Malathion Risks Management 1

Risk Management of Malathion Application

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Risk Management of Malathion Application

The fear of the widespread of a West Nile Virus (WNV) carried by noxious mosquitoes is getting into the nerves of the resident of the city of Genericville of America. This virus carries health hazards which can cause dangerous disease to the nervous system disease which can progress into development of chronic health conditions including peripheral neuropathy, neurobehavioral effects, and hypersensitivity reactions. This burden is faced by the city especially that the number of the residents afflicted by the dangerous virus is on the rise. Initial plan of actions to eradicate the mosquitoes is on the table with a suggestion of implementing aerial spraying with Malathion insecticide.

A great fear on the effects of the virus has not pushed the residents to agree without any objection on Malathion aerial spray. It is true that Malathion will certainly help to eradicate the mosquitoes around but its use involves many side effects and consequences that need careful and thoughtful consideration. What if the mosquitoes cause an outbreak of the virus- related illnesses? What if Malathion aerial spraying causes many fatalities and harm? Both questions cause conflict in making the decision in the city.

Taking a look at the possible risks of Malathion, it has been associated to about 90 cases of related illnesses with about five estimated deaths per application. Its cholinergic poisoning effects bring the risk that can lead to death. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention Statistics, Surveillance, and Control report on 2006 West Nile Virus Activity in the United States reported 1,479 cases with 177 fatalities. Of the 4269 cases, 1459 (34%) were reported as severe disease, 2616 (61%) were reported as milder disease, and 194 (5%) were clinically unspecified. The projections based on experience, recent testing of infected birds, and an enlarged mosquito breeding area due to heavy rainfall suggested that in the city of Genericville about 50 people will be affected and 2 people will die from West Nile Virus this year. Though it is still predictive, Malathion has been suspected to have association in causation of carcinogenic conditions and other related disorders

Aside from effects to humans, Malathion is also highly toxic to animals specifically to the mosquito predators. As an insecticide, it poses risk of disrupting the ecosystem of the city which is highly significant to the city’s tourism industry. As an insecticide, the risk is not eradicated right after the application as the insecticide residues remain its capability to contaminate food resources which by any way has certain health effects.

The solution to the problem caused by mosquitoes in Genericville is believed to deal accordingly with Malathion as the solution. Aerial spraying with Malathion is believed to give great help to the problems caused by mosquitoes. Spraying is speculated to reduce the mosquito population by 90% which will also provide the same reduction in risk of WNV. It is then speculated that WNV cases would drop from 50 to five, with less than a 20% chance of a fatality in each of the five cases. However as the saying that goes: “There is no glory without sacrifice” is applicable in the situation. Malathion aerial spraying session is expected to cause 90 cases of illnesses and predict about five deaths per spray application. The actual residents who will be affected is unpredictable though as the residents’ reactions are individual-variable highly dependent on tolerance and sensitivity of every person. But surely, the children are on the forefront as they are highly susceptible even to low doses of Malathion.

The possible adverse effects of Malathion also depend on the general exposure. It is speculated that those missing to practice the safety precautions particularly the uneducated residents are on high risks. Great danger is also predicted among those at close exposure particularly those who are unaware of the scheduled spraying. As mists will be spread on the air, inhalation exposure is inevitable no matter what precaution is done. Some people are also at risk of eating or handling food contaminated with Malathion.

Beating the risks of Malathion is an uneasy job. Residents, particularly the poor and uneducated who will not follow safety precautions are at risk of developing the adverse effects. Broken links of disseminating the information will cause close exposure among the uninformed residents. Consumption and handling of contaminated foods also imposes great health hazards. Special circumstances where any resident has to go out during the spraying will cause unavoidable exposure to residues of Malathion. In addition, dermal contact with contaminated plants or by ingestion of contaminate foods imposes great health hazard.

The issue caused entrapment of the thoughts of the residents as to what action to take. The study conducted to determine immediate health hazards to humans caused by aerial application of Malathion that found no significant differences with regards to the number of hospital visits and no pesticide poisoning was reported could have brought more weights favouring Malathion application. There is a great burden on weighing the risk over the benefits from the suggested action. The authorities have provided information that “long-term environmental risk from Malathion application is unlikely because of its rapid degradation into harmless materials rapidly after application” (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 2005, Section 1). With due educational programs, precautions and awareness campaigns, authorities insist that the risks from Malathion spraying can be avoided. That provides a clarification that risks from uncontrolled mosquito are unavoidable while risks from exposure to Malathion applications can be controlled and that gives another favour on Malathion use.

The mosquitoes might be small insects but the possible culprit they could bring into the city can cause a strong political impact especially if the authorities don’t give a heads up on the crisis. Obviously, in problems of the community that brings risk to the residents, the people are highly expecting the authorities to act promptly. If ever the authority takes action leads the residents to exposure to another risk or harm that would also raise another issue which will not betolerated by the residents. If not handled properly, it can possibly cause great political conflict and political division. Therefore, the authorities have to be very careful in implementing any plan placing the general safety of the city on all aspects on top of the priority.

The tiny mosquito-induced problems can also disrupt social life of the city. Those who are already sick definitely have already received a great deviation a normal social life. People out of the city start to develop fear on coming to the Genericville. This will affect largely the tourism industry of the city causing huge drop of city’s income generated from the tourism. So to say, the social effects from the risk associated with the spraying of Malathion may be of short-term and temporary while the risks from mosquito will be long-existing as long as no eradication plans are brought into action. That provides a clear implication that a plan to eradicate mosquitoes has to be carried out to halt altering the social aspect of life of the residents. .

Amongst all the issues, the financial and economic aspects involved in the problems have to be taken into great consideration too. That will include consideration of the possible expenses incurred on treatments caused by the illnesses carried by the mosquitoes. There is another big issue involved as the consequence of the mosquito invasion in the city. The economic issues involved will further complicate the problem faced by the residents. The decline in tourism caused by fear of mosquito exposure can lead to severing the poverty among the residents who are already in crisis and that leads to many more serious problems on the society. On the other consideration, Malathion aerial spraying can be expensive. Costs of treatment of related illnesses as the side effects of the spraying of the insecticide needs to be looked upon as well. A little accounting will be needed in this issue.

So, where do I go from here? The final decision is laid on my hands. With a thorough analysis of the situation, I am giving more weight to Malathion application. I believe that the risks imposed by “free” mosquitoes without the aerial spraying will be far greater and longer than the risks from Malathion application. Additionally, the risks brought by Malathion can be at least controlled through special manipulation but the risks brought by the mosquitoes seem to be harder to beat. So, for a breathtaking final decision, I give my VOTE in favour of Malathion spraying inGenericvilleCity.


Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2005). Toxicologic information about insecticides used for eradicating mosquitoes. Malathion (CAS Number 121-75-5). Retrieved September 30, 2008 from ATSDR Website:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). 2006 West Nile Virus activity in the United States. West Nile Virus Statistics, Surveillance, and Control. Retrieved September 30, 2008 from CDC Website: