Curriculum Committee Agenda Full Meeting

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Buckeye 4: 2:40-4:30pm

Exec Members:  Curriculum Chair - Kathy Schultz,  Articulation Officer - Elizabeth Pfleging,
 Curriculum Chair Designee – Jill Olson,  VPI – Dr. Brian Sanders

Full Members:  Sylvia Watterson,  Don Dickinson,  Tom Hofstra,  Joe Manlove,  Mike Torok

Rsrc/Lsn Members:  Klaus Tenbergen,  Melissa Raby,  Brandon Price,  Raelene Juarez,
 Lesley Michtavy,  Marnie Shively,  Elissa Creighton,  Jessica Anselmi,☐ Danielle Brouillette

Others Invited:  Erik Andal, ☐Kath Christensen, ☐Ida Ponder, ☐Jeff Tolhurst, ☐Tina Trolier

Approval of Minutes: January 16, 2018

Information Items

  1. Chancellor’s Office UpdateElissa Creighton
  2. AS-T and C-ID UpdateElizabeth Pfleging
  3. Spring Curriculum/SLO Workshop ReminderKathy Schultz

Notification Items

  1. BIOL 99CA Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  2. CMPSC 199 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  3. ART 99Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  4. AT 199Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  5. ENGL 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  6. GEOGR 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  7. HHP 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  8. HIST 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  9. HPMGT 199 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  10. MUSIC 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  11. POLSC 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  12. POLSC 99MCIndependent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  13. SPCOM 99Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  14. ANTHR 99 Independent Study Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  15. FORTC 165 Fire-Fuel Management Deactivated (Historical)Kathy Schultz
  16. ESC 12Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science AAKathy Schultz
  17. ESC 12 was discontinued effective SU13 but never taken out of the catalog

Action Items

Action items listed in Section A are part of the Curriculum Committee’s consent agenda.

Any person in attendance may pull specific items off the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.

Items not pulled for separate discussion/action will be acted upon as one action by the Committee membership

Section A

  1. Disc. AT 102A1 ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalCourse Disc (SU 18)

-End Consent Agenda-

Section B

  1. New ART 15History of Graphic ArtKath ChristensenNew Course (SU 18)

Distance Education Addendum – Online

Distance Education Addendum - Hybrid

  1. MjrPSYCH 99Independent StudyTina TrolierCourse Mod (SU 19)
  2. NewAW-CERT 260COC 3 General Education Development PrepJill OlsonNew Program (SU 19)
  3. MjrAW-AS 432Geographic Information SystemsIda Ponder/Jeff TolhurstMjr Mod (SU 18)
  4. MjrAW-CERT 234 Geographic Information Systems Ida Ponder/Jeff Tolhurst Mjr Mod (SU 18)
  5. MjrAW-CERT 246 Hotel and Restaurant ManagementDon DickinsonMjr Mod (SU 18)
  6. Mjr AW-SAC 122 Dining Room StaffDon DickinsonMjr Mod (SU 18)

Discussion Items

  1. MJC/CC EquivalenciesElizabeth Pfleging
  2. AB 705 UpdateKathy Schultz/Brian Sanders

Next Full Curriculum Meeting is March 6, 2018 in Buckeye 4 from 2:40 – 4:30

Tuesday, February 13, 2018