12 February 2009




1.Authorised allocation of teaching posts for the 2009/10school year

(a) For the purposes of section 24(2) of the Education Act 1998, the allocation of teaching posts for the 2009/10 school year is calculated in accordance with the following rules and is based on recognised pupil enrolment on approved courses on 30th September 2008.

(b) In 2007 a re-deployment scheme was agreed to cater for teachers who were surplus as a result of school closures. In accordance with the terms of the social partnership agreement “Towards 2016”, the relevant parties have agreed to enter into further discussions in relation to the re-deployment of teachers in situations other than school closure.

Therefore schools should note that vacancies, for the 2009/10 school year, may not be filled pending the outcome of these discussions.

The Department will notify schools of the new arrangements in due course.

2.Criteria on which the approved teacher allocation is based

2.1Pupil-Teacher Ratio

A proportion of posts in the allocation are determined on prescribed ratios of recognised pupils to teachers on a range of approved programmes as follows

a) Recognised pupils on established Junior Certificate (incl. JCSP), Leaving Certificate, repeat Leaving Certificate and Transition Year Programme

A ratio of 19:1 is applied in respect of such pupils inall schools in the free education scheme.

A ratio of 20:1 is applied in respect of such pupils in all schools outside the free education scheme.

b) Recognised pupils on the Leaving Certificate Vocational (LCVP) and Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Programmes

A ratio of 17:1is applied in respect of such pupils in all schools in the free education scheme.

A ratio of 18:1 is applied in respect such pupilsin all schools outside the free education scheme.

c) Recognised pupils on the Leaving Certificate Applied programme (LCA).

The first group of 20 participating pupils in all schools in the free education scheme, irrespective of the programme year, attracts an allocation of 1.4 whole-time teacher equivalents (wte).This allocation applies in the case of the first group even where the actual take-up of approved places is fewer than 20. A ratio of 17:1 is applied in respect of additional participating pupils.

The first group of 20participating pupils in all schools outside the free education scheme, irrespective of the programme year, attracts an allocation of 1.3 wte. This allocation applies in the case of the first group even where the actual take-up of approved places is fewer than 20. A ratio of 18:1 is applied in respect of additional participating pupils.

d) Recognised pupils on the JuniorCertificateSchool Programme (JCSP).

An additional .25 teacher allocation is granted to each participating school for each group of up to and including 45 recognised pupils participating in the Junior Certificate School Programme subject to a maximum of 135 pupils. A school is restricted to one group of a maximum 45 JCSP pupils in the year it commences JCSP and in the following two school years.

2.2Ex quota

In addition to teacher allocations based largely on pupil teacher ratios described in paragraph 2.1 above, a number of ex-quota allocations are made in accordance with the following criteria:-


Each school is allocated a post in respect of Principal.

2.2.1b Deputy Principal:

An ex-quota Deputy Principal Post is allocated to each school with an enrolment of at least 500 recognised pupils (such posts are filled in-quota in smaller schools). A second ex-quota Deputy Principal post is allocated to each school in the free education scheme or block grant scheme with a minimum enrolment of 1,000 or DEIS schools with a minimum enrolment of 900.

2.2.2Remedial/Learning Support:

Each school in the free education scheme or block grant scheme with an enrolment of less than 600 recognised pupils (excluding pupils on PLC Programmes) receives an allocation of .5 of a post. Schools with an enrolment of 600 such pupils and more receive a full post. Certain schools, which prior to 1989/90 had been allocated a permanent remedial teaching allocation in excess of the allocation determined by this formula, will be allowed to retain the higher allocation for 2009/10.

2.2.3aGuidance Counselling:

In accordance with the terms of PPT12/05, each school in the free education scheme or block grant scheme is granted an allocation on the following basis:

pupil enrolment / Allocation
(hours per
<200 / 47

Schools participating in the DEIS programme will receive an allocation in accordance with the following schedule:

pupil enrolment / Allocation
(hours per
< 300 / 55

Schools outside the free education scheme or block grant scheme with an enrolment of 500 or more receive an allocation of 1 post, while such schools with an enrolment of between 350 and 499 receive an allocation of .5 of a post.

2.2.3bGuidance Enhancement Initiative:

Allocations were made to schools which were selected under the Guidance Enhancement Initiative (GEI). The GEI has been extended for the 2009/10 school year and allocations made under this initiative will be taken into account in determining a school’s allocation on foot of the above schedules. Thus a school will receive the higher of the allocation warranted by the relevant schedule above or the allocation under the arrangements in place prior to the issue of circular PPT12/05.

2.2.4Designated Disadvantage & HomeSchool Community Liaison:

Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) services have been extended to all schools selected to participate in DEIS (the Action Plan for Educational Inclusion).

In the light of the recent economic downturn the Government has had to make a number of difficult and challenging decisions in Budget 2009. One of these decisions was to withdraw Disadvantaged Area Scheme (DAS) and HSCL supports from any non DEIS schools for the 2009/10 school year.

DEIS Schools Only:

Schools which werepreviously designated disadvantaged and allocated additional posts under different disadvantaged area schemes* were advised that half of the disadvantaged post should be used to develop HSCL services and the remaining half should be used to counteract, as far as possible, the impact of disadvantage on children in the school.

In addition to the above, a further half post was allocated specifically for HSCL purposes to schools under the different disadvantaged area schemes which were participating in the HSCL scheme.

For 2009/10, posts will be shared across primary and post primary level to facilitate local HSCL co-ordinators working with the families of disadvantaged children. The staffing schedules for the relevant schools will now show 1 full post for HSCL and a half post for Disadvantaged.

Any queries in relation to the posts outlined above should be directed to Social Inclusion Unit, Department of Education and Science, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

* (Previous disadvantaged area schemes were implemented in 1988/89, 1990/91, 1991/92 and 1994/95)

2.2.5Irish Language:

An additional post is allocated in respect of each designated all-Irish school (School Classification 1).

2.2.6Permanent Resource posts:

These posts were allocated in previous years to some schools to support special classes/groups with identified special needs. Other schools requiring additional teaching resources for special classes/groups/pupils should make application under paragraph 3.5 below.


These posts were allocated in 1986/87 following applications made in respect of a number of schools cateringfor disadvantaged pupils. This allocation will continue in 2009/10.

3.Requests for adjustment to the teacher allocation:

Requests for adjustment to the teacher allocation will be considered by the Department in the following areas. Any such requests should be made before 13thMarch 2009 except where otherwise indicated.

3.1Errorsin the calculation of the initial allocation: While every effort has been made to ensure that the base data used to produce this provisional allocation is accurate, the school authority should satisfy itself that the data is correct and reflects the returns already made by the school in respect of its pupils and teachers.

3.2Short term support for teaching in specific curricular areas affected by skills shortfalls or by staff allocation reductions which it has not yet been possible for the school management to meet within allocation and which it has not yet been possible to resolve through the normal planning and management processes.

Regulatory guidelines in respect of any such applications are set out in Appendix 1 attached.

3.3Projected increase in enrolment, which cannot be served within the approved allocation: Applications (on form CC09/10, part 2) will be considered on the basis of 95% of the projected total enrolment. Schools will be notified if any additional allocation is warranted by the projected numbers but additional allocations will not be sanctioned until the actual enrolment is confirmed. No contracts should be entered into with teachers in respect of projected enrolment until such time as the schoolauthority is satisfied that the increased enrolment has fully materialised. Enrolment figures will be reviewed in September and the allocation granted based on 95% of the total actual September 2009 enrolment.

3.4Programme Co-ordinator: In accordance with the terms of Circular Letter PPT 17/02, School authorities within their teacher allocationwill be compensated by way of a curricular concession for loss of teaching hours as a result of the programme co-ordinator appointment.

3.5Special needs pupils: The National Council for Special Education (NCSE), through the local Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENO), process applications for additional teaching supportand Special Needs Assistant support for pupils with special educational needs. Application forms for additional teaching support and special needs assistant support will issue directly from the NCSE.

3.6Traveller enrolments: Additional teaching hours are allocated to schools on the basis of an additional .07 teacher per traveller pupil enrolled. Schools must notify its enrolment of traveller pupils in order to draw down the allocation. Form T09/10should be completed and certified by school authorities to claim this allocation. It is envisaged that applications will be made by the normal closing date, but applications in respect of late enrolments may be considered. This allocation will be made on a provisional basis subject to confirmation by the school authority of actual attendance by the pupils by their inclusion in the school’s certified October Returns. If pupils are not in attendance the provisional allocation will be withdrawn.

3.7Language Support:Claims for continuation or first allocation ofadditional teaching hours for schools catering for non national pupils with significant English language deficits should be made on form NN 09/10.

This allocation will be made on a provisional basis and subject to confirmation bythe school authority of actual attendance of the pupils by their inclusion inthe school’s certified October Returns.

3.8Supernumerary Posts:Where schools have supernumerary posts (i.e. permanent/CID posts in excess of entitlement) it is envisaged that these posts (where retained) will be deployed by the school authority to meet additional teaching needs in respect of additional allocations approved by this Department under paragraph 3 of this letter.

4. Completion of forms CP1 and CID5

CP1: It is necessary to clearly establish the school’s current and projected teaching staff appointments position relative to its approved allocation for 2009/10. A standard form CP1 has been issued to all schools which shows the current appointments position.

Please amend this form, where necessary,to identify current teachers in 2008/09 who will be leaving or teachers returning to the school for 2009/10and return it to the Department.

CID5: The school is required to complete form CID5 identifying those teachers to whom a CID contract will be granted in the 2009/10 school year. Please note that the form must be completed and returned, even where the return is nil.

Particular attention should be paid to section 4.2 (1) of Circular Letter55/2008

5. Appeals against Decisions by Department regarding initial or additional allocations

The Minister for Education and Science has established an Appeals Board which will operate independently of the Minister and the Department and its decision will be final. The Appeals Board will consider appeals by school authorities against decisions of the Department of Education and Science in regard to teaching staff allocations to Second Level Schools and to Vocational Education Committees for the 2009/10 school year. Detail of the appeals procedure is set out in Appendix 2.

6. Forms

Associated forms are available on the Department’s Website at

under Education Personnel > Post-Primary >Teacher Allocations.

A. Killian

Principal Officer

Post Primary Teacher Section

Department of Education & Science


Co. Westmeath
List of forms and Closing Dates – 2009/10

Form / Closing Date / Form No. and relevant paragraph
Application for additional teaching support for essential Curriculum Needs (Curricular Concessions) – Part 1
Application for projected increase in enrolment – Part 2 / 13March 2009 / CC 09/10 (Part 1 and 2)
Para 3.2 and 3.3
Application for additional 1.5 hours per week per traveller pupil enrolled
Allocations will be subject to confirmation of actual attendance
Return this form by registered post / 13 March 2009 / T 09/10
Para 3.6
Application for additional teaching hours to cater for non nationalpupils with significant English language deficit.
Allocations will be subject to confirmation of actual attendance
Return this form by registered post / 13 March 2009 / NN 09/10
Para 3.7
Appointments position at date of initial allocation i.e. listing of teachers currently on Department payroll. Any corrections and personnel changes for 2009/10 (retirements, secondments, career breaks, job sharing etc) to be certified by school
(CP1 must be returned regardless of any changes) / 13 March 2009 / CP1
Para 4
Details of teachers who will be granted CID contracts in 2009/10 *
(CID5must be returnedwhether nil or otherwise) / 30 April 2009 / CID5
Para 4


Second Level Teacher Allocations 2009/10

Additional Teaching Support for essential Curriculum Needs (Curricular Concessions)

Regulatory Guidelines


Each school management authority is required to organise its curriculum, teaching timetable and subject options having regard to pupils’ needs within the limits of the approved normal staffing allocation made in accordance with criteria and policies agreed by the Minister for Education and Science from time to time.

A school authority may from time to time encounter unanticipated difficulty (which it has not been in a position to immediately resolve through its school planning and management processes) in meeting essential curricular commitments to pupils within the normal staffing allocation. In such circumstances, the Department will as an exceptional matter consider requests by a school authority for a staffing concession as short-term support.

Any applications should clearly demonstrate how the management authority has engaged in effective school planning and inter-school co-operation, where appropriate, to ensure local needs are most effectively and efficiently met. A school authority will have carried out a full review before submitting an application for additional teaching support.

2.Application for short term support (Curricular Concession)

Applications may be made by school authorities to the Department of Education and Science, Post Primary Teacher Allocations Section, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

All applications for curricular concessions must be on the approved standard application form,


In general only one application per school authority for the 2009/10 school year may be made. Schools are requested to submit a typed version of the application. The closing date for applications is 13thMarch 2009.Late applications will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances. School authorities are advised to obtain proof of postage.

The Department intends to notify decisions to School Authorities by end ofApril 2009.

Applications must set out relevant supporting information as clearly and succinctly as possible on the application form provided. It is the responsibility of school authorities to ensure that its application is complete, clear,and accurate and on time. As applications will need to be processed in a short time period, the scope for further communication by the Department with schools on the details of applications is extremely limited.

Applications should only relate to curricular concessions. Separate procedures and criteria will apply in the case of applications for additional teaching resources by school authorities for pupils with special needs, travellers and non-nationals with significant English language deficits. Educational Disadvantage is also dealt with under separate programmes. Increased allocations will not be granted in respect of ex-quota allocations (including Principal, Deputy-Principals, Guidance, Remedial/Learning Support, Disadvantage and Home School Community Liaison) other than in accordance with general policy.

3.Criteria on which applications will be considered

Applications may be granted by the Department where a school authority shows that sudden and unanticipated staff changes have resulted in pupils not being able to continue the study of a particular subject to the end of their programme. It is expected that save in most unusual circumstances, this will only arise where a school is in a developing or declining enrolment situation.

4.School Management Action

A school management authority which decides that it is necessary to apply for a curricular concession will be expected to confirm and demonstrate in its application;-

that school management has systems in place for conducting curricular audits, matching staffing complements to curriculum needs and supporting these systems with sound timetabling practice;

that the application is made following the conduct by the school of a comprehensive review of curricular planning and staff deployment at school level;

that the options of inter-school co-operation at local level in the sharing of teaching staff and resources especially in regard to minority subjects has been considered;

that school management has appropriate plans to operate within its normal allocation;

that all approved teaching posts are fully utilised and timetabled.

It will be a matter for school management authorities to clearly demonstrate the need for additional teaching resources.

5.Other conditions relating to curricular concessions

Short term support is needed (normally for one year but not exceeding 2/3 school years) to enable the school authority to respond to the identified problem.

Curricular concessions may not be sought to enable schools to retain or develop a curriculum provision that cannot be sustained within enrolments, staffing entitlements and school plans.

The need for a curricular concession is clearly established by the school authority by reference to the above criteria.

The school authority must demonstrate that the need cannot be met within the normal staffing allocation for 2009/10 by reference to the normal school planning and management processes.