Summary of My Aged Care System Changes

4 April 2016

This summary document is intended to assist service providers and assessors in understanding the changes to the My Aged Care system introduced on 4 April 2016.

These changes build on the changes made since 1 July 2015 to continue to improve the useability of the system. Changes had been made to improve:

·  The My Aged Care screening and assessment process

·  Access to attachments

·  Portal usability.

The changes are outlined in the tables below.

Improving the My Aged Care screening and assessment process

What? / Why?

New screening process –Assessor, Provider and Client portals

/ Changes have been made to the screening process undertaken by the contact centre.
Enhancements have been made to improve client experience, improve efficiency and ensure higher quality of information for assessors or providers.
These changes include:
·  Reducing the number of questions in screening
·  Displaying screening information in a printer-friendly PDF which will be up to eight pages long
·  Automatic creation of Notes based on Screening information
Screening information will be available as a PDF from the ‘Attachments’ tab in all portals.
Some responses to screening questions will be automatically saved as ‘other’ notes on the Client Record. Note: these questions and responses are included in the PDF.
For more detailed information about this change please see the ‘Changes to the Screening process’ fact sheet available at /
Transfer Referral for Assessment – Assessor portal / This change enables an Assessor portal Team Leader (RAS or ACAT) to transfer an assessment referral to another assessment organisation.
Assessment referrals can be transferred between assessment organisations in the following ways:
·  Home Support Assessment to Home Support Assessment
·  Home Support Assessment to Comprehensive Assessment
·  Comprehensive Assessment to Home Support Assessment
·  Comprehensive Assessment to Comprehensive Assessment
A referral for assessment can only be transferred once. Both incoming and accepted referrals can be transferred and an accepted referral may only be transferred if the assessment has not been started. /
/ Note: Assessment organisation contact information is provided to allow a Team Leader to contact the assessment organisation to which they wish to transfer the referral, prior to sending the referral. This allows the Team Leader to confirm that the assessment organisation will accept the referral, reducing the likelihood of a referral being returned to the original assessment organisation for action.

To transfer an assessment referral, a ‘Transfer’ link will be available after expanding the client card on the ‘Incoming referral’ tab and ‘Accepted referral’ tab. Selecting ‘Transfer’ will redirect an Assessor Team Leader to a pop-up screen where details need to be completed for the transfer.

/ It is mandatory to enter a comment if the reason for the transfer is ‘Other’ or ‘Client change in circumtances’.

You need to complete all mandatory fields before you can Transfer the referral.
A confirmation message will display when a referral has been successfully transferred.

The receiving assessment organisation will be able to identify that a referral has been received as a result of a transfer. The transfer will include the name of assessment organisation who transferred the referral and the referral date.

The process for actioning the referral continues per usual.
For more detailed information about this change please see the ‘Transfer Assessment Referral’ fact sheet available at /
Review Support Plan - Assessor portal / Assessors are now able to conduct review(s) of a client’s support plan from the Assessor Portal. An assessor may set a review date of the support plan at the time of the assessment or a review may be requested by a client or a service provider.
Note: During a review of the Support Plan, Comprehensive Assessors cannot make recommendations that require delegate approval. This will require the Assessor to initiate a new assessment.
Assessors will be able to conduct review(s) of a client’s support plan in the Assessor portal by selecting ‘Support plan review’ from the Client Record.

Assessors will be required to enter a reason for the review and select ‘Start support plan review’ to start the review.
/ The outcome of a review may result in the need for a new assessment (Home Support or Comprehensive), and Assessors will be able to initiate this in the portal.

For more detailed information about this change please see the ‘Conducting a Review of a Client’s Support Plan’ fact sheet available at /
Alignment of myAssessor application with the portal / New features have been added to the myAssessor app to increase functionality and improve useability. The key changes are:
·  The addition of a new mandatory checkbox on each page of the National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF) to confirm that the information on the page is correct. The addition of this field will align the app with the NSAF in the portal, and reduce the amount of work that assessors need to do after uploading the assessment.

·  Larger field lengths that are consistent with the portal field lengths, to ensure that all information entered into the fields will be uploaded to the portal. In addition to this change, character counts will be visible in the app, to help assessors understand how much information they can include in each field.
·  Assessors will receive a message to inform them if a downloaded client has been re-assigned to another assessor.

Improving access to Attachments

What? / Why?

Access to Attachments - Provider, Assessor and Client portals

/ New functionality has been added in the Provider, Assessor and Client portals to allow users to add, view and hide attachments. Attachments will be accessible by various users based on their user role.
Providers will be able to access attachments through the new ‘Attachments’ tab on the Client Record.

New functionality has also been included to allow Assessors, Provider Team Leaders and Clients to hide attachments from view. This may be due to an attachment being no longer relevant to the clients’ situation, or where a client has requested removal of an attachment on their Record.
Note: To make an attachment viewable again, users must call the contact centre for assistance.

/ Attachment access rules for viewing and managing attachments is below.
**Service provider administration staff cannot view or manage attachments.
***Service provider staff can view referral information once a referral is accepted however have limited access to manage attachments.
****Aged Care Assessment Team assessors/delegates only. /

Improving portal usability

What? / Why?

Ability to Change Email Notification Preferences – Provider and Assessor portals

/ New functionality enables Assessor and Provider portal Administrators to change their preferences for receiving email notifications.
From the new ‘Manage preferences’ tab, you can enable or disable notifications. You can also set the frequency of receiving notifications, immediately, or as daily or weekly summaries.
You need to ensure you have an email address for your outlet to receive notifications. Starting from the ‘Manage Preferences’ tab, select the ‘Update email address’ link.

Once your email address is saved, to change your notification preferences select ‘Change preferences’.

/ From the pop up screen you can change the notification status, choose which notifications to receive and when you want to receive these notifications.

Help text is available on the page by selecting the [?] icon. /
Improved useability of notifications tab – Assessor, Provider and Client portals / In Tasks and Notifications, the ‘Notifications’ tab now includes a direct link to the Client Record, where relevant. This greatly improves the functionality of the ‘Notifications’ tab, allowing easier navigation to the appropriate information.
Meaningful report names – Assessor, Provider and Client portals / Reports accessible under the ‘Reports’ tab in the portal have been enhanced to include the name of the client, type of report and the date that report was generated. This additional information makes the Reports tab easier to navigate.

Further information

The next system release is scheduled for June 2016.The release will focus on improvements to the system to support the high quality performance of the My Aged Care contact centre. The release will also focus on changes to enable:

·  Health professionals to refer clients to My Aged Care using an inbound referral webform; and

·  The ability for assessor, provider and client portal users to print a snapshot of the client record.