The STEVEN DAVID JUDD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP is awarded each year in memory of Steven David Judd who tragically died of alcohol poisoning on November 19th2005 one day following his 21st birthday. At the time of his death Steven was a junior Crimson Scholar atNew Mexico State University majoring in Computer Science and President of the Delta Chi Fraternity. In honor of their son, Steven and Karen Judd established a scholarship and this year, a check for$1,015.98will be awarded to the NMSU student who "has made the greatest contribution toward alcohol prevention and the reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU”.

Applicants must (a)have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and in good academic standing; and (b) never been put on disciplinary sanction by, the university; (c) currently enrolled full time; (d) pursuing a degree on NMSU’s main campus; and (e) enrolled for the 2015-16 academic year (f) cannot presently be employedby the NMSU WAVE Program; (f) enrolled in the Scholar Dollar Program.

Please Print or Type


Banner #: ______

Local Address:

Cumulative GPA: _

Local Phone#: ___

Home Address: _

Home Phone#:( ) ______Cell Phone ( )______

__ Email:______Classification: ______

Total CreditHours in Which Applicant is Enrolled during Fall 15semester:______


Program of Study and Career Goals:

I hereby certify that all the information contained in this application packet is accurate and correct.

Further, I have never been placed under disciplinary sanction by the University.


Signature of Applicant Date

A complete application packet includes: 1) this application form; 2) a one-page typewritten statement commenting onyour contributions toward alcohol prevention and the reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU; 3) threeletters of recommendation; and 4) resume. Completed application packets should be hand delivered to the Counseling Center / WAVE Room 100 Garcia Annex or mailed to Counseling Center / WAVE MSC 3575, NMSU, P.O. Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001.

Deadline for receipt of the completed application packet is

5:00 p.m., Monday November 9th2015

~ Late or incomplete applications will not be considered ~

Check List for Nomination Packet Completion
Steven David Judd Memorial Student Award Fall - 2015
_____ Application form (completed & signed) _____ Student’s typewritten Statement of Contributions
_____ Resume _____ 3 letters of recommendation (each from a different
organization or academic department; NOT from a relative
Materials should be submitted in their entirety by 5:00 p.m., Monday November 9th 2015
to the Counseling Center / WAVE 100 Garcia Annex ; or mailed to MSC Counseling Center / WAVE MSC 3575, NMSU, P.O. Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001.
Late submissions, including letters of recommendation, will not be considered. If you have questions, please contact Debra Darmata at 646-5673.
Application Packet Items
Resume: Include information about the social, professional, and academic organizations to which the applicant hold membership, projects led and offices held; along with any awards or honors received since being a student at NMSU.
Statement of Contributions: A one-page, typewritten double spaced statement of the applicant’s description of his/her contributions toward alcohol prevention and the reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU. It should also address how thesecontributions reflect the applicant’s values or philosophy of life.
Letters of Recommendation (3 in all): These should not be from relatives, but from various academic departments, employers, or leaders of organizations in which the applicant has actively participated, i.e., individuals with whom s/he
has interacted directly in a volunteer or work setting. Letter writers should have direct knowledge of the applicant’s work and address:“How has the NMSU campus been enhanced by this student’s contribution toward alcohol prevention and the reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU”.
Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of Applicants
1. Student’s Statement of Contributions: Did the applicant describe his/her contributions to alcohol prevention and the reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU?
2. Leadership Contributions to Social or Professional Organizations;Volunteer Activities; Work/Internship
Experiences: Offices held, projects directed or participated in; presentations made at professional meetings, etc. These items should be on the Student Involvement Log. Both breadth and depth will be considered if activities, either on
campus or in the Las Cruces community, relate to alcohol prevention and thereduction of high risk drinking at NMSU”.
3. Letters of Recommendation: Did each of the writers focus on the issue of: “How has the NMSU campus been enhanced by this student’s contribution toward alcohol prevention and the reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU”.