Government launches Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana in Nellore
The Union Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has launched Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana in Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh. The Scheme aims at providing physical aids and assisted-living devices for senior citizens belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) category.
Key Provisions of the Scheme
The scheme will be distribute free of cost physical aids and assisted-living devices for senior citizens belonging to BPL category in Camp mode. It is the first-of-its-kind Central Sector Scheme (CCS) in India, to be fully funded by the Union Government. It is expected to benefit 5,20,000 Senior Citizens and its expenditure implementation will be met from the “Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund“. Implementing Agency: Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO), a PSU under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. It will also undertake one year free maintenance of the devices. Aids and Assisted-Living Devices to be provided under it: The eligible elderly beneficiary will get walking sticks, elbow crutches, walkers/crutches, tripods/qadpods, hearing aids, wheelchair, aificial Dentures and Spectacles depending upon their physical impairment.
Purpose: The assisted-living devices will help the Senior Citizens to overcome their age related physical impairment and to lead a dignified and productive life with minimal dependence on care givers or other members of the family.
Identification of beneficiaries: It will be done by the State Governments/UTs through a Committee chaired by the Deputy Commissioner/District Collector. 30% of the beneficiaries in each district shall be women. The Committee can utilize the data of BPL beneficiaries receiving Old Age Pension under the NSAP or any other Scheme of the State/UTs for identification of senior citizens belonging to BPL category.
In the Union Budget 2015-16, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had proposed formulation of a scheme for providing Physical Aids and Assisted-Living Devices to senior citizens belonging to BPL Category. Pursuant to this, “Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana” has been formulated. As per the Census figures of 2011, population of senior citizens in India is 10.38 crore. More than 70% of the population of senior citizens live in rural areas of the country. A sizeable percentage (5.2%) of the senior citizens suffers from some sort of disabilities related to old age.
Union Cabinet clears Election Commission’s proposal to buy VVPAT machines
The machines are expected to be used in the 2019 General Elections. The Union Cabinet has permitted the Election Commission (EC) to procure 16,15,000 units, at an estimated base price of Rs. 3,173.47 crore. So far, EC has sent at least 11 reminders to the Centre seeking funds for procuring VVPAT machines. The Centre has chosen Bengaluru-based Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) and Hyderabad-based Electronics Corporation of India Ltd (ECIL) to manufacture the VVPAT units. The government has also directed the Price Negotiation Committee to negotiate the final unit price. It is expected that the two PSUs will need at least 30 months to produce over 16 lakh VVPATs.
The Supreme Court has asked the Election Commission to come up with a tentative time period by which it can use VVPAT machines across all polling stations of the country. The Supreme Court has directed the EC to conduct 2019 national elections entirely with these upgraded machines. Earlier in 2013, SC had directed the EC to introduce VVPAT in a phased manner for 2014 general elections. SC had observed that VVPAT will ensure free and fair polls and help in sorting out disputes. Earlier in 2013, SC had directed the EC to introduce VVPAT in a phased manner for 2014 general elections. SC had observed that VVPAT will ensure free and fair polls and help in sorting out disputes.
The usage of VVPAT machines of the Election Commission is expected to ensure free and fair elections. In the VVPAT system, when a voter presses the button for a candidate of his choice in the electronic voting machines (EVM), a paper ballot containing the serial number, the name of the candidate and poll symbol will be printed for the voter. The voters will be able to view the voter-verifiable paper audit trail slip for seven seconds after which it will get deposited in a sealed box. VVPAT machines can be regarded as an independent verification system as it (i) allows voters to verify that their votes are cast correctly, (ii) detects possible election fraud or malfunction and (iii) Provides a means to audit the stored electronic results.
Cab safety measures for women included in the New Taxi Policy guidelines
Cab safety measures for women commuters as recommended by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and Shipping (MoRTH) have been included in the new Taxi Policy guidelines. These recommendations from the Ministry of Women and Child Development comes at the backdrop of increasing cases of sexual harassment of women commuters in the cabs. Recommendations that were included in the New Taxi policy guidelines are: Mandatory fitting of GPS panic devices in the taxis. To ensure the safety of women and child passengers, central locking system in the taxis to be disallowed. Sharing of a seat in the cabs must be subject to the willingness of passengers. Identification of driver along with the photo and the registration number should be prominently displayed in the cab. Violation of stipulated rules and regulations by taxi operators and drivers to be strictly dealt in accordance with law.
Parliament passes HIV and AIDS (Prevention and Control) Bill, 2017
Parliament has passed the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (Prevention and Control) Bill, 2017. It is the first national HIV law in South Asia. The Bill seeks to safeguard the rights of people living with HIV and affected by HIV. It aims to prevent social stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV).
Key Provisions
Prevention and control the spread of HIV and AIDS. It prohibits discrimination against persons with HIV and AIDS. Privacy of PLHIV: No person will be compelled to disclose his HIV status except with his informed consent, and if required by a court order. Establishments keeping records of information of PLHIV must adopt data protection measures. Prohibits any individual from publishing information or advocating feelings of hatred against HIV positive persons and PLHIV. Safeguarding Rights: Obligations on establishments to safeguard rights of persons living with HIV arid create mechanisms for redressing complaints. Strengthen legal accountability and establish formal mechanisms for inquiring into complaints and redressing grievances to probe discrimination complaints against those who discriminate against PLHIV. It ensures that no HIV test, medical treatment or research is conducted on a person without his informed consent. Grounds of discrimination: Lists various grounds on which discrimination against HIV-positive persons and those living with them is prohibited. These include the denial, discontinuation, termination or unfair treatment with regard to employment, educational establishments, health care services, renting property etc. Bans unfair treatment of people living with and affected by HIV with regard to accessing public facilities, such as shops, hotels, restaurants, public entertainment venues, public facilities and burial grounds. Pre-requisite HIV testing: Prohibits, requirement for HIV testing as a pre-requisite for obtaining employment or accessing health care or education.
There are approximately 21 lakh persons estimated to be living with HIV in India. The prevalence of HIV in India is decreasing since last decade but percentage of PLHIV receiving Anti-Retroviral therapy (ART) treatment is merely 28.82% against global percentage of 41%. The Bill will provide essential support to National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) in arresting new spread of HIV infections and thereby achieving the target of “Ending the epidemic by 2030” to meet goal Sustainable Development Goals.
Constitution 123rd Amendment Bill, 2017 passed in Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha has passed Constitution 123rd Amendment Bill, 2017 which seeks to give constitutional status to National Commission for Backward Classes. The bill was passed by the house with 360 MPs voting in favor and 2 against the bill.
Objectives of the Bill
The Constitution 123rd Amendment Bill seeks to make the following changes: It seeks to insert a new article 338B in the constitution which provides for NCBC, its composition, mandate, functions and various officers. Insert a new article 342-A which empowers the president to notify the list of socially and educationally backward classes of that state / union territory. In case of a state, president will make such notification after consultation with the Governor. Under the same article, it is proposed that parliament by making a law can include or exclude the classes from the central list of backward classes.
The government had created a Commission for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes via a resolution in 1987. It was given constitutional status by passing Constitution (65th amendment) Act, 1990, leading to creation of National Commission of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (NCSCST) in 1992. Via the Constitution (89th Amendment) Act, 2003; the NCSCST was split into two different commissions viz. NCSC and NCST by inserting Article 338-A. NCSC was mandated to look into the grievances and complaints of backward classes also. However, in 1992, the Supreme Court in Indra Sawhney case had directed the government to create a permanent body to entertain, examine and recommend the inclusion and exclusion of various Backward Classes for the purpose of benefits and protection. Towards this, the parliament passed National Commission for Backward Classes Act in 1993 and constituted the National Commission for Backward Classes as a statutory body. Currently, this body is responsible to look into the inclusion and exclusion of backward classes only. To safeguard the interests of these classes more effectively, there was a need to give constitutional status to NCBC. For this purpose, the above said amendment has been introduced and passed in Lok Sabha. The bill will now need to be passed in Rajya Sabha to become act. Since the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 becomes irrelevant once this bill becomes an act; Lok Sabha has also passed a separate bill to repeal that act.
Parliament passes Constitution (SCs) order (Amendment) Bill, 2017
Parliament has passed the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill 2017 after it was passed by Rajya Sabha. It was already passed by Lok Sabha in March 2017. The Bill seeks to amends the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 and the Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964.
Key Provisions
Modify the list of SCs for Odisha: It makes castes Sualgiri, Swalgiri as synonyms to the Sabakhia caste in the list of SCs for the state.
Modification of name of Pondicherry: It modifies name of the Union Territory of Pondicherry to Puducherry by incorporating changes in the Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964.
Article 341 of the Constitution empowers the President to specify the Scheduled Castes in various states and UTs. Further, it permits Parliament to modify this list.
Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2016: Key Provisions
The Lok Sabha has passed the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2016 by a voice vote to give more thrust to road safety, controlling pollution and accidents. The bill seeks to amend the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 that provides for legal standards for motor vehicles, grant of driving licenses, and penalties for violation of these provisions.
Key Provisions
National Transportation Policy: Union government must frame National Transportation Policy, in consultation with the states.
Recall of vehicles: It empowers Union government to order for recall of motor vehicles if a defects in the vehicle may cause damage to the environment, or the driver, or other road users.
Motor Vehicle Accident Fund (MVAF): Mandatory for Union government to constitute Motor Vehicle Accident Fund to provide compulsory insurance cover to all road users in India. MVAF will be credited with cess or tax as approved by Union government, grant or loan made by Union government or any other source prescribed by Union government.
Care for road accident victims: Union government will develop a scheme for cashless treatment of road accident victims during golden hour. It defines golden hour as the time period of up to an hour following a traumatic injury, during which the likelihood of preventing death through prompt medical care is the highest.
Compensation for death: It increases the compensation for death in a hit and run case from to Rs two lakh or more from Rs 25,000, as prescribed by the Union government.
Protection of good samaritans: It defines a good samaritan as a person who renders emergency medical or non-medical assistance to a victim at scene of an accident in good faith, voluntary and without the expectation of any reward. Good samaritans will not be held liable for any criminal or civil action for any injury to or death of an accident victim. Union government may frame rules to provide for procedures for their questioning or disclosure of personal information.
Aggregator services: It defines an aggregator as a digital intermediary or market place and their services may be used by a passenger to connect with a driver for transportation purposes. It makes mandatory for these aggregators to obtain licenses and comply with the Information Technology Act (IT), 2000.
Electronic services: The Bill provides for the computerization of certain services to improve delivery of services to the stakeholders using e-Governance. It enables (i) online learning licenses, (ii) increases period of driving licenses validity, (iii) Do away with the requirements of educational qualifications for transport licenses etc. It also proposes Aadhar based verification for grant of online services including learner’s licence to ensure the integrity of the online services and stop creation of duplicate licences.
Offences and penalties: It increases the penalties for several offences under the parent Act for high risk offences like drunken driving, dangerous driving, overloading, non-adherence to safety norms by drivers.
Offences committed Juveniles: The owner or guardian will be deemed guilty in cases of offences by the Juveniles. Juvenile will be tried under JJ Act and the registration of Motor Vehicle will be cancelled.
CCEA approves extension of implementation of CCTNS Project by one year
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the extension of the implementation phase of the Crime and Criminals Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) Project for another year beyond 31 March 2017. The proposal in this regard was forwarded by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. The extension will help in achieving the remaining objectives of the project comprehensively.
What is Crime and Criminals Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) Project?
CCTNS is a mission mode project under the National e-Governance Plan of Central Government that aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing by adopting of principle of e-Governance. It seeks to create nationwide networking infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled-state-of-the-art tracking system for investigation of crime and detection of criminals. It was originally approved in 2009.
The core objective of CCTNS is to connect all the police stations so that any of the police stations can contact any other police station. The interlinking of police stations will facilitate collection, storage, retrieval, analysis and transfer the information among police stations, state headquarters and central police organizations. Under it, approximately 14,000 police stations throughout the country will be automated along with 6000 higher offices in police hierarchy. Scientific and technical organizations will be also connected with it. Moreover, Inter-operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) also aims to integrate the CCTNS project with the e-courts and e-prisons databases and with the other pillars of the criminal justice system. It was added in 2015.
Key Features of the project
Deliver various web based police related services to citizens and computerise police processes. Facilitate a pan-India search of crime and criminal records of individuals through a national database. Generate crime and criminal reports at the state and central level to inform policy interventions.
Facilitate transparency and speed in police service delivery, online registration of complaints and crime reporting. Provide pan-India search on complete national crime and criminal database that is make database accessible to the Investigating Officers throughout the country. Improve inter-state tracking of criminal movement by provide search facility to police in regional languages. Provide reliable network connectivity to all Police Stations in the country. National level crime analytics that will be published at, increased frequency to help policy and law makers in taking data backed timely actions and in making appropriate policy interventions. It will expedite various kinds of police verification requests and investigation by integrating the project various e-Governance projects such as Aadhaar, National Population Register, Vaahan Project etc. Enhance hi-tech investigation capability by incorporating advanced features such as biometric based identification, trend and pattern analytics etc
IISc ranked India’s top university in 2017 NIRF Survey
The Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bengaluru was adjudged as the best Indian university in the 2017 National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) released by Union Human Resource Development Ministry. This year it is second edition NIRF survey and was released as part of the India Rankings 2017 for the Educational Institutions.
NIRF survey is first of its kind of indigenous ranking framework for higher education institutions in the country. It outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country based on the parameters broadly covering Teaching, Learning and Resources, Research and Professional practices, Graduation Outcomes, Outreach and inclusivity and Perception. It covers six categories of institutions including universities, engineering, management, pharmacy, architecture and colleges.