Support notes to accompany bursary application form
General Conditions
- Each application will be appraised on the basis of a written application (on NIPC pro-forma) including named personnel (the role of each team member should be clearly outlined), costings, nature of study, or other activity, and a brief summary including its relevance to the work of the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology (NIPC). This summary is mandatory and should be written in a fashion that is clearly understandable by a lay person.
- In some instances further information may be necessary through correspondence and without the necessity for interview. Bursary recipients may be asked to attend at a ceremony to present the results of their work.
- On completion of the work successful applicants must submit a report on the outcome to the National Institute. The NIPC will aim to place any published work on the NIPC website ( ). Lay summaries appreciated.
- Applications which require Ethics Committee and / or NDAB approvals, must submit confirmation in writing that such approvals have been obtained.
- All applications, where relevant, should give information regarding the statistical basis for the research, and in particular, where appropriate, indicatethe capability of the project to address the issue. When a single application includes several related studies the applicant should clearly define the most important one.
- Grants may be withdrawn at the sole discretion of the NIPC wherever it considers that its interests are not being well served by the recipient of the grant in question.
- We require the completed application form in MS Wordformat to be sent electronically and2 hard copies must also be submitted by post(Research Bursary, NIPC, Croi Heart and Stroke Centre, Moyola Lane, Newcastle, Galway)or theapplicationwill not be accepted.
- Closing date for receipt of completed applications:5pm, 30th September 2016.
Financial Conditions
- Awards are not transferable, and may only be used for the project expenses described in the original application form.
- Payment of grant may be made as a once-off payment in advance or by instalments.
- Use of grant funds to offset general indirect institutional expenses or any other unspecified expenses is not permitted.
- In the event of work being discontinued before the expiry of the grant, immediate notification must be given to the Secretary of the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology and unexpended balances must be returned. Funds unused at the end of the grant period must be returned to the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology.
Conditions for researcher
- The Principal Applicant for the purpose of this grant is the first named author of the grant application. The principal applicant is responsible for the overall management and progress of the project. They are also the contact for all correspondence with the Institute, and responsible for submission of the report.
- The Institute shall not in any circumstances be deemed to be an employer by reason of having made grants available under this scheme. Where a grant is made for the employment of an assistant of any description, this person is in all cases considered as being employed by the administering institution, which has received the grant from the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology The grantee is an independent contractor, who shall not hold himself/herself out as an employee or agent of the Institute.
- The principal applicant shall inform the Institute in writing in advance of any changes in personnel or absence, where these persons were named as co-applicants to the project.
- Travel expenses to attend meetings are not recoverable from the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology or other expenses incidental to the project, not covered by the grant.
Conditions on use of research results
- Any papers, articles of reports published concerning work, study or the research for which a grant has been awarded, must acknowledge the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology as the source of funds in all publicity and publications and give advance notice to the Instituteof any publicity opportunities about their work which is supported by the NIPC. These opportunities may be used to generate awareness of the charity and to illustrate its support of research in Ireland.
- The result of any research work carried out with assistance from the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology must not be patented or put to any commercial use by or on behalf of grantee’s, or with their assistance, without the express permission and participation of the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology, which may be subject to such terms and conditions as the National Institute for Preventive Cardiology consider appropriate.
- The attention of the Institutemust be drawn in good time before either presentation or publication of any results which appear to be suitable for commercial exploitation, whether patentable or not, so that we may participate in any communications exercise.
“ I have read the above terms of research grant award, and I accept them”.
Signature of Principal Applicant: ______
BLOCK LETTERS ______Date: ______
Signature of Financial Controller: ______Date: ______