January 22, 2015 – Email to UConn faculty and staff

Hello Fellow Faculty and Staff:

The spring semester has kicked off with a bang, and I wanted to share some news and events with you regarding internships and co-ops. Below you will find upcoming fair dates, presentations, and general information regarding our department. As always, I or a member of our team, are able to meet with you to discuss best practices surrounding syllabi, onboarding, supervision, and evaluations. Just reach out to us via phone or email.


1. Annual Internship & Co-op Fair, Wednesday, 2/4, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Student Union Ballroom

a. Over 50 organizations registered - see who is coming on http://career.uconn.edu/career-fairs/2015-internship-co-op-fair/

b. Representatives from on and off campus

c. Room for YOU to attend to promote your internship class OR on-campus Internship Opportunity (email Beth right away for details and table space)

2. Annual Careers for the Common Good Fair, Wednesday, 2/18, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Student Union Ballroom

a. Over 50 organizations registered - see who is coming on http://career.uconn.edu/career-fairs/2015-careers-for-the-common-good-career-fair/

3. Announcing the 2014 UConn Intern of the Year: Emily Snodgrass, Allied Health. We also had a tie for second place and four honorable mentions. Read the full story here: http://dailycampus.com/uconn-intern-year-utilizes-array-skills-fight-alzheimers/

4. Presentations offered by the Center for Career Development-share with your students. Times/locations can be found on the calendar on www.career.uconn.edu. A number of these presentations will also have employers co-presenting. You can also invite us to tailor an internship or co-op presentation for your group of students.

a. Five Steps to Finding an Internship, Thursday, 1/29

b. Navigating the Internship & Co-op Fair, Monday, 2/2 (presented by Cigna, open to all majors and career interests)

c. What is a Co-op?, Tuesday, 2/3

d. International Internships (co-presented with Education Abroad), Monday, 2/9

e. What is an On-Campus Internship, Monday 2/16

f. Five Steps to Finding an Internship, Wednesday, 2/25

g. Careers in Sports (focusing on internships and careers in general), Thursday, 2/26

h. What is a Co-op?, Wednesday, 3/4

i. It’s Not Too Late to Find an Internship, Tuesday, 4/7

5. 30 Days of Internship – every day between January 29th and February 27th, we are asking students to Make Internship Preparation a Daily Decision. Students who complete five or more activities and a small reflection paper can put their efforts toward our department’s Certificate of Professional Development.

6. Blog and event alerts. Sign up on the career center’s website for weekly blog and event announcements. Search the blog by major, career interest, or career related question. Social media too – the CCD has many accounts: Twitter, Instagram; LinkedIn; Facebook. Check out www.career.uconn.edu; it is updated daily. Please refer students too.

7. Please continue to help spread the word that students can have an internship documented on their transcript for no extra cost in the fall/spring, or just $45 in the summer, by registering for UNIV 1981. The internship must be approved by the Center for Career Development and registration for the notation occurs prior to the start date. This option is ideal for those who do not want or need credit, yet want it to be part of their official scholastic record. We also offer UNIV 1991 for those ineligible to earn credit through an academic department.

Hope your semester goes well. We will continue to serve as your resource for all things Internship & Co-op! Please stay in touch,