RNOH 18 week Report – 01 March 2010
1.0 Overview 1
2.0 RTT Performance 2
2.5 Non–admitted Team Performance February 3
2.6 Admitted Team Performance February 4
3.0 Breach Analysis 5
4.2.2 Admitted backlog 7
5.0 Demand & Capacity 8
5.1 18 week Trajectory 8
5.2 External Capacity 8
1.0 Overview
1. Demand and Capacity by Speciality
2.0 RTT Performance
Graph 1: RNOH Monthly Performance to date Graph 2: RTT data completeness
Graph 3: RNOH exc Spinal Deformity Graph 4: Spinal Deformity
2.5 Non–admitted Team Performance February
The Trust has achieved the target in all units except degenerative spine, spinal deformity and upper limb where backlog clearance has been significant as indicated by the volume of clock stops above the ready reckoner level.
2.6 Admitted Team Performance February
The Trust has achieved the target in all units except degenerative spine, paediatrics, spinal deformity and upper limb where backlog clearance has been significant as indicated by the volume of clock stops above the ready reckoner level.
3.0 Breach Analysis – February
Non- Admitted – There were a total of 80 breaches for the month of February. The majority of the breaches were coded as insufficient 1st OPA and Theatre capacity. There were 12 legitimate breaches associated with patient choice and non-cooperation. During February there were only 3 late transfers. (Barnet & Chase Farm, Hillingdon and Princess Alexandra)
Admitted – there were a total of 73 breaches for the month of which 49 (67%) were due to insufficient theatre capacity. There were 2 legitimate breaches coded non-cooperation. There were 5 late transfers (Royal free, Dartford & Gravesend, Medway NHS Trust, Hillingdon and North Middlesex)
4.2.1 Non-admitted backlog
There is a variance of 14 patients on the non-admitted trajectory this week as the focus has been on clearing the admitted backlog.
Work has commenced on identification of the tolerance levels that need to be worked to post April 2010.
4.2.2 Admitted backlog
The Trust continues to perform well against the trajectory for all categories this week. The additional upper limb capacity is complete. Work has commenced on identification of the tolerance levels that need to be worked to post April 2010.
5.0 Demand & Capacity – demand and capacity monitoring is ongoing and part of the 18 week progress meetings. The model is undergoing further development to include future capacity planning.
5.1 18 week Trajectory - The Trust will achieve 18 week compliance and sustainability for all specialties barring Spinal Deformity by March 2010 although the performance is improving for the speciality.
5.2 External Capacity
Clinical Engagement – is ongoing. The action plan is ongoing. A meeting was held with the clinicians on 16th March to discuss backlog clearance who have agreed to transfer more work to the private sector.
Patient Transfers as at 18 March 2010
Provider / Number Identified / Patients Contacted / No response from patient to date / Patients Declined / Patients Accepted / Patient Uptake / AppointmentGOSH / 49 / 49 / 6 / 6 / 37 / 76% / 32
UCLH / 186 / 176 / 3 / 82 / 91 / 52% / 91
Provider / Number identified / Number Accepted by Provider / Patients Contacted / Number Declined / Number Accepted / Patient Uptake / TCI StatusGOSH / 62 / 27 / 27 / 6 / 21 / 78% / 20 seen or dated
1 waiting for TCI date
UCLH / 185 / 68 / 24* (remaining 44 have been accommodated at RNOH & BMI) / 22 / 2 / 8% / 1 dated & 1 suspended till 31/03/10
BMI / 74 / 29 / 26 / 10 / 16 / 62% / 11 seen or dated
2 waiting for TCI date (3 pts now removed)
Princess Grace / 18 / 13 / 13 / 0 / 13 / 100% / All dated
4 new GOSH have been identified but have yet to be accepted or rejected.
11 new BMI patients have been identified but have yet to be accepted or rejected.
5 new PG patients have been identified but have yet to be accepted or rejected.
* The reason there is such a large discrepancy between the patients accepted and those contacted at UCLH is because of the time delay in getting back to the RNOH and therefore they had already been seen or have dates here or at other provider