
Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual Spatial Learner by Linda Kreger Silverman, the pioneer of the Visual Spatial Learner concept. Published in 2002, this book provides vast amounts of information, checklists and strategies for Visual Spatial Learners.

Right Brained Children in a Left Brained World: Unlocking the Potential of Your ADD Child by Jeffrey Freed 1998 - Specific techniques for teaching visual spatial learners reading, writing, spelling and mathematics

Look Closer: Visual Thinking Skills and Activities K-12 by Nancy Johnson

The Stop, Think, Do Program by Lindy Petersen

Stop, Think Parenting 1992

Stop, Think Learning (Teachers Version ) 1998

Helps with acting on impulse – available through The Australian Council for Educational Resources, 19 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell, Victoria, 3124 Telephone 039 277 5555

Children Are People Too : A Parents’ Guide to Young Childrens’ Behaviour by Louise Porter 2000 – available from the Gifted Resource Centre

Books by Priscilla Vail

Smart Kids With School Problems: Things to Know and Ways to Help 1989

Learning Styles: Food For Thought + 130 Practical Tips For Teachers K-4 1992

About Dyslexia 1990

Emotion: The On/Off Switch For Learning

These books can be hard to get but are worth finding.

Use Both Sides of Your Brain by Tony Buzan 1991 - Strategies for thinking and learning

Thinking in Pictures by TempleGrandin 1996 - A very good description of visual thinking

Counseling the Gifted Edited by Linda Silverman 1993 - A very good resource book that covers many areas of concern to parents and teachers of gifted children

In The Mind’s Eye by Thomas West 1997 - Covers visual thinkers, creativity and gifted

People with dyslexia and other learning difficulties

Mapping Inner Space by Nancy Margulies 1991 - Learning and teaching Mind Mapping

The Faces of Gifted: A Resource for Educators and Parents by Nancy Johnson 1989

Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N Aron 1997

Keys To Parenting Your Anxious Child by Katharina Manassis 1996

Web Sites

- Articles on Visual Spatial Learning - Dr Linda Silverman’s home page

- "Picture Me Reading!" - A visual-conceptual method of teaching reading that enables bright children to learn to read at an accelerated pace because it capitalizes on their ability to grasp wholes instantly and retain them.

– Visual thinking, mindmapping and learning software

– the sister website of the GiftedDevelopmentCenter

– Nancy Johnson’s book of visual teaching activities

- Visual Spatial Learners, Emotional intensity and sensitivity, Sensory integration dysfunction

– a discussion group for parents of “right” brain children

– a resource page for sensory integration dysfunction

– good site for finding second hand and out of print books

- Tony Nolan's Visual Spatial Web Page; includes a discussion group for visual spatial thinkers

- an environment for learning mathematics with the aim of customizing the learning process to reach very high levels of freedom and flexibility in mathematics and sciences

a free mathematics program for primary age students


Speech recognition programs for computer e.g. Dragon Write Naturally Speaking

Graphic Organisers for school work – Hawker Brownlow Education, Melbourne, Victoria

Jo Freitag, Gifted Resources - The Centre for the Exceptional Learner, LutherCollege,

Plymouth Road. Croydon 3136. Phone : (03) 9724 2452 E-mail:


Lesley Sword Gifted & Creative Services Australia

20 Kestrel Court Vic 3201 Australia