River Oaks Academy
Thursday, April 6, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting Location
River Oaks Academy
920 Hampshire Rd. Suite X
Westlake Village, CA 91361
1.Call to Order
2.Pledge of Allegiance
3.Roll Call and Acknowledgement of Guests
Vice-Chairman: Jennifer Berryhill__X______
Secretary: Denise Filz__X______
Treasurer: Michael McCambridge__X______
Parliamentarian: David Hunt______X___
Board member: Dr. John Horton______X___
4.Mission Statement - River Oaks Academy (ROA) is founded on the belief that all children are born with the capacity for brilliance. Our mission is to help children find, nurture, and sustain the passion that will lead to their individual forms of brilliance. To this end, we offer a non-traditional K-12 independent study program of individually designed curriculum and direction.
5.Emergency Additions to the Agenda
6.Approval of the Agenda for April 6, 2017--Motioned, seconded, and carried (Dr. Mac/Denise) with Jennifer, Denise, and Michael in favor.
Citizens who would like to address the Board on any item on the Agenda may do so now or when the Presidentrequests comments from the Public as the Board is considering the item. This portion of the Annual Boardmeeting is set aside for members of the audience to make comments or raise issues that are not specifically onthe agenda. These presentations,both during open and agendized topics, are limited to three (3) minutes per presentation and the total time allotted tonon-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes.
These items are presented to the Board for information only and are not subject to action at this meeting. These items may be added to a future meeting for action by the Board.
- Budget Committee – Informational (10 min)
- Dr. Mac reported for the Budget Committee. He shared the budget is very good and we’re in the black. Benny haspredicted for the next 4 years with a very conservative budget, and it is very positive news. Compliments to Benny for keeping the budget the way he does. With more students there are more services needed. The one issue of concern is the SB740, in which we need to spend $80,000. Dr. Mac reiterated that we are very solid for the budget.
- Parent Advisory Council (PAC) – Informational (10 min)
- Gina shared that PAC members are working on teacher appreciation and graduation.
- Teacher’s Report – Informational (10 min)
- Leslie reported that we have had our last Prep and Pizza because of testing coming up. Staffis very excited – the teachers have showed their parents the answer key that the state provides. This will help them walk thru paperwork with their students for testing. Leslie shared 2 teachers attended the CUE Conference, and 7 attended the CCSA Conference. From that Conference ROA is looking at a Special Ed Online Service. We are looking for online electives for high school students as well.
- Student Report – Informational (10 min)
- Mimi Cocquyt shared, who has attended ROA for almost a year. She shared how she is learning and growing from Leadership and Hospitality Classes. She is learning Insight from the book Growth Mindset book. In Hospitality the students are planning graduation and Mimi is on the committee for desserts. She shared that it tests your people skills because you have to email and call people. She feels she is learning skills she will use beyond high school, as in, how to deal with people.
- Career Pathways Report – Informational (10 min)
- Gina shared that it’s exciting to hear from Mimi because it shows the students are using what they are learning.
- College and Career Seminar Class: An amazing speaker came from Arlene’s Cupcakes who captured the attention of everyone in attendance. Another class was set aside for all students to be “interviewed” by a panel that included Greg Van Ness, Annette Wyrick-Solari, and Gina Van Ness. Students dressed up and all came away with positive feedback feeling like winners.
- Networking update: Gina and Leanne Staback met with Stephen Yoeh, IT Networking to review curriculum, discuss material recommendations and overall scope of this pathway. LeAnne will be our designated teacher for Business, IT & Education Networking.
- Hospitality Pathway: Gina attended an Entrée to Employment Dinner with 2 students on March 16. Michal and Kathy will offer Intro to Hospitality to interested students. The 2nd course can be taken through CEC.
- Legal Pathways: Our CTE Instructor, Wendy Carlton, hosted 2 attorneys from the County of Ventura as guest speakers. After Spring break students will conduct a classroom mock trial exercise with a guest attorney acting as the Judge of the day. The next Entrée to Employment Dinner is April 18.
1.President’s Report – Jennifer appreciates the classes her daughter attends here. She is learning so much even if she doesn’t go into those areas as a career.
2.Director’s Report –
a.Claudia shared about the Conference she and staff members attended. She feels one of the best things she came away with was a possible new app for our website. Students and parentswould be able to tap on items to see them. Claudia feels our families would be more engaged.
b.Claudia passed out an application for a possible new board member. She shared we have tried to recruit parents and no one has stepped up. Teri would make a great board member with many years of experience of being on a board.
c.Teaching and Learning Goals: Goal A - Claudia has a report to share during closed session. Goal B – Gina shared as well as Claudia reporting on during closed session. Goal C – Claudia reported we are always working on expanding our high school program. At this time, we are looking into adding some more a-g courses related to the Pathways and we will be continuing to revise the high school handbook. We have made the change this year to add the College and Career Seminar as one of the graduation requirements.
d. Staff Development and Training – We had 7 staff members attend the CCSA Conference where staff members found very valuable information.
e.Technology: Oaks Data just finalized adding to our current infrastructure, as we have outgrown the system within our facility and we need to add more devices throughout the facility to provide enough internet strength to power all of the laptops.
f.Claudia and Benny are meeting Thursday to discuss and finalize LCAP. It will be presented at a Public Hearing at the May Board meeting and will ask the Board to adopt it at the June meeting. We have met our budget numbers 264; 87 high school; 177 TK-8. Westlake has a total enrollment of 209 and Oxnard has 55. Testing starts right after Spring break.
g.Oxnard Resource Center: Oxnard enrollment is still over budget. We are getting many new inquiries and are looking forward to the fall. We have 2 days of workshops planned for the short session starting in May and will be starting the CAASPP testing on April 17th as well.
3.Individual Board Member Report – Dr. Mac shared he is giving a lecture on Saturday on the future of education. He shared ROA’s model is up in the top 5 model of up and coming education. He also shared the future will be personalized education – we don’t need people lecturing, we need people to show students how to do things.
4.BSA Report
a.Benny shared that Dr. Mac gave a great report at the beginning of the meeting. Benny passed out SB740information and we have a safe gap.
5.VCOE Report
a.Richard shared that he also attended the CCSA Conference. He shared that it’s good for the teachers to go there and see the bigger picture of who is out there and to see the vendors. He appreciates ROA sending so many of the staff to the conference. He also mentioned that he knows ROA is in great shape with the budget.
Actions proposed for the Consent Agenda are items consistent with adopted policies and approved practices ofRiver Oaks Academyand are deemed routine in nature. The Board will be asked to approve all of the ConsentAgenda items by a single vote unless any member of the Board or the Public asks that an item be removed fromthe Consent Agenda and considered and discussed separately.
1.Consideration to approve the March 2, 2017Minutes
2.Consideration to approve the ROA Financial Statement
3.Consideration to approve the ROA Board Report of Purchase Orders
4.Consideration to approve the ROA Board Report of Commercial Checks
5.Consideration to approve the Receipt of Ventura County Report of Investments for the quarter ending December 31, 2016.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
1.Review, Discussion, and Approval of spring short session workshops vendors for Westlake (May 1-May 26):
a)Michal Hasson, 2 glass blowing classes, $2,208.00
b)Omar Ramirez, 1 documentary film making class, $320.00
c)Aaron Council, 3 art classes, $600.00
d)Diane Darakjian, 3 art classes, $1,200.00
e)Xuan Nguyen, 2 yoga classes,$680.00
f)Peak Adventures, 1 Marine Biology class, $720.00
g)Alex Porter, 1 dance class, $200.00
h)Michael Voogd, 2 martial arts classes, $800.00
i)Phuong Huong, 1math creations class, $260.00
j)Richard Senate, 2 history classes,$480
k)Ken Mazur, 2 band classes; $1000.00
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/ Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
2.Review, Discussion, and Approval of spring short session workshops in Oxnard (May 1 through May 26):
a)Xuan Nguyen, 3 yoga classes, $1,020.00
b)Alex Porter, 3 dance classes, $600.00
c)Michael Voogd, 3 martial arts classes, $1,200.00
d)Larry Scott, 2 chess classes, $800.00
e)Diane Darakjian, 3 art classes, $1,200.00
f)Daniela Frias, 2 earth science classes, $480.00
g)Omar Ramirez, 1 documentary film making class, $320.00
h)Richard Senate, 1 civil war history class, $240
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
3.Review, Discussion, and Approval of ROA’s CTE credentialed teachers:
a.Kathy Jackson: Education
b.Michal Rosenblum: Hospitality/Tourism/Recreation
c.Leanne Staback: Information and Communication technologies—Computer Networking/business and finance/Education
Claudia shared there just needs to be Board approval on this item.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
4.Review, Discussion, and Approval of ROA’s CTE course list:
a.College and Career Seminar-mandatory for incoming 9th grade students in the 2017-18 school year, highly recommended for 10-12th
b.Introduction to Law class-taught by Wendy Carlton, contracted through VCI
c.Criminal Justice class-will be taught by Wendy Carlton (Fall 2017)
d.Introduction to Hospitality/Tourism/Recreation class-taught by Michal Rosenblum
e.CompTIA IT Fundamentals: taught by Leanne Staback (Fall 2017), for 9th-12th, can be concurrently enrolled in CCS class.
f.ComPTIA A+ class: taught by Leanne Staback (Spring 2018). Prerequisite: Algebra 1, needs to have taken CompTIA IT Fundamentals Class, can be concurrently enrolled in CCS class, 9-12th.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor. Adopted with the change of wording in e and f.
5.Review, Discussion, and Approval of a Certificate of Completion for all students who complete 3 CTE courses, including the College and Career Seminar and 2 other classes within the same pathway.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
6.Review, Discussion, and Ratification of Vivian Rhoades finish her ELA tutoring for 7 weeks; not to exceed $5150.00.
a.Vivian has been tutoring some of our students in ELA.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approval 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
7.Review, Discussion, and Approval of additional funds for our speech therapy provider, Patti Murray. We have had an increase in our SPED population this year. These funds come from our federal and state SPED monies. Not to exceed: $11,500
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
8.Review, Discussion, and Approval of the quote from Oaks Data System for wireless access point at the Oxnard site. Hardware, cabling and labor. Not to exceed: $2,760.96
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
9.Review, Discussion, and Approval of the Agreement for Business Services between the Ventura County Schools Business Services Authority and ROA; July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018.
a) This is our agreement for the services that the BSA (Benny) renders.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
10.Review, Discussion, and Approval of the quote for the BrainPop renewal license; not to exceed $1,975.00.
a) This is one of our online resources that is very much used and liked by our parents.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
11.Review, Discussion, and Approval of reducing the Director Evaluation Timeline to one meeting in May with a closed session.
a) When the board approved the Director Evaluation Timeline, there were two May board meetings scheduled with closed sessions to discuss the evaluation. However, due to the monthly updates, and the hand out of the evaluation materials in April and the early posting of all indicators online, the 2nd May board meeting seems to be unnecessary. Director input and response shall be added to the regular May board meeting in closed session. The Timeline was board approved, removing a meeting also needs board approval.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
12.Review, Discussion, and Approval of 60 headsets from Aztec Data Supply for student testing. Not to exceed $2315.96
a) For our CAASPP testing, we need to add headsets for our students.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Dr. Mac/Denise
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
13.Review, Discussion, and Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding and Administrative Services Agreement by and between The Ventura County Board of Education and River Oaks Academy for 2017-2018.
a) Dr. Rice has given his approval to proceed with having this MOU presented to the ROA board for adoption and signature.
Public Comments: None
Motion to: Approve
Made by: Denise/Dr. Mac
Motion is: Approved 3-0-2 with Jennifer, Denise, and Dr. Mac in favor.
8)CLOSED SESSION 7:01 p.m.
During this meeting the Board may adjourn to Closed Session to review and consider the topics below:
1.Public Employment
a.Title: Director – Evaluation
The Chair of the Board will report on actions taken during closed session.
1.Public Employment
a.Title: Director – Evaluation
No action to report.
These items are presented by the Board and are not subject to action at this meeting. These items may be added to a future meeting for action by the Board.
11)ADJOURNMENT 7:19 p.m.
River Oaks Academy Board of Directors Minutes
April 6, 2017