OCTOBER 12, 2017

Cozy Lake School

Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Principals Report: Mr. Mundi, Mrs. DeBrito

White Rock

-Robot book reading at White Rock went well

-They also had the Harlem Wizards assembly

-TREPS started 10/12 and the TREPS market will be in December

-Fire prevention, Halloween safety and bus safety upcoming this month

-Veterans program will be on November 7th

Cozy Lake/Milton

-Omega Man assembly during respect week was a huge hit

-Bus, Halloween and fire safety upcoming this month

-Early dismissal for all schools on the 24th

-Linkit baseline testing for kids will show progress from the beginning of the year to the end so right now kids are taking tests on material that they are not familiar with to gauge the progress.

President: Heather Racansky

-Membership forms due Nov 5

-New Fundraising Events & Programs “in the works”

-Fun Run/Color Run…Heather and Stephanie to chair…to occur in April

-Spirit wear through online…still deciding on vendor.

-Spirit Rock…looking to get large rock or boulder to place in front of each school. Parents/organizations etc can pay a fee to paint the rock for birthdays, events etc.



-Join us after this meeting at the Milton Inn to mingle and chat

Treasurer: Patty Stahl

-Treasurer report: Budget, Balances

VP Volunteers: Devon Del Purgatorio

-Class Reps

-Chosen and letters went out to all to start contacting their class

-Book Fair

-Angela Lamendola, overall chair spoke for Tania Kallish, fall book fair chair. They are in need of volunteers. Sign up genius went out.

-Large scholastic dollar balance to be distributed among teachers ($100 each) and librarians ($1000 each)

-Teachers can make wish lists and there will be posters for them

-Book fair is only at White Rock but is for all ages

-Red Ribbon

-Michelle Rosiek

-23rd-27th…flyers went out on virtual backpack and volunteers are needed! SUG went out for the police and parent volunteers.

-Halloween Parties…SUG is out

VP Fundraising: Vicky Reed

-Believe Kids – ends 10-13 for paper and 10-16 for online

-PTA Social Nights

-Some non-fundraising events to get more parent involvement in PTA

-Some nights may be at restaurants willing to donate as well

-Mini Fundraisers

-Box Tops & Little Bites

-Tricky Tray

-We can no longer hold tables without payment

-Class reps that are short on donations can contact TT chairs

-Color Run

- Heather & Stephanie to chair. 1-2 additional co-chairs needed!

-Spirit Wear – see above

-Spirit Rock – see above

VP Programs: Stephanie Cappello

-White Rock

-1/10/18 Wacky Science

-3/9/18 Math Magical

Open floor for questions, comments, and ideas


No PTA meeting in November due to Teacher Convention & Thanksgiving.

Next PTA General Meeting 12/14 and Dr. Tierney will be in attendance.

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