MetroDC-VirginiaState Referee Program
For Distribution to SRC Members Only
Minutes for SRC Meeting
May 16, 2005
The meeting was called to order by SRC Chairman Gil McCallister at 7:00 PM on May 16, 2005, at the Best Western Executive Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. Committee members present were:
Gil McCallister, Chairman
Scott Meyer, SRA
Don Torrenti, SDA
Paul Mungra, SDI
Christie Bernas, VYSA Representative
Jim Sadowski, MDCVSA Representative
Denise Edwards, VYSA President
Alan Liotta, SYRA
Also present was Bill Robertson, Registrar.
The minutes from the March 14, 2005, meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted.
Financial Report
Scott Meyer presented the financial report. Considering the current income balance against expected expenses for the summer, the program should conclude the fiscal year in a positive position. It was noted that the SRP has hired a new part-time bookkeeper for the State Office. Also, Jim Sadowski clarified the composition of the contribution made by the adult association to the SRP.
No report.
Scott Meyer reported on various tournaments and academies at which DCV referees have been selected to participate. This representation is a testament to the strength of the DCV referee program and the quality of referees that are trained.
Report presented later.
Paul Mungra reported that a class for New Associate Referees was completed with 12 attendees. Registration forms and feeshave been submitted to the State Office. Two participants still need further testing to meet requirements but are expected to re-test soon.
The SRP has arranged another training series with DC United which have been successful in the past.
Paul has met with the VYSA Director of Coaching to discuss a training module for coaches.
The SDI and SDA attended the USSF SDI/SDA Workshop in Lake Placid, NY, and the SDI is currently working to have instructor training materials ready for presentation and distribution at the Annual Summer Meeting in June.
Don Torrenti is awaiting a response from the National Office regarding the scheduling of an assessor clinic for the state on July 15-17.
Scott remarked that the program must figure out ways to disseminate law changes that are being put out by the National Office now to referees and coaches before their attendance at recertification clinics and trainings in the fall. Consideration should be given to reaching referees through the clubs and assignors.
Bill Robertson presented registration statistics. At this time, it appears that there is only a slight increase in the number of referees that have been certified and trained in 2005. It was mentioned that analysis of the registration data should be conducted to determine more accurately where there is growth and/or deficiencies in the state.
Youth Representative
Christie Bernas reported on the showcasing of referees in the Central area.
Christie also shared comments being made by coaches that are critical of the Grade 9/Recreational Referee training and the quality of these referees at this grade level. The feeling is that these referees are not ready to properly officiate. Scott defended the Grade 9 referee level by saying that just as recreational players are learning and working on playing skills and abilities, referees at this level are also learning how to officiate. Recreational coaches, parents, and players must be tolerant of errors as the skills of young referees develop.
Amateur Representative
Jim Sadowski reported that there has been some turnover in the membership of the adult board which resulted in additional tasks for the remaining members.
Registration is at about the same level for this time last year with expectations for a slight decrease for the year. There are four new leagues to be admitted: Roanoke International Soccer League, Northern Virginia Adult Soccer Association, Virginia Premier Coed League, and Fauquier County Adult Soccer.
Jim outlined plans for the Adult State Cup and also mentioned that consideration is being given for regional rounds as travel within the state seems to be an issue for some teams.
The MDCVSA plans to rent space adjacent to VYSA and hire a part time office administrator effective September 1, 2005.
Jim has noticed that the quality of some abuse/assault reports is lacking. There is a need for more instruction of how to prepare a proper report at clinics other than the Grade 7 upgrade class, such as at the senior recert clinic.
Approved SRC Minutes are to be published on the website, however, this has not been set up yet.
The MDCVSA is leading the push for the USASA to look at ways to reduce the player-participant medical insurance premium, which is currently about $8 per player per year.
Alan Liotta reported that the first list of referees for ODP was not approved by the VYSA board but a suitable replacement for a questionable participant was identified and a final listing was submitted.
The Region 1 delegation was selected, approved, and submitted on time to the appropriate tournament representatives. In preparation for the Regional tournament (and State Cup), a majority of the referees are scheduled for games at the upcoming Virginian Tournament where there will be meetings and training events conducted at no cost to the program.
State Cup weekend plans are in place. A pool of officials for selection was established consisting of those selected for ODP and Region 1, male and female referees of the year, as well as other officials recommendedby assignors. There will be a need for 18 referees for four-man crews for U-12, U-13, and U-14 semi-final and final games.
Attention will next be focused on the YouthAcademy. Alan has been is discussions with two camps in the north and is seeking leads on other potential camps, particularly in the south.
Referee Development Liaison
No report.
VYSA President
No issues to report at this time.
Unfinished Business
Scott Meyer requested that the items listed on the meeting agenda to include National Referee Certification Policy, Emeritus Referee Policy, Reporting and Recording Test Scores, Referee Development Brochure, Policy Manual Updates, and Lapsed Referee Recertification Policy be tabled until the next meeting. Scott will meet with the SDI and SDA to better refine/define these policies for presentation and discussion at the next meeting.
There was some discussion about the emeritus referee policy.
Jim Down Endowment Fund
No progress. The committee is looking to move contributions from the checking account to another type of bank account and make decisions about its use.
Recognition of Former SDA and SDI
Gil McCallister stated that the former SDA and SDI should be recognized for the time and effort they put forth over the years into the referee program. They have been an example of commitment to volunteering one’s time and talents. Paul Mungra made a motion that the committee proceed with making arrangements for an appropriate honorarium items. There was some discussion of potential gift items and costs. Motion was approved.
Region 1 Youth Tournament Details
Alan Liotta provided dates/locations of upcoming youth tournaments.
- State Cup – June 3-5, Virginia Beach
- ODP – June 10-12, Princeton, NJ
- Region 1 – June 30-July 5, Virginia Beach
Scott Meyer proposed that the SRC place an ad in the Region 1 brochure to welcome all referees and assessors to the tournament. The motion was approved.
On-line Registration Proposal
Bill Robertson outlined the costs for Youth Leagues USA to host on-line registration/database and a website for the SRP. Credit card payment will be an option.
Scott Meyer made a motionthat the SRC accept the proposal and SOW from Youth Leagues USA for on-line registration and website hosting beginning in the 2006 registration year. Discussion included questions pertaining to acceptance by USSF and instruction and assessment requirement tracking.
Service Pins
Scott stated that numbers have been determined for the required amount of pins needed for referees, assessors, instructors, and assignors to mark years of service to the program. While instructor, assessor and assignor distribution can occur at the summer meeting, a mechanism is needed to provide the pins to the referees.
The YouthRefereeDevelopmentAcademy will be held July 17-25 at the University of Richmond. Arn Manella will be the Director.
New Business
Policy Manual Updates – postponed to next meeting
Lapsed Referee Recertification Policy – postponed to next meeting
Men’s State Cup
The Men’s State Cup Tournament will be held June 11-12, 2005.
Soccer Referee Uniform Kit Sales – postponed to next meeting
Assignor/ADA Interface
Don Torrenti requested that this item be tabled until after the Annual Summer Meeting on June 25.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Sunday, July 17, 2005, at the University of Richmond, site of the YouthRefereeDevelopmentAcademy.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.