
Meeting Minutes

RIAFC June 26, 2014 Monthly Meeting

CALL TO ORDER at 10:00 by Chief Doire

LOCATION: Hibernian Hall, Newport RI

Host – Chief Peter Connerton

Pledge of Allegiance – Chief Connerton

Prayer or moment of silence –Father Leckie

Guests in attendance:

Brian Lafauci of the Employers Support of the Guard & Reserve spoke about an upcoming event they are having to work with the fire service with regard the ESGR

Accept minutes of previous meeting- A motion was made by Chief Gardiner and seconded by Chief Brown …all in favor

Accept treasurer’s report- A motion was made by Chief Gardiner and seconded by Chief Brown ….all in favor.

Communications –

  • A thank you from Anne Balboni regarding the RIAFC Foundation grant to the CISM Team
  • Memorial donations for Honor Flight


First Reading: none

Second Reading: Frank Silva, PFD for sustaining membership

A motion to accept the second readings for membership and the first readings to take their normal coarse was made by Chief Brown seconded by Chief Baris- All in favor.


Fire Marshal-Marshal Chartier spoke about E permitting from their office and how that will work. He also spoke about this year’s legislative session.

RIEMA–no report

NFPA-no report

100 Club –Chief Jim McLaughlin was at the recent 100 Club dinner.

Education & Training –Director Pare reported that they received a grant for $425,000 for a fire engine, tools and scba’s. He would like a letter sent to the RI delegation for their support.

EMS- no report

Board of Appeal –Keith Burlingame reported that their website has been corrupted. Also don’t use the link on the website for the general laws as it is out of date.

ICC –Chief Jim McLaughlin reported that RISCON is in an upgrade right now. ComL & ComT class dates will be out by next meeting

Legislative – Chief Susi spoke about the final legislative report with all of the final results{see report on website}

E-911 – no report

Forestry – no report

NEAFC- Chief Pearson reported poor attendance at their NE Chiefs conference

NEDIAFC- Chief Sayles reported Chief Dio was elected to serve out Roger Bradley’s term as NE director.

Critical Incident Stress Management– Gary Lemery reported about their recent training focusing on families of fire service.

LAST – Gary Lemery reported on their new members and that they are in the process of updating their rules.

Vendors- no report

Retirement & Sunshine –no report

Special Planning Committee –Clambake report was given.

RIAFC Foundation Business – Chief Farrell reported on the following items;

  • Spirit of 45 Day
  • Sand golf raised over $3000. He thanked Chiefs Finlay, Hay and Wayne Moore for their hard work and donations for the event
  • Honor Flight Foxtrot was reviewed and he read two letters of thanks from a veteran and his daughter who were on the flight.

Rick Susi mentioned the Coutu Memorial Park Buy a Brick Campaign


Dues notices are being sent out for those members who are not up to date


Motion to pay for the photo books from HF Foxtrot that were given to the IBEW thanking them for their major donations to Honor Flight. The cost was $143.11. Motion by Steve Hay, seconded by Chief Petrin. all in favor

Good and Welfare.

The 50/50 Raffle of $88 was won by Chief Stanley. Chief Baris won the two Red Sox tickets that were donated by Brian McGuire

Good of the Order –nothing

Motion to adjourn; Chief Gardiner made the motion to adjourn at 11:05, seconded by Chief Hay All in favor.

Respectfully submitted

Chief Richard A. Susi Ret., Secretary