P. Joseph Madak, Ph.D. Executive Offices Superintendent 1470 Warren Road

(216) 529-4092 Lakewood, Ohio

(216) 529-8327-Fax 44107-3997



Students at Lakewood middle schools and high school are expected to adhere to the following dress code policy. The basic school mission includes the fostering and development of social skills, respect for all people, and understanding and respecting diverse viewpoints, all with the goal of providing a safe, secure, friendly and productive learning environment for all students. The purpose of this dress code is to enhance school safety, improve the learning environment, promote good behavior, reduce discipline problems, improve test scores, improve children’s self-respect and self-esteem, bridge socio-economic differences between families, help eliminate stereotypes, create unity, strengthen school spirit and pride, produce a cost savings for families, and focus attention upon learning and away from distractions. This dress code does not regulate any particular viewpoint but merely regulates the types of clothes that students may wear. Furthermore, this dress code does not regulate the exercise of an individual’s sincerely held religious beliefs. The objective of this dress code is to provide an appropriate educational environment while allowing students to dress comfortably within limits to facilitate safety, security, and learning. Students’ attire can have a positive or negative effect on the learning process, contribute to students’ success, and generate a safe and positive learning environment. We expect students to maintain the type of appearance that is not distracting or disruptive to students, teachers, or the educational process of the school. Parents/guardians and students are equally responsible for proper dress and appearance at school. There is appropriate and inappropriate attire for all of life’s activities. Keeping these ideas in mind, the following dress code requirements will be enforced during school hours (students remain free to dress as they – and their parents/guardians – wish outside school hours):


·  All clothing must be of appropriate size and fit neatly.

·  Oversize, saggy, baggy or tight fitting clothing will not be permitted.

·  Low necklines will not be permitted.

·  Tops and bottoms must overlap at all times, including when arms are raised.

·  School athletic team uniforms may be worn only upon permission of the administration.

·  Clothing that is in disrepair, worn out, ripped, or contains holes is not permitted.

·  Any material that is sheer or lightweight enough to be seen through is not permitted.

·  Shoes, sandals, or boots must be worn.

·  Hats, bandanas, sweatbands, or other headwear may not be worn.

·  Jackets, coats, and hooded tops may not be worn during the school day and must be kept in a locker.

·  Visible body piercing, other than in the ears, may not be worn.

·  Sunglasses may not be worn.

·  Unnaturally colored hair, including but not limited to blue, green, purple, etc., is not permitted.

·  Any article of apparel, clothing, and/or accessory that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, violence or is offensive or degrading is not permitted.

·  Any article of apparel, clothing, and/or accessory that presents a hazard to the individual or to other people is not permitted.

·  Anything that may cause a distraction to the educational process or is deemed inappropriate by administration is not permitted.


·  Must meet all guidelines in this dress code including, but not limited to, color, fit, length and style.


·  All pants, shorts, skorts, capris, and skirts must meet all guidelines in this dress code including, but not limited to, fit, length and style.

·  Shorts and skorts must be mid-thigh or longer.

·  Skirts must be slightly above the knee or longer.

·  Pants, shorts, skorts, capris and skirts made of mesh, nylon, spandex, flannel, fleece or similar materials (such as pajama-style bottoms, sweatpants, jogging pants, running shorts, etc.) are not permitted. Athletic clothing in the form of pants, shorts, skorts, capris and skirts is not permitted.


·  Tops must meet all guidelines in this dress code including, but not limited to, fit, length and style.

·  Hooded tops may not be worn during the school day.

·  Tops must have sleeves and be of comparable style to those pictured below.
