Risk Assessment Form

Activity being Assessed: / Bar crawl On campus/in town /
Location of activity:
Dates of Activity: / On campus or in the city /
Who is exposed to the risk:
Contact details:
Society: /
Assessor’s name and title: / Committee position: /
Assessor’s signature: / Date approved: /
Legislation applicable: / Disability Discrimination; Health and Safety At Work Act 1974; Waste Management; Fire Precautions /


Risk Assessment Form,

No. / Possible Hazard
List the hazards associated with the activity / Control Measures already in place to control the risk
List any safety measures that are already in place to control the risks / Risk rating score with existing controls
L x S
Refer to matrix below / Additional controls required
List in this column any extra safety controls or precautions that are required but are not currently in place / Risk rating score with new controls (Residual Risk)
L x S
Refer to matrix below / Completed (Control measures met)
Where additional control measures are required, fill this column in with the date that they were put in place /
1. / Fire / The building has measures in place to mitigate the risk of fire, and to manager the risk if a fire were to occur.
Members of staff/societies will know the nearest fire exit and assembly point, and will take charge and direct attendees. / 2 x 3 = 6 / *Date completed*
2. / Slips and Trips / The Committee Members of staff/societies will be on duty to ensure any slips and trips are dealt with appropriately and the attendee is directed to the right service e.g first aid (Security) / 2 x 2 = 4 / *Date completed*
3. / Electricity (If used during crawl) / Electricity ports will be used by staff/societies. They will be advised not to overload a socket.
Only correct compatible safety registered electrical equipment will be used. / 1 x 2 = 2 / *Date completed*
4. / Excessive drinking / Control measures already in place: Attendees will be advised that excessive drinking and drunken behaviour will not be tolerated by the venue or the committee and sensible drinking promoted. Non-alcoholic drinks offered at both venues and no compulsory drinking. If a participant is too drunk. Committee memebrs will escort to a taxi company designated safe by the Union. / 2 x 4 = 8 / Additional controls: Committee members to watch committee members and offer assistance alongside venue staff
Designated Committee members will stay sober to resolve issues that arise. / 1 x 2 = 2 / *Date completed*
5. / First aid injuries / Trained staff present at both venues to deal with issues like this.
Anything more than a scrape, bruise or scratch will be dealt with by the emergency services. Committee members will follow the venues guidance when an issue like this arises. / 2 x 2 = 4 / *Date completed*
6. / Participants becoming lost from the group / Committee members will make their contact details known in advance, through the event page and throughout the night.
The committee members will be wearing identifyable clothing.
The committee members who are designated as sober throughout the night, will be aware of the numbers they have attending their social.
Safe taxi numbers will be posted on event page / 2 x 2 = 4 / *Date completed*
7. / Transport Home / Safe taxi company details will be provided at the event and on the event page.
Committee members will escort participants home if they are demmed excessively drunk. / 1 x 2 = 2 / *Date completed*
8. / Capacity of Venue / The venue will not allow the premise to exceed its capacity.
Committee will be aware of this and assist the venue staff if this issues occurs. / 1 x 2 = 2 / *Date completed*
9 / Recording Incidents / Any incidents that occur during the event that involves cuts, scrapes, bruises and scratches will be recorded through the Unions Incident and Accident form which can be found here….
Any injuries more severe than listed above will be directed to a high authority at the time of the incident – this could be university security, duty manager or emergency services. / 1 x 2 = 2 / *Date completed*


Risk Assessment Form,


Risk = Likelihood x Severity - Use the hazard matrix below to calculate the risk rating for the activity:

First Aid injury/illness / Minor injury/illness / ‘3 day’ injury/illness / Major injury/illness / Fatality/disabling injury
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Very likely / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Fairly likely / 4 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
Likely / 3 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15
Unlikely / 2 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10
Very unlikely / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Use the following to rate the risk and plan corrective action:

Risk Level / Category / Tolerability / Comments /
1- 2 / VERY LOW / acceptable / No further action is necessary other than to ensure that the controls are maintained.
3 – 4 / LOW / acceptable / No additional controls are required unless they can be implemented at very low cost (in terms of time, money and effort).
5 – 7 / MEDIUM / tolerable / Consideration should be given as to whether the risks can be lowered, where applicable, to a more acceptable level. The risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period.
8 - 14 / HIGH / unacceptable / Contact Alun Minifey or Aden Fry before going ahead with this activity.
15 and above / VERY HIGH / unacceptable / Substantial improvements in risk control are necessary, so that risk is reduced to a tolerable or acceptable level. Contact Alun Minifey or Aden Fry before going ahead with this activity.
Risk assessment reviewed as acceptable by
asnand and fundraising coordinato / Signed:
Date: / Job Title:

Factsheet 14. Risk Assessment Guidance

This guide outlines what a risk assessment is and why and how you should complete it. It is aimed at Students’ Union Club, Society and Peer Support Group Committee members and activity leaders. Throughout, ‘activity’ is used to describe the subject of the risk assessment, this could be training sessions, trips, fundraising events, competitions, fixtures events, performances, social events, balls, exhibitions, conferences or anything else a club or society does.

Risk Assessment Guidance 1

What is a risk assessment? 1

Do I need to complete a risk assessment? 2

What about external venue/supplier and external events? 2

What information is needed for a risk assessment? 2 3

What sort of hazards and risks should I include? 3

How to complete the Risk assessment form 4

What do I do once I have completed the risk assessment? 5

Risk Assessment 6

What is a risk assessment?

A Risk Assessment is simply that - an assessment of the risk involved in an activity. It is a record of your safety checks for the whole activity and what actions you will take to minimise the potential danger in an activity. It is a living document and once completed should be circulated to all those involved in the activity and a copy displayed at the location of the activity.

Why should I complete a risk assessment?

As activity organisers you have a duty of care towards your participants/attendees and ensuring their health and safety. You must identify any risks to them and put controls in place to reduce these risks to an acceptable level. A risk assessment helps you plan your activity to ensure it runs successfully and inform those helping you run the activity or taking part of procedures that should be followed. In the event of an incident, a risk assessment can be used to show that you did everything to make your activity safe. You must be confident that your activity is safe for all involved.

Do I need to complete a risk assessment?

Every activity that your group organises should be risk assessed. You can produce a generic risk assessment to cover your main activity, e.g. dance classes, trips, practices, but you will also need to produce a specific risk assessment for any other activities you organise or if you change your main activity, e.g. trips to locations with additional hazards, practices at a different type of venue, cake sale, and fundraiser.

What about external venues, suppliers and external events?

If some or all of your activity is part of an externally coordinated event you should contact the organisers to get a copy of their risk assessment. Equally if you are using an external venue or supplier they should have a risk assessment to cover some or all of your activities, e.g. a catering company providing food or a local club providing venue for a fundraising club night. You should make sure that your planned activities are covered by their risk assessment and produce an additional risk assessment if there will be other activities or risks that are not covered, e.g. extra social events or transport to the venue.

What information is needed for a risk assessment?

In your risk assessment you will identify hazards, risks, the level of these risks, who is at risk, how you will control these risks and whether the risk level with your controls is acceptable.

 Hazard: The ‘thing’ which could cause the problem, something potentially hazardous to health: Contaminated meat, electrical supply, broken glass, etc.

 Risk: What could happen if someone came into contact with that uncontrolled hazard. E.g. For contaminated meat the risk is Food Borne Illness / Food Poisoning, for electrical supply the risk is shocks, burns, fires. etc.

 Risk Rating: From a first aid injury to a fatality.

 Likelihood: How likely/possible is it that the hazard would occur.

 Controls: How would you make the hazard less hazardous and the risk less likely to happen or less risky, e.g. to control the risk of food contamination you could buy ingredients from reputable supplier and have food hygiene certificated people preparing and cooking food etc.

 Risk tolerable with controls?: Once you have put in the relevant control measures and check for reducing the risk of the hazard occurring, are you happy for that part of the event to happen? Has the control measure effectively reduced the risk of the hazard to a degree that feels manageable and acceptable for all involved? If so, mark as yes. N.B. Don’t mark as yes simply because you want that part of the activity to happen. Make sure you are comfortable with the controls and the remaining hazard. Once you’ve marked it as ‘Yes’ then you are taking on the responsibility for your controls ensuring the safety of those involved. For advice on how to make that activity safe or at least less hazardous contact any of the staff below who will be happy to help.

(for Society activities) or James at (for Sports Club activities).

The risk assessment table has space for you to give more information about your activity, the more you can tell us about what will be happening; the easier it is for us to provide suitable advice. You can then list your hazard, risk and control information (you will probably need to insert more rows).

What sort of hazards and risks should I include?

You should consider anything which could realistically be hazardous to those attending/taking part in your activity. You do not have to include extremely unlikely hazards, e.g. ‘meteor may land on marquee’ or a ridiculous level of detail, e.g. ‘participants may trip over their shoelaces’ (the latter may be relevant in some kinds of physical activity but could be included in the more general risk of ‘participants may trip or have restricted movements’ for which a control could be ‘participants will be advised to wear loose clothing and footwear suitable for slippery floors’ depending on your activity).

Your risk assessment should cover setting up for your activity, running it and clearing up afterwards (if applicable). Take a look through the following list of areas to consider but remember that it does not cover all activities and you should carefully consider the specific details of your activity;

Electricity: How will you know your equipment is suitable for your proposed use? How will you know your appliances are safe? How will you ensure no one trips over your cables? How will you set up and remove the equipment safely? How will you make sure that participants use the equipment correctly?

Manual handling: How will you set up and remove your equipment safely? How will you move equipment around? How will your assistants know how to correctly lift and carry heavy items? How will you make sure you participants don’t get injured during your set-up and clear up?

Visitors/participants: How will your participants know what to do? Do they need any prior experience? Will they need specialist equipment? How many people can you safely accommodate? How will they escape from your venue in the event of an emergency? Will you need stewards? What will they do? How will they know what is required of them?

Food: How will you safely prepare food? Who will prepare the food? Are they suitably qualified/briefed? Is their equipment suitable? How will you store food safely? How will you serve food to avoid contamination? Do you require any specialist equipment to prepare/store/transport/serve food? There is a specific factsheet on food and food preparation so look at this guidance before filling out your risk assessment.