St. Lawrence CountyBoard Meeting

Board of LegislatorsFriday, January 2, 2015

Board Room7:00 p.m.

The Deputy Clerk called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The Deputy Clerk asked for nominations for Temporary Chair.

Mr. Acres nominated Mr. Putman for Temporary Chair, seconded by Mr. Lightfoot. The Deputy Clerk asked if there were any other nominations for Temporary Chair.

Mr. Putney moved to close the nominations for Temporary Chair, seconded by Mr. Paquin, and carried unanimously by a voice vote.

The vote for Temporary Chair was carried unanimously by a voice vote.

Temporary Chair Putman came to the dais to conduct this portion of the meeting.

ROLL CALL: All Legislators were present.


District 1Donald Hooper

District 2David Forsythe

District 3Joseph Lightfoot

District 4Joel LaPierre

District 5Travis Dann

District 6Larry Denesha

District 7Rick Perkins

District 8Kevin Acres

District 9Stephen Putman

District 10Joe Timmerman

District 11Chad Colbert

District 12John Burke

District 13Tony Arquiett

District 14Gregory M. Paquin

District 15Jonathan Putney

Mr. Tom Nichols led everyone in prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIR: Mr. Acres nominated Mr. Lightfoot as Chair of the Board

of Legislators, seconded by Mr. Forsythe.

Mr. Paquin nominated Mr. Arquiett as Chair of the Board of Legislators, seconded by Mr. Perkins.

Mr. Putney moved to close the polls, seconded by Mr. Acres, and carried unanimously by a voice vote.

Mr. Lightfoot was elected as Chair of the Board of Legislators with a vote of ten (10) votes for Mr. Lightfoot, and five (5) votes for Mr. Arquiett.

Temporary Chair Putman asked Chair Lightfoot to come to the dais.


Good evening everyone. Given the length of our agenda tonight, I will be brief.

Tonight is the culmination of months of determined efforts by those newly elected and reelected Legislators, to get to where you see them seated here tonight. They made their case and the voters have spoken and have sent a message that is loud and clear. Like it or not they want a change in the way County business is conducted and have elected this group of Legislators to do the job. The voters have chosen wisely. They elected a very diverse group, with years of practical experience and made up of financial experts, businessmen, educators, and just everyday people, like me. This group has the ability, and the mandate, to make St. Lawrence County government more efficient and more responsive to the will of the people who elected us.

One of the first things that I will do as the new Chairman is to broaden the scope of what has been known as the Audit Committee. For several years now, the County has been and continues to experience severe financial stress, most resulting from mandates, some of our own doing. I will appoint four of our number to the Audit Committee with the charge to work with the County Administrator, the County Treasurer, Department Heads and the Budget Team to insure that we do not experience any of the “financial surprises” that we have seen in the past, to be an integral part of the budget process and to allow for another set of eyes on current and anticipated financial and budgetary issues.

We won’t solve all of the County’s issues overnight, but we will take the steps necessary to identify potential pitfalls and address them before they become full blown disasters. We will seek the advice and input of our County staff, those who work first hand in the trenches, our resident experts who know what does and does not work. In doing so, we will build a shared vision for the future of St. Lawrence County government that will provide for fiscal stability, operational efficiencies and a continued high level of service to County residents.

The tasks we face will require the collective efforts of all fifteen of us working together. Party politics cannot be the determining factor in deciding issues. The good of the County as a whole must always be what we strive to achieve. While our parochial views have a place, we must look at and respond to the bigger picture. We must work with the current and new County Administrator remembering that the Board of Legislators role is to set policy, not insert itself into the day to day operations of County government. This board has some great opportunities for success in front of it. With the talent we have serving on this board it would be a shame to squander it.

I thank you for electing me to be the Board Chairman and I pledge to do my very best to be worthy of your confidence. Now, let’s get to work. Thank you all.

NOMINATIONS FOR VICE CHAIR: Mr. Putney nominated Mr. Paquin for Vice Chair of the Board of Legislators, seconded by Mr. Arquiett.

Mr. Denesha nominated Mr. Acres for Vice Chair of the Board of Legislators, seconded by Mr. Hooper.

Chair Lightfoot stated the nominations for Vice Chair closed.

Mr. Acres was elected as Vice Chair of the Board of Legislators with a roll call vote of ten (10) votes for Mr. Acres and five (5) votes for Mr. Paquin.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA:Mr. Putney moved approve the agenda, seconded byMr. Putman,

and carried unanimously by a voice vote.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr.Putneymoved to approve the minutes of the December 1stBoard Meeting, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried.


1. Resolutions were received from Clinton County, Essex County, the Towns of Saranac and Hadley, and the InterCounty Legislative Committee of the Adirondacks supporting the recommendations of the Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages and the Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board to amend the Adirondack State Land Master Plan.

2. Resolutions were received from Yates County and Delaware County calling on the State to develop a 100% State funded Indigent Legal Defense System as a way to provide mandate relief and lower property taxes.

3. A Resolution was received from Erie County on their motor vehicle use tax.

CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: “Any citizen wanting to address the Board is asked to stand at the microphone during the time that they address the Board. The address will be limited to a time of five minutes. Please state your name before beginning your talk.”

Mr. Hidy, Town of Massena,said it is difficult to make sense of the New York Power Authorityagreement. He said he is not sure if Alcoa will be here five (5) years from now, and if Alcoa leaves it will affect everybody in this County. He feels we should go back to the table with New York Power Authority. The Local Government Task Force has tried to convey to NYPA that the megawatts of power are a separate issue.

Howard Putney, Town of DeKalb, said he would like to share his gratitude for the hard work this level of government does.

Kevin Perretta, Massena Central School Board and Local Government Task Force, said he would like to caution this Board on accepting the agreement from New York Power Authority. He said there are not a lot of specifics or details in it. He said he will respect the Board’s decision, but hopes they reconsider accepting this agreement.

Bob McNeil, Town of Lisbon, said he was in the group involved in the settlement of the relicensing. He asked the Board to approve the settlement. There are a number of good things in the settlement and many people have worked at getting this settlement. He said there is nothing to gain by putting this off. Every year this is put off, millions of dollars are lost.

Paul Haggett, Massena School Board member, said he would like the Board to restore funding to the Massena Central School District equal to that provided to the Brasher Falls School District in the New York Power Authority settlement.

Sandy Wright, Waddington Town Supervisor, said she was part of the negotiating team that met with NYPA through the negotiations. She said it was a challenge, and it was not perfect. The most important thing for the Board to remember is that this is a review.

Dr. Suzanne Day, Massena, said original proposal made sense, but she did not agree with the new resolution omitting Massena Central School from receiving funding. The school being left out seems grossly unfair.

Janet Otto-Cassada, Mayor of Village of Waddington, said the task force did a commendable job on this difficult job. She said she did not feel another study was needed. She said we already know what is needed. She said the working poor in the County should be helped with low cost power, along with the farms and businesses. She said she has asked for years to have repairs made to a bathroom facility at Island View Park and has been told no every year. Shoreline stabilization is only going to be done for a few years. Everyone knows that shoreline stabilization needs to be done constantly; it is not something that can be stopped. She said there are some good things in the agreement, but she asked the Board of Legislators to accept the Allocation of Power Act but to refuse the rest of the agreement.


Finance Committee: 12-15-2014



By Mr. Morrill, Chair, Finance Committee

WHEREAS, each Board must establish its RULES OF PROCEDURE at the Organizational Meeting,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the enclosed St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators RULES OF PROCEDURE as mailed in the Organizational Meeting packet and dated January 2, 2015, are hereby adopted, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board meeting dates in the attached calendar be set, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Committee meeting dates be tentatively set as in the attached calendar.


Mr. Hooper moved to adopt Resolution No. 1-2015, seconded by Mr. Putman and Mr. Forsythe, and carried unanimouslyby a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.

St. Lawrence County


* * *


Adopted January 2, 2015

Resolution No.


Page No.

ARTICLE I - Quorum

ARTICLE II - Meetings

ARTICLE III - Order of Business

ARTICLE IV - Members

ARTICLE V - Non-members

ARTICLE VI - Resolutions

ARTICLE VII - Committees

ARTICLE VIII - Limitations and Amendment

ATTACHMENT A - St. Lawrence County Legislature 2015 Meetings Schedule

Note: Page numbers will be entered to match the proceedings.


A majority of the duly constituted membership of the Legislature shall constitute a quorum.



A.The Organizational Meeting shall be called pursuant to Section 151 of the County Law. At such Organizational Meeting, the Board will elect a Chair and a Vice Chair.

B.The Regular Meetings of the Legislature shall be held as identified in Attachment A, or by resolution during a regular meeting or special meeting, the Legislature may determine a date and time for the next meeting.

C.Special Meetings shall be held at the call of the Clerk upon direction of the Chair or upon written request signed by a majority of the members of the Legislature.


Order of Business

The Order of Business at each session, except as may be set apart for the consideration of matters for which a Special Meeting has been called, shall be as follows:

1.Roll Call


3.Pledge of Allegiance

4.Approval of Agenda

5.Approval of previous meeting minutes

6.Reading of Communications

7.Citizen Participation

8.Presentation of Resolutions

9.County Administrator’s Report

10.Committee Reports

11.Old/New Business

12.Executive Session


14. Chair’s Appointments

15. Adjournment



A.All members of the County Legislature shall attend all regular and specially scheduled meetings of the Legislature, all duly called meetings of any special or standing committees of which any of the said Legislators are members, unless they are absent by reason of sickness, or excused by the Chair of the appropriate body.

B.No member shall speak or debate until he/she has received recognition from the Chair.

C.No member shall speak a second time to a question, as long as any member desires to speak who has not spoken to the question.



Citizens may speak before the Legislature in one of the following ways:

A.During Citizen Participation period, upon recognition by the Chair. The Speaker will state his/her name and is limited to five minutes. The total Citizen Participation time period shall not exceed thirty [30] minutes, unless extended at the discretion of the Chair.

B.During the "Presentation of Resolutions" by being granted the floor by the Chair upon request of a Legislator. The citizen may speak on the current agenda item only.



A.The term "resolution" as herein used, shall mean a formal proposed action in writing, by one or more of the Legislators, and/or a Committee of the Legislature. Upon introduction, the resolution shall be read by the Clerk upon request. The motion for adoption shall be properly seconded immediately, preceding any debate on the main question.

B.A member sponsoring a resolution shall file with the Clerk of the Legislature a copy of said resolution one week prior to the Regular Meeting, at which it is to be introduced. Copies of it, and the entire agenda, shall be sent to each Legislator to arrive no later than three days preceding the Regular Meeting.

C.Any resolution approved by a committee and forwarded to the Board for consideration may only be withdrawn upon the approval of the Board.

D. Individual Legislators who wish to have their names added, as co-sponsors, to resolutions approved by a Committee may do so at the Committee Meeting by notifying the Deputy Clerk of the Board.



A.The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Legislators shall be ex-officio members of all standing and special committees with all the rights & privileges thereof. Except that if both the Chair of the Board and Vice-Chair of the Board are present at a committee meeting, ONLY the Chair will have voting privilege unless the Vice-Chair is a designated member of the Standing Committee, then both would have voting privilege.

B.The Chair of the Board shall appoint the members and designate the Chair of all standing committees within ten days following his/her election. He/she shall also appoint the members and designate the Chair of all special committees or subsequently created standing committees within ten days following creation thereof.

C.Any vacancy occurring on any standing or special committee shall be filled by the Chair of the Board within thirty days after such vacancy occurs. In the event that such vacancy occurs in the position of Committee Chair, the Board Chair shall designate a new Committee Chair.

D.All committee appointments serve until new appointments are made by the Chair.

E.No member shall be Chair of more than one standing committee.

F.Each Standing or Special Committee shall perform the duties, so designated by the RULES of this board, or as assigned by the Chair of the Board.

G.The Chair of each Standing or Special Committee shall be the presiding officer and shall cause the members thereof to be notified in advance of each meeting. The Committee Chair shall call all necessary meetings. Upon his/her refusal or neglect to call any meetings, the Clerk of the Board, upon written request signed by the Chair of the Board or by a majority of the Committee, shall call such meeting.

H.A quorum for all committees shall be a majority of the membership of the Committee. Once a quorum has been established, a majority of the Committee members present is sufficient to approve or disapprove a proposed action.

I. There shall be the following Standing Committees and their duties shall be those required

by law, as directed by the Chair of the Board, or as so designated herein.

OPERATIONS COMMITTEE: Issues within the jurisdiction of this committee would be

those arising out of the following departments: Board of Elections, Conflict Defender,

County Clerk, District Attorney, Emergency Services, Governmental Services, Human

Resources, Information Technology, Planning, Probation, Public Defender, and Sheriff, theexpenditure of money not already appropriated and the transfer of funds.

SERVICES COMMITTEE: Issues within the jurisdiction of this committee would be those arising out of the following departments: Community Services, Forestry, Office for the Aging, Public Health, Social Services, Veterans Services, Weights and Measures, Youth Bureau, and IDA Report, and the expenditure of money not already appropriated and the transfer of funds.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Within the jurisdiction of this committee would be issues which would incur the expenditure of money not already appropriated; the issuance of bonds and payments thereon and the transfer of funds. Issues arising from the Board of Legislators, Office of the County Attorney, Office of the County Treasurer, Office of Real Property Tax Service, the Highway Department and the Solid Waste Department shall be under the jurisdiction of this committee, as well as issues involving any outside agencies that are not currently funded within some other departmental budget, such as the Cornell Cooperative Extension, Chamber of Commerce, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Historical Association.