Minutes of the Common Consultation Committee Meeting held on Monday 25th September, 2017, in the Parish Council Offices, Little Wakering Hall Lane, Great Wakering, SS3 0HH, commencing at 7.00 p.m.

Present: - Councillors L. Blunden, D. Efde (Chair), N. Hookway, T. Hughes, R. Loding, L. Rodger, M. Sawyer (Vice Chair) and F. Wheeler.

In attendance: - S. Hyatt (Parish Clerk)

1.  The Chairman to declare the meeting open.

Meeting open at 7pm.

2.  To receive apologies for absence.

All present.

3.  To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and with section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

Declarations of interest were received from Councillor Loding –

allotment holder. Councillor Sawyer – Memorial Hall Secretary.

4.  To agree as a correct record the minutes of the Common Consultation Committee Meeting held on the 10th August 2017.

Resolved that the minutes be accepted.

5. The meeting will stand adjourned to permit Parishioners of Great

Wakering to address the Council only once in respect of business

itemised on the agenda (3 minutes each at Chairman’s discretion).

No comments were made.

6.  To review the draft copy of the common consultation document prior to distribution.

Amendments to document discussed and consideration given to naming approximate increase figure, by stating £10 give people idea what it may be but number of unknowns, don’t want to misinform. If omit completely people believe no extra cost. Give breakdown of how figure arrived at and show current Parish Council Precept. Could represent as % of precept. Delivery and collection discussed allowing 2 weeks for people to return document. Delivery to commence week 2-8th October, collection week commencing 23rd October, can also return to Parish Council Office with cut-of date of 27th October. One document per household. Chair and Vice-Chair of Committee to co-ordinate delivery schedule of Councillors within Committee.

7.  To decide date and time of next meeting (if required).

After 27th October.

Meeting Closed 7.40pm