Chesterfield Girls Basketball League-Minutes

September 12,2012

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Roll was taken. Associations in attendance:Davis, Beulah, Chester, Evergreen, Gates, Gordon,Hening, Jacobs, Midlothian, Reams,Salem, Spring Run, Swift Creek, Wells, WoodlakeWoolridge, Ettrick.

Minutes of the meeting on March 6, 2012were approved.


The Board discussed expanding the advantages and disadvantages of expanding the season. There will be an increase in fees of $63.50 for referees, and the season for minors and intermediates will start in December rather than January. There will be less practice time before the season starts. There will probably be more weekends with multiple games. After the discussion, the Board passed by majority vote a motion to expand the season from 10 to 12 games.

Numerous rule changes recommended by the Rules Committee were discussed and considered. The changes attached hereto were adopted.

New Business

The Board considered whether practices should be allowed on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The primary concern was whether it is fair to teams whose practices fall on Thursday and Friday to allow other teams to practice during that week. The majority of attendees voted to allow practices on Monday through Wednesday.

Vice-President Bob Kindervater discussed changes in practice time. He has been able to keep the approximately the same amount of practice time for this season. This was accomplished, in part, by trading some gym time on Fridays with the boys for other nights. He also discussed the difficulties of allotting gym time.


Practices will start on November 12, 2012. Associations may begin sign-ups at any time.

There will be a clinic for voting representatives at the October meeting to address the duties and responsibilities of the representatives.

Meeting adjourned.

Chesterfield Girls Basketball League

Rule Changes for 2012-2013

Adopted on September 12, 2012

Rules to be voted on:

3.1.6 Boundaries.

(d.) Players who have played at least two years with an association may continue to play with that association without a release, unless the player is a middle school player. If the player is a middle school player, they must play with their home association. Participation in the instructional league does not count toward the two years for purposes of this rule.

3.2.1 Rosters. Add-Individual associations may limit the number of players on each roster to a number greater than 8.

Rules Changes approved by Rules Committee and Executive Board:

2.1.2 Training and Certification. All coaches must pass Chesterfield County’s background check. All coaches must attend a CGBL coaching clinic in 2012. Thereafter, all coaches must attend a CGBL coaching clinic every other year.

4.1.5 Players may not wear hair beads or jewelry. Earrings MUST be removed. Earrings MAY NOT be covered with Band-Aids. Players may wear medical identification wrist bracelets.

4.1.6 All teams MUST have a first aid kit that contains at least the items listed on Addendum A to these Rules during ALL game situations. A violation of this rule will result in a two (2) shot bench technical foul.

4.1.7. Proper Attire.

To be considered “ready to play”, each team must have jerseys numbered on both sides, as described in the High School Federation Rule Book, and one side must be white.

4.5.1 Game Length and Overtime. All divisions shall have (3) minutes between halves.

Tie games- During overtime each team may play with any eligible players.

4.5.2 League Ages and Divisions.

DivisionAgesMin/Qtr3 pt.FG

Intermediate11-127 min. No

4.5.6 Minor Division Only

(e.) Three players may line up on each side of the lane during free throw attempts.