Request for Proposalfor: After Hours Primary Care Innovation Grants

Respondent’s Information
Name of Service Provider/Organisation:
Address of registered office:
Place of registration:
Australian Business Number:
Principal office (if different to the above):
Name and title of Respondent’s authorised agent:

I accept the provisions contained in the Conditions of this Request for Proposal.

Signature Respondent’s authorised agent PRINT NAME and DATE

Please indicate whether this Proposal is seeking funding from the

Service Delivery Stream (funding not to exceed $100,000 ex GST)
Service Development Stream (funding not to exceed $50,000 ex GST)

Assessment criteria
1.1Describe the nature and extent of your organisation’sprevious and current experience in delivering similar goods and/or services. (Weighting 30%)
1.2Clearly articulate the demonstrated need for funding under this Innovation Grants round. (Weighting 25%)
1.3 Describe your organisation’s willingness, capability and/or proposed strategies to deliver the goods and/or services required. (Weighting 25%)
1.4 Budget that is fit for purpose and provides a clear justification for required funding. (Weighting 20%)
Budget line item / Value ($ ex GST) / GST / Value ( $ inc GST)
Staffing (including on costs)
Service delivery costs
Administration costs (must not exceed 6% of the total budget)
Other (please specify)
Please add additional lines as required
Compliance Criteria
Conflict of Interest: Provide details of any interests, relationships or clients which may or do give rise to a conflict of interest and the area of expertise in which that conflict or potential conflict does or may arise, plus details of any strategy(ies) for preventing and/or managing conflicts of interest (actual or perceived).
Risk management strategies: Provide details of all risk management strategies and practices of the Applicant that would be applicable or relevant in the context of the supply of Goods and/or Services.
Accreditation/Registration/Certification: Provide relevant details as appropriate.
Accreditation/Registration/Certification Body:
Accreditation/Registration/Certification Body:
Schedule of Insurance information: ACT PHN requires appropriate insurance provisions for the supply of Goods and/or Services contemplated under this Invitation (e.g. public, product, professional liability). Provide details of all relevant insurances maintained by the Applicant. (Note: ACT PHN may seek confirmation of such Insurances through the provision of certificates of currency).
Name of insurance company:
Policy type (e.g. public liability, professional indemnity, etc.):
Policy number(s):
Expiry dates:
Limit of liability:
Relevant exclusions:
Name of insurance company:
Policy type (e.g. public liability, professional indemnity, etc.):
Policy number(s):
Expiry dates:
Limit of liability:
Relevant exclusions:

Please remember to pdf your response prior to submitting to

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