content is ${1 \over 2}$ (Fig. 2).
There are only complementary strands amplified from wild-type and homozygous mutant samples, so even at the end of PCR, there are no heteroduplexes present. After PCR and analysis has determined a sample to be indistinguishable wild-type or mutant homozygous, a procedure sometimes known as spiking can be performed, which consists of of adding DNA of known genotype to determine genotypic identity or difference from the absence or presence of heteroduplexes.
Our goal is to find a method requiring no post-PCR mixing (which is susceptible to contamination) which can distinguish wild-type and homozygous mutant from each other, as well as from heterozygous samples, in one-step. To do so, we seek the optimal fraction of wild-type DNA to be added to samples before PCR, which we call the `mixture fraction', so that after amplification and random reassociation of strands, the heteroduplex content of mixtures with the different genotypes will make the resulting melting curves most distinguishable. The mixture with a wild-type samples will still have no heteroduplex content regardless of the amount of the identical DNA which is added. In contrast, if wild-type DNA is mixed with a homozygous mutant sample, even though PCR amplifies all strands of the mixture as homoduplexes, by the time it plateaus (or after heating then cooling the mixture to promote random reassociation) a fraction of heteroduplexes will be formed, depending on the amount of wild-type DNA added. If wild-type DNA is mixed with a heterozygous mutant sample, the mixture will now consist of unequal parts of wild-type homoduplexes and mutant homoduplexes. At the end of PCR, or after dissociating by heating and annealing by cooling, a reduced fraction of heteroduplexes will be formed depending on the amount of wild-type DNA added. As the heteroduplex enhanced homozygous mutant melting curve moves away from the wild-type melting curve, the heteroduplex reduced heterozygous melting curve moves toward them both. We seek the point where the three are best separated.
MATERIALS AND METHODSIn this section we will describe the experimental methods we used to obtain high-resolution melting curves and TGCE data from actual mixtures of reference and sample DNA.
Oligonucleotides were obtained from IDT and quantified by A260. Four oligonucleotides of sequence CCAGCTGTTCGTGTTCTATGATXATGAGAGTCGCCGTGTG and its complement CACACGGCGACTCTCATYATCATAGAACACGAACAGCTGG where X and Y were either C or G were purified by HPLC. Homoduplexes (X=C, Y=G or X=G, Y=C) or heteroduplexes (X=C, Y=C or X=G, Y=G) of the HFE 187C>G SNP were formed by binary combinations.
Three whole blood samples of each HFE genotype (wild type, homozygous 187C>G, and heterozygous 187C>G) were obtained from ARUP laboratories after identifications were removed. Human genomic DNA was extracted from these samples (using a QIAamp DNA Blood Kit, (QIAGEN), concentrated by ethanol precipitation and quantified by absorbance at 260 nm. The samples consisted of three independent samples for each of the homochromatosis genotypes: wild type, homozygous 187C>G, and heterozygous 187C>G. One of the wild type samples was selected as the reference, and mixed with the other samples prior to PCR. , Thein final fractions of referencetotal DNA we will refer to as reference fractions, DNA rangeding from 0 to 1 with 14 points between1/28 0 and 0.5 and 7 points between 0.5 and 1to 14/28 by increments of 1/28, and from 15/28 to 27/28 by increments of 2/28. For each DNA sample, an unmixed sample and 21 different reference fractions were prepared.
Amplification of the hemochromatosis SNP lociPCR
All DNA samples with a common reference fraction were amplified together, along with two control samples containing heterozygous DNA with no wild type added.
For high-resolution melting analysis, we used 40 bpsmall productamplicon melting with primers as close to the SNP as dimer and misprime constraints permit,s were amplified in a LightCycler (Roche)[12].as described in [12]. The amplicon was 40bp long. The PCR protocol followed here was modified slightly from the protocol described in [12]. PCR was performed in a LightCycler. Ten microliter reaction mixtures consisted of 25ng of genomic DNA, 3 mM MgCl2, 1x LightCycler FastStart DNA Master Hybridization Probes master mix, 1x LCGreen™ Plus (Idaho Technology), 0.5 μM forward (CCAGCTGTTCGTGTTCTATGAT ) and reverse (CACACGGCGACTCTCAT) primers and 0.01U/μl E. coli UNG (UNG, Roche). The PCR was initiated with a 10 min hold at 50◦C for contamination control by
UNG followed byand a 10 min hold at 95◦C for activation of the polymerase. Rapid thermal cycling was performed between 85◦C and 60°C the annealing temperature at a programmed transition rate of 20 ◦C/s for 40 cycles. After denaturation at Samples were then rapidly heated to 94◦C and rapid coolinged to 40◦C, a followed by melting curve was generated on the LightCycler at 0.1analysis°C between 60◦C and 85◦C to confirm the presence of amplicon. All DNA samples with a common reference fraction were amplified together, along with two heterozygous control samples with no added reference.
For TGCE analysis, a longer amplicon was required. The PCR protocol followed here was modified slightly from the protocol described in [14]. The amplicon was 242 bp long. product PCR was amplifiedperformed oin a ABIPerkin Elmer 9700 block cycler. Ten microliter reaction mixtures consisted of 25ng of genomic DNA, 3 mM MgCl2, 1x LightCycler FastStart DNA Master Hybridization Probes master miReactions components were as given above, except thatx, 0.4 μM forward (CACATGGTTAAGGCCTGTTG) and reverse (GATCCCACCCTTTCAGACTC) primers were usedand 0.01U/μl Escherichia coli (E. coli) uracil N-glycosylase (UNG, Roche). All samples were then overlayed with mineral oil to prevent evaporation. The PCR was initiated with a 10 min hold at 5025°C for contamination control by UNG and a 6 min hold at 95◦C for activation of the polymerase. Thermal cycling consisted of a 30s hold at 94◦C, a 30s hold at 62◦C and a 1min hold at 72◦C for 40 cycles followed by a 7min hold at 72◦C for final elongation.
Upon completion of these thermal cycles tThe samples were then heated to 95◦C for 5 min followed by a slow cooling over approximately 60 min to 25◦C for to promote heteroduplex formation.