Minutes of Liasa General Meeting held at Jeppe Quondam Club on 8th April 2014 at 09:00.
Mr. Sanjeev Singh opened the meeting.
Mr. Singh welcomed everybody present and asked all members to complete the attendance register and apologies were noted on attendance register.
3.Chairman’s Report:
Minutes of previous meeting was read and accepted by all members. Previous minutes will be posted this week. We have had trouble with our Telkom lines.
Mr. Willem du Toit has received his full accreditation by SANAS. We would also like to find out what his experience was regarding the SANAS Accreditation. The most important thing is the manuals that you compile.
Documents and Manuals must match. You must do it yourself.
Thanks to Dr. Kleinhans, for the Educom. After sending it to SANAS we received a corrective price list.
As for the membership of this association, we have noticed that some staff of Nqoba attend the meetings – we have raised the issue with them to complete the application forms and pay the subs for the year. We only received it yesterday late. Please take note that this association has rules and everybody needs to adhere to them. Proof of payment for their subs has been received.
We had a meeting yesterday – very heated. Members of LIRC and other people there have been a bit of a development – this was communicated in November 2013 to all parties concerned. There has been a Transformation Committee put in place. There was no plan and strategy. CEO sent out a pre-scribe to all committees. The rule has been set out that you can’t be a member of a committee for more than 12 years.
You may also not be a Chairperson for more than one term. There was an outcry and we received feedback from a very emotional Mr. Willie du Toit. He resigned with immediate effect. Subject to that Mr. Thompson received a letter from the council informing him to vacate his post as the vice-chair. He also sends an emotional response.
This ruling does not imply that he vacates the committee but just his post. Mr. Singh sent a response to ECSA regarding this. They have not replied. There are various committees. Composition of the committees is pre-scribed. The pre-scrip does not apply to all committees at ECSA.
Our category is the first specified category registered at ECSA. We need to have an implementation plan in order to set out our transformation plan. We do not have the right to deny a person membership of a committee. We can’t make arbiter changes. We reiterated this to ECSA yesterday. The person who is in charge of the Transformation Unit was called into the LIRC meeting yesterday and this turned very ugly. They acknowledged the composition of our committee. She did also deny that there was any communication sent that instructed a person to vacate their posts on a committee. Mr. Thompson then furnished her with a copy of the letter sent to him. She could not comment.
3.2Mr. Isler is on the SABS – TC – Lifts Committee and Mr. Murray is on the SABS – TC – Escalator committee. Mr. Isler said that he was going to do a presentation – not sure what the content was. He made apologies – car trouble.
Sanjeev presented a presentation regarding all the changes to the Act and the documents.
3.3As for the DOL they were actually present at yesterday’s meeting. The important issues discussed with DOL was the Annexure B Report – this has had no significant outcome. A question was posed to DOL regarding the Lift Service Providers do they report installations to DOL that don’t have valid Ann B – DOL answered no.Units without Annexures: It is also your obligation to report to the DOL which units don’t have an Annexure. Report it to the Service Provider as well.
Mr. Singh said that he does not have a problem with naming and shaming. People must do what is expected from them. We have to look at the statistics. We have 21 years from which the Act has been amended and promulgated. We have had more accidents and incidence in the last 25 years. We have a huge problem. We put a lot of effort in to become experts.
Everybody is being challenged to give a list of installation that doesn’t comply. Mr. Singh to hand deliver it to DOL personally.
As for the registration process – we received 1 application and it was denied due to not enough experience.
There will also be two formal classes at TUT this year. It has been confirmed by TUT.
As for Serious Defects the Act is very clear and you must report all serious defects to the DOL and to the Owner. Your obligation is to report it to the Service Provider as well.
Validity of Annexure B Certificates: The validity time has been amended from 36 months to 24 months. An Annexure B can’t have any items on it. The act is clear on it. If you have an annexure with 200 items on it you still legally right to operate the lift. The only industry that can issue you a valid Annexure B with items on is the lift industry. DOL has the directive to fix this situation. They don’t want to act on it.
DMR 17: This Act is still valid. It must be used till the Act has been changed.
3.4Amended Annexure B Certificate:
4.1will change – The following items will be inspected or test.
5. Regulatory Compliance – split into two sections.
5.1Following items will be attended to immediately (Serious non –compliance)
5.2Non-serious items
Annexure B must be issued within 30 days of inspection that is the law. Items must be rectified by the Service Providers within 30 days.
3.5SANAS Accreditation:
Issue with SANAS – The inspection bodies who intend to get accredited. The documents and checklists must correspond. The one item is that the IB who issues an Annexure B on a new installation – you cannot verify the tests and measurements done by another person. The DOL will have to pass a directive to instruct all IB’s to do the Annexure A & B for all new installations. You will have to witness all the test and measurements. We will have to see what DOL is going to do about it.
4.Presentation – Clifford Kleinhans – Fireman’s Lifts – Part 72 - See Voice Recording
5.Matters from the Floor:
Dr. Kleinhans requested that we all send the lists to Sanjeev for DOL for non-valid Annexures and serious non-compliances.
8. Meeting adjourned at 13:35. Next meeting will be on the 10th June 2014 – Tuesday.