《Bullinger’s Companion Bible Notes – 2 Chronicles》(E.W. Bullinger)
Ethelbert William Bullinger AKC (December 15, 1837 - June 6, 1913) was an Anglican clergyman, Biblical scholar, and ultradispensationalist theologian.
He was born in Canterbury, Kent, England, the youngest of five children of William and Mary (Bent) Bullinger. His family traced their ancestry back to Heinrich Bullinger, the Swiss Reformer.
His formal theological training was at King's College London from 1860-1861, earning an Associate's degree. After graduation, on October 15, 1861, he married Emma Dobson, thirteen years his senior. He later received a Doctor of Divinity degree in 1881 from Archibald Campbell Tait, Archbishop of Canterbury who cited Bullinger's "eminent service in the Church in the department of Biblical criticism."
Bullinger's career in the Church of England spanned 1861 until 1888. He began as associate curate in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey in 1861, and was ordained as a priest in the Church of England in 1862. He served as parish curate in Tittleshall from 1863-1866; Notting Hill from 1866-1869; Leytonstone, 1869-1870; then Walthamstow until he became vicar of the newly established parish of St. Stephen's in 1874. He resigned his vicarage in 1888.
In the spring of 1867, Bullinger became clerical secretary of the Trinitarian Bible Society, a position he would hold till his death in 1913. Bullinger was editor of a monthly journal Things to Come subtitled A Journal of Biblical Literature, with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth. The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences for over 20 years (1894-1915) and contributed many articles.
1 Chronicles 1:1 - 1 Chronicles 9:1. UP TO THE CAPITIVITY
1 Chronicles 9:2-44. AFTER THE RETURN
1 Chronicles 10:1 - 2 Chronicles 36:21. UP TO THE CAPTIVITY
1 Chronicles 36:22-23. AFTER THE RETURN
* For the division of Chronicles into two books, see note on the structure of the two books of Samuel as a whole.
TITLE, First. See note on p. 530.
Chronicles. Heb. name, Dibrei hayyamim = words of the days. Greek name, Paraleipomena = things omitted. Latin name, C hronicon ,from whence comes English title. Chronicles. These books belong toquite another part of the O.T., and do not follow in sequence on thebooks of Kings. See Appdx-1. They are, according to the Heb. Canon, the conclusion of the O.T.; and the genealogies here lead up to that of Matthew 1:1, and the commencement of the N.T. They end with the ending of the kingdom; and the question of Cyrus, "Who is there?" (2 Chronicles 36:23) is followed by the answer, "Where is He ?" (Matthew 2:2),and the proclamation of the kingdom by the rightful King and Hisforerunner. It begins with the first Adam and leads on to the "lastAdam".
For the relation of Chronicles to Kings see notes ontitle "Kings" (p. 447); and for the parallel passages in Samuel andKings see Appdx-56.
It deals with the kingdom of Judah, because Christ was proclaimed as the successor of David.
It refers to other books: -Kings (2 Chronicles 16:11; 2 Chronicles 16:27. 2 Chronicles 16:7; 2 Chronicles 16:33. 2 Chronicles 16:18); Prophets (1 Chronicles 29:20. 2 Chronicles 9:29; 2 Chronicles 9:12. 2 Chronicles 9:15; 2 Chronicles 9:13. 2 Chronicles 9:22; 2 Chronicles 9:20. 2 Chronicles 9:34; 2 Chronicles 9:26. 2 Chronicles 9:22; 2 Chronicles 9:32. 2 Chronicles 9:32). It gives the histories from the Divine standpoint, pointing the moral, and giving the reason of both the judgments and the mercies (cp. 1 Chronicles 10:11. 2 Chronicles 12:12; 2 Chronicles 12:25. 2 Chronicles 12:20; 2 Chronicles 27:6, &c).
1 Chronicles 1:1 - 1 Chronicles 9:1. UP TO THE CAPTIVITY.
1 Chronicles 1:1 - 1 Chronicles 8:40. In Detail.
1 Chronicles 9:1. In sum.
1 Chronicles 1:5-23. COLLATERAL.
1 Chronicles 1:5-7. The sons of Japheth.
1 Chronicles 1:8-16. The sons of Ham.
1 Chronicles 1:17-23. The other sons of Shem.
1 Chronicles 1:29-33. COLLATERAL.
1 Chronicles 1:29-31. The sons of Ishmael.
1 Chronicles 1:32-33. The sons of Keturah.
1 Chronicles 1:35-54. COLLATERAL.
1 Chronicles 1:35-42. The sons of Esau.
1 Chronicles 1:43-51 -. The kings of Edom.
-, 1 Chronicles 1:51-54. The dukes of Edom.
1 Chronicles 2:1-12. DIRECT DESCENT.
1 Chronicles 2:1-2. Israel (Jacob) to Judah.
1 Chronicles 2:3-12. Judah to Jesse.
1 Chronicles 2:13-55. COLLATERAL.
1 Chronicles 2:13-17. Jesse""s posterity.
1 Chronicles 2:18-20. Caleb, the son of Hezron.
1 Chronicles 2:21-24. Hezron by daughter of Machir.
1 Chronicles 2:25-33. Jerahmeel""s posterity.
1 Chronicles 2:34-41. Sheshan""s posterity.
1 Chronicles 2:42-49. Caleb""s posterity.
1 Chronicles 2:50-55. Caleb, the son of Hur.
1 Chronicles 3:1-9. The sons of David.
1 Chronicles 3:10-16. David""s line to Zedekiah.
1 Chronicles 3:17-24. The descendants of Jeconiah.
1 Chronicles 4:1 - 1 Chronicles 8:40. COLLATERAL.
1 Chronicles 4:1-4. Judah""s posterity.
1 Chronicles 4:5-8. Ashur.
1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez.
1 Chronicles 4:11-20. Caleb the son of Hur.
1 Chronicles 4:21-23. The sons of Shelah.
1 Chronicles 4:24-43. The sons of Simeon.
1 Chronicles 5:1-10. The sons of Reuben (to the Captivity).
1 Chronicles 5:11-17. The sons of Gad.
1 Chronicles 5:18-26. Reuben, Gad, and half Manasseh.
1 Chronicles 6:1-3. The sons of Levi.
1 Chronicles 6:4-15. The Priests (to the Captivity).
1 Chronicles 6:16-48. Gershom, Kohath, and Merari.
1 Chronicles 6:49-53. The sons of Aaron.
1 Chronicles 6:54-81. The cities of Priests and Levites.
1 Chronicles 7:1-5. The sons of Issachar.
1 Chronicles 7:6-12. The sons of Benjamin.
1 Chronicles 7:13. The sons of Naphtali.
1 Chronicles 7:14-19. The sons of Manasseh.
1 Chronicles 7:20-29. The sons of Ephraim.
1 Chronicles 7:30-40. The sons of Asher.
1 Chronicles 8:1-32. The sons of Benjamin.
1 Chronicles 8:33-40. The stock of Saul and Jonathan.
1 Chronicles 9:2-44. AFTER THE RETURN (GENEALOGY).
1 Chronicles 9:2. In the cities.
1 Chronicles 9:3-34. In Jerusalem.
1 Chronicles 9:35-44. In Gibeon.
1 Chronicles 9:3-34. IN JERUSALEM.
1 Chronicles 9:3-9. Judah.
1 Chronicles 9:10-13. The Priests.
1 Chronicles 9:14-34. The Levites.
1 Chronicles 10:1-14. THE HOUSE OF SAUL OVERTHROWN.
1 Chronicles 10:1. Flight of Israel.
1 Chronicles 10:2-3. Philistines"" pursuit of Saul.
1 Chronicles 10:4-6. "So Saul died, and". (Event.)
1 Chronicles 10:7. Flight of Israel.
1 Chronicles 10:8-12. Philistines"" indignities to Saul.
1 Chronicles 10:13-14. "So Saul died, for". (Reason.)
2 Chronicles 11:1 - 2 Chronicles 36:21. THE HOUSE OF DAVID ESTABLISHED.
2 Chronicles 11:1 - 2Ch_29:30. David.
2 Chronicles 1:1 - 2Ch_9:31. Solomon.
2 Chronicles 10:1 - 2Ch 12:16. Rehoboam.
2 Chronicles 13:1 - 2Ch_14:1 -. Abijah.
2 Chronicles 14:1 - 2Ch_16:14. Asa.
2 Chronicles 17:1 - 2Ch_21:1 -. Jehoshaphat.
2 Chronicles 21:1 - 2 Chronicles 21:-20. Jehoram.
2 Chronicles 22:1-9. Ahaziah. (2 Chronicles 22:10 - 2Ch_23:21. Athaliah.)
2 Chronicles 24:1-27. Joash.
2 Chronicles 25:1-28. Amaziah.
2 Chronicles 26:1-23. Uzziah.
2 Chronicles 27:1-9. Jotham.
2 Chronicles 28:1-27. Ahaz.
2 Chronicles 29:1 - 2Ch_32:33. Hezekiah.
2 Chronicles 33:1-20. Manasseh.
2 Chronicles 33:21-25. Amon.
2 Chronicles 34:1 - 2Ch_35:27. Josiah.
2 Chronicles 36:1-4. Jehoahaz.
2 Chronicles 36:5-8. Jehoiakim.
2 Chronicles 36:9-10. Jehoiachin.
2 Chronicles 36:11-21. Zedekiah.
1 Chronicles 11:1 - 1 Chronicles 29:30. DAVID.
1 Chronicles 11:1 - 1 Chronicles 29:25. Events in detail.
1 Chronicles 29:26-30. Events in sum.
1 Chronicles 11:1 - 1 Chronicles 12:40. DAVID. ACCESSION.
1 Chronicles 11:1-3. Accession over Israel.
1 Chronicles 11:4-5. The taking of Jebus.
1 Chronicles 11:6. Forces. (Chief, Joab.)
1 Chronicles 11:7-9. The taking of Jebus.
1 Chronicles 11:10 - 1 Chronicles 12:37. Forces. Chiefs, mighty men.
1 Chronicles 12:38-40. Accession over all Israel.
1 Chronicles 12:1-37. THEIR AUXILIARIES.
1 Chronicles 12:24. Judah.
1 Chronicles 12:25. Simeon.
1 Chronicles 12:26-28. Levi.
1 Chronicles 12:29. Benjamin.
1 Chronicles 12:30. Ephraim.
1 Chronicles 12:31. Half Manasseh.
1 Chronicles 12:32. Issachar.
1 Chronicles 12:33. Zebulon.
1 Chronicles 12:34. Naphtali.
1 Chronicles 12:35. Dan.
1 Chronicles 12:36. Asher.
1 Chronicles 12:37. Those beyond Jordan
1 Chronicles 12:38-40. ACCESSION OVER ALL ISRAEL.
1 Chronicles 12:38 -. Assemblage. Men.
-, 1 Chronicles 12:38. Unanimity. One heart.
1 Chronicles 12:39. Festivity. Three days.
1 Chronicles 12:40. Assemblage. Supplies.
1 Chronicles 13:1 - 1 Chronicles 16:43. THE TENT. DAVID""S BRINGING UP THE ARK FOR IT.
1 Chronicles 13:1-14. Removal of Ark from Kirjath-jearim.
1 Chronicles 14:1. House for David.
1 Chronicles 14:2. Kingdom. Its establishment.
1 Chronicles 14:3-7. David""s family.
1 Chronicles 14:8-17. Kingdom. Its defense.
1 Chronicles 15:1 -. House for David.
1 Chronicles 15:1-29 - 1 Chronicles 16:1-43. Removal of Ark from house of Obed-edom.
1 Chronicles 15:1 - 1 Chronicles 16:43. REMOVAL FROM OBED-EDOM.
1 Chronicles 13:1-6. Preparation. Of People.
1 Chronicles 13:7. Conveyance. New cart.
1 Chronicles 13:8. Music.
1 Chronicles 13:9-11. Offence of Uzzah.
1 Chronicles 13:12-14 -. Ark carried aside.
1 Chronicles 13:14. Blessing from Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 15:1. Preparation. Of House.
1 Chronicles 15:2-15. Conveyance. Levites.
1 Chronicles 15:16-28. Music.
1 Chronicles 15:29. Offence of Michal.
1 Chronicles 16:1. Ark set in its place.
1 Chronicles 16:2-43. Blessing of Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 14:8-17. THE KINGDOM. ITS DEFENCE.
1 Chronicles 14:8. Fame heard by Philistines.
1 Chronicles 14:9. Philistines"" array.
1 Chronicles 14:10. Inquiry, and promise.
1 Chronicles 14:11-12. Defeat of Philistines.
1 Chronicles 14:13. Philistines"" array.
1 Chronicles 14:14-15. Inquiry and direction.
1 Chronicles 14:16. Defeat of Philistines.
1 Chronicles 14:17. Fame heard in all lands.
1 Chronicles 15:1 - 1 Chronicles 16:43. REMOVAL OF ARK FROM HOUSE OF OBED-EDOM
1 Chronicles 16:2-43. THE BLESSING OF JEHOVAH.
1 Chronicles 16:2-3. The People blessed.
1 Chronicles 16:4-6. Ministrations. Persons.
1 Chronicles 16:7. Delivery of Psalm to leaders.
1 Chronicles 16:8-36 -. The Psalm of Praise.
-, 1 Chronicles 16:36. Response by People.
1 Chronicles 16:37-42. Ministrations. Persons.
1 Chronicles 16:43. The People dismissed.
1 Chronicles 16:8-36-. THE PSALM OF PRAISE.
, 1 Chronicles 16:8-22. The peoples. (Psalms 105:1-18).
Psalms 105:23-27. The earth.
1 Chronicles 16:28-29. The peoples. (Psalms 96:1-13.)
Psalms 96:30-33. The earth.
1 Chronicles 16:34-36 -. The People. (Psalms 106:47, Psalms 106:48.)
1 Chronicles 17:1 - 1 Chronicles 22:19. THE TEMPLE. DAVID""S PREPARATION FOR IT.
1 Chronicles 17:1-27. Purpose declared.
1 Chronicles 18:1-13. Conquests.
1 Chronicles 18:14-17. Household.
1 Chronicles 19:1 - 1 Chronicles 20:8. Conquests.
1 Chronicles 21:1 - 1 Chronicles 22:19. Place predicted.
1 Chronicles 17:1-27. PURPOSE DECLARED.
1 Chronicles 17:1. David sitting in his own house. (Who I am.)
1 Chronicles 17:2. Nathan""s reply from himself.
1 Chronicles 17:3-15. Nathan""s reply from Jehovah.
1 Chronicles 17:16-27. David sitting before Jehovah. (Who am I?)
1 Chronicles 17:3-15. NATHAN""S REPLY FROM JEHOVAH.
1 Chronicles 17:3-4 -. Message sent.
-, 1 Chronicles 17:4. Jehovah""s House. "Thou shalt not build".
1 Chronicles 17:5-6. Jehovah""s condescension.
1 Chronicles 17:7. Jehovah""s election.
1 Chronicles 17:8. Jehovah""s protection.
1 Chronicles 17:9-10. Jehovah""s promise.
1 Chronicles 17:11-14. Jehovah""s House. "He shall build".
1 Chronicles 17:15. Message delivered.
1 Chronicles 17:16-27. DAVID SITTING BEFORE JEHOVAH.
1 Chronicles 17:16. Self:abased.
1 Chronicles 17:17. Revelation.
1 Chronicles 17:18. Plea. David""s person.
1 Chronicles 17:19. Promise.
1 Chronicles 17:20. God:exalted.
1 Chronicles 17:21-22. Israel pre-eminent.
1 Chronicles 17:23-24. Establishment.
1 Chronicles 17:25 -. Revelation.
-, 1 Chronicles 17:25. Plea. David""s House.
1 Chronicles 17:26. Promise.
1 Chronicles 17:27. Continuance.
1 Chronicles 18:1-13. CONQUESTS.
1 Chronicles 18:1-5. Conquests.
1 Chronicles 18:6 -. Garrisons in Syria.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:6 -. Subjection.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:6. Preservation.
1 Chronicles 18:7-12. Conquests.
1 Chronicles 18:13 -. Garrisons in Edom.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:13 -. Subjection.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:13. Preservation.
1 Chronicles 18:14-17. HOUSEHOLD.
1 Chronicles 18:14. David himself.
1 Chronicles 18:15 -. Chief captain.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:15. Recorder.
1 Chronicles 18:16 -. Priests.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:16. Scribe.
1 Chronicles 18:17 -. Captain.
-, 1 Chronicles 18:17. David""s sons.
1 Chronicles 19:1 - 1 Chronicles 20:8. CONQUESTS.
1 Chronicles 19:1-5. The provocation.
1 Chronicles 19:6 - 1 Chronicles 20:8. The wars.
1 Chronicles 19:1-5. THE PROVOCATION.
1 Chronicles 19:1-2 -. David hears of Hanun""s bereavement.
-, 1 Chronicles 19:2. Condolence sent to Hanum.
1 Chronicles 19:3. Suspicion.
1 Chronicles 19:4. Condolence requited with indignity.
1 Chronicles 19:5. David hears of Hanun""s action.
1 Chronicles 19:6 - 1 Chronicles 19:20:8. THE WARS.
1 Chronicles 19:6-19. Wars with Ammon and Syrians.
1 Chronicles 20:1-3. Siege of Rabbbah.
1 Chronicles 20:4-8. Wars with Philistines.
1 Chronicles 20:6-19. WARS WITH AMMON AND SYRIANS.
1 Chronicles 20:6-13. Assemblage of armies.
1 Chronicles 20:14 -. Engagement with Syrians.
-, 1 Chronicles 20:14. Flight of Syrians.
1 Chronicles 20:15. Flight of Ammonites.
1 Chronicles 20:16-17 -. Assemblage.
-, 1 Chronicles 20:17. Engagement with Syrians.
1 Chronicles 20:18. Flight of Syrians.
1 Chronicles 20:19. Submission of Syrians.
1 Chronicles 21:1 - 1 Chronicles 22:1. SITE OF TEMPLE PREDICATED.
1 Chronicles 21:1. Incitement.
1 Chronicles 21:2-8. The sin.
1 Chronicles 21:9-15 -. Punishment.
1 Chronicles 21:15--22:1. Expiation.
1 Chronicles 21:9-15. PUNISHMENT.
1 Chronicles 21:9-12. Divine offers.
1 Chronicles 21:13. Choice made.
1 Chronicles 21:14. Choice carried out.
1 Chronicles 21:15 -. Divine forbearance.
1 Chronicles 21:15 - 1 Chronicles 21:22:1. EXPITATION.
=1 Chronicles 21:15. Angel. Station.
1 Chronicles 21:16 -. David. Seeing.
-, 1 Chronicles 21:16-17. David. Humiliation.
1 Chronicles 21:18 - 1 Chronicles 22:1. Angel. Message.
1 Chronicles 21:18 - 1 Chronicles 22:1. ANGEL. MESSAGE.
1 Chronicles 21:18. Angel""s command to David.
1 Chronicles 21:19-26. David. Site of Altar.
1 Chronicles 21:27. Jehovah""s command to Angel.
1 Chronicles 21:28 - 1 Chronicles 22:1. David. Site of Temple.
1 Chronicles 21:19-26. DAVID. SITE OF ALTAR.
1 Chronicles 21:19. Obedience. Visit commenced.
1 Chronicles 21:20-21. Reception.
1 Chronicles 21:22-25. Negotiation.
1 Chronicles 21:26. Obedience. Object effected.
1 Chronicles 21:28 - 1 Chronicles 22:1. DAVID. SITE OF TEMPLE.
1 Chronicles 21:28. David""s sacrifice.
1 Chronicles 21:29. Station of Tabernacle.
1 Chronicles 21:30. David""s fear.
1 Chronicles 22:1. Site of Temple.
1 Chronicles 22:2 - 1 Chronicles 29:25. THE RESIGNATION.
1 Chronicles 22:2-19. Intention to build the Temple.
1 Chronicles 23:1. Solomon. First in vestiture.
1 Chronicles 23:2. Princes, Priests, &c. Assemblage.
1 Chronicles 23:3 - 1 Chronicles 27:34. Princes and Priests. Appointments.
1 Chronicles 28:1 - 1 Chronicles 29:22 -. Intention to build the Temple.
1 Chronicles 29:22-25. Solomon. Second investiture.
1 Chronicles 22:2-19. INTENTION TO BUILD THE TEMPLE.
1 Chronicles 22:2 -. David""s command about strangers.
-, 1 Chronicles 22:2. Workmen.
1 Chronicles 22:3-4. Preparation.
1 Chronicles 22:5 -. Solomon. Youth.
-, 1 Chronicles 22:5. The glory of the house.
1 Chronicles 22:6-13. Solomon. Charge.
1 Chronicles 22:14. Preparation.
1 Chronicles 22:15-16. Workmen.
1 Chronicles 22:17-19. David""s command to princes.
1 Chronicles 23:3 - 1 Chronicles 26:28. SACRED APPOINTMENTS.
1 Chronicles 23:3-5. The dedicated tribe.
1 Chronicles 23:6. Division. Courses of the priests.
1 Chronicles 23:7-11. Gershonites.
1 Chronicles 23:12-20. Kohathites.
1 Chronicles 23:21-23. Merarites.
1 Chronicles 23:24-32. The service of the house.
1 Chronicles 24:1-19. Sons of Aaron.
1 Chronicles 24:20-31. Sons of Levi.
1 Chronicles 25:1-31. Sons of Asaph.
1 Chronicles 26:1-25. Division. Porters and treasurers.
1 Chronicles 26:26-28. The dedicated things.
1 Chronicles 26:29 - 1 Chronicles 27:34. APPOINTMENTS.
1 Chronicles 28:1 - 1 Chronicles 29:22. INTENTION TO BUILD THE TEMPLE.
1 Chronicles 28:1 - 1 Chronicles 29:8. Preparation. Persons.
1 Chronicles 29:9. Joy.
1 Chronicles 29:10-20. Preparation. Devotions.
1 Chronicles 29:21-22 -. Feasting.
1 Chronicles 28:1 - 1 Chronicles 29:8. PREPARATIONS.
1 Chronicles 28:1. Princes. Gifts.
1 Chronicles 28:2-8. People addressed.
1 Chronicles 29:9-10. Solomon charged.
1 Chronicles 28:11-19. The pattern delivered.
1 Chronicles 28:20-21. Solomon charged.
1 Chronicles 29:1-5. People addressed.
1 Chronicles 29:6-8. Princes. Gifts.
1 Chronicles 28:11-19. THE PATTERN DELIVERED.
1 Chronicles 28:11 -. The pattern given by David.
-, 1 Chronicles 28:11-12. The house and its parts.
1 Chronicles 28:13. The service of the house.
1 Chronicles 28:14-18. The house and its furniture.
1 Chronicles 28:19. The pattern given to David.
1 Chronicles 29:10-20. PREPARATION. DEVOTIONS.
-, 1 Chronicles 29:22-25. SOLOMON. SECOND INVESTITURE.
1 Chronicles 29:26-30. EVENTS. IN SUM (DAVID).
01 Chapter 1
Verse 1
was strengthened: i.e. after the events recorded in 1Chr 28and 1Chr 29; 1Kings 1and 1Kings 2.
the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4.
God. Hebrew. Elohim. App-4.
Verse 2
Solomon spake. Thus beginning his reign as David had ended his (1 Chronicles 28:1) by a solemn assembly.
captains = princes.
chief = heads.
Verse 3
congregation = convocation, or muster.
went. For the reason, see 1 Kings 3:4.
Gibeon = a high place.
tabernacle = tent. Hebrew "ohel. App-40.
congregation = assembly.
Moses the servant of the LORD. See note on Deuteronomy 34:5.
Verse 4
But = But indeed.
the ark. See note on 1 Chronicles 13:3. Exodus 25:22.
brought up. Compare 2 Samuel 6:2, 2 Samuel 6:17. 1 Chronicles 15:1.
Verse 5
the brasen altar. This is additional and supplementary to the account in 1Ki 3.
he put. So some codices, with two early printed editions; but many codices, with four early printed editions, Septuagint, and Vulgate, read "was there.
the. Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate read "all the".
Verse 6
before. A special various reading called Sevir (App-34) reads "which [was] before".
congregation = assembly.
offered = offered up. Hebrew. alah. App-43.
Verse 7
In that night. Compare 1 Kings 3:5-15.
Verse 8
mercy = lovingkindness, or grace.
Verse 9
unto = with.
like the dust. Figures of speech Paroemia and Hyperbole. App-6.
Verse 10
knowledge. Hebrew. madda". A rare word = inner consciousness. Occurs only here, verses: 2 Chronicles 1:11-12, Ecclesiastes 10:20 ("thought"). Daniel 1:4 ("science"). Daniel 1:17 = knowledge (gained by experience, Genesis 2:9); while "wisdom" = knowledge (gained by study).
go out . . . come in. Figure of speech Synecdoche (of Species), App-6, put for manner of life in general.
who can judge . . . ? Figure of speech Erotesis.
People, that is so great? or, this Thy great People?
Verse 11
this was in thine heart. Supplementary to the account in Kings.
the life = the soul. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13.
long life = many days.
Verse 13
came from his journey to. Septuagint and Vulgate read "came from".
Verse 15
as stones . . . as the sycomore trees. Figure of speech Hyperbole.
Verse 16
horses. Compare Deuteronomy 17:16.
linen yarn = in droves. See note on 1 Kings 10:28, 1 Kings 10:29.
price = tariff.
Verse 17
by their means. Compare 1 Kings 10:26-29.
02 Chapter 2
Verse 1
the name of. Figure of speech Pleonasm. See note on Psalms 20:1.
an house for his kingdom. This is described in 1Ki 7, which is complementary to 2 Chronicles 8:1.
Verse 2
And Solomon, &c. The 11th Seder ends here. See note on p. 366.
men. Hebrew. "ish. App-14.
three thousand and six hundred. Compare 1 Kings 5:16.
Verse 3
As = according as.
even so deal with me. Figure of speech Ellipsis (absolute). App-6.
Verse 4
Behold. Figure of speech Asterismos.
God. Hebrew. Elohim. App-4.
sweet incense = incense of spices.
the continual shewbread. See note on Exodus 25:30; Exodus 40:4.
Verse 5
great. In magnificence, not in size. Not for People; but, for Jehovah"s presence with them.
Verse 6
who is able . . . ? Figure of speech Erotesis.
heaven and heaven of heavens. Figure of speech Polyptoton. App-6.
Verse 7
cunning = clever, or skilful. See note on 1 Chronicles 22:15; 1 Chronicles 25:7, and Exodus 26:1.
and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton.
can skill = know how.
Verse 8
fir = cypress.
algum. See note on 1 Kings 10:11.
Verse 9
wonderful great. Hebrew "great and wonderful". Figure of speech Hendiadys (App-6) = great, yea, wonderfully great.
Verse 10
I will give to thy servants. No discrepancy here with 1 Kings 5:11. There the allowance was for Hiram"s household at Tyre; here for Hiram"s labourers in Lebanon.
beaten wheat: i.e. wheat prepared for food.
baths. See App-51.
Verse 12
heaven and earth. See note on Deuteronomy 4:26.
Verse 14
a woman . . . of Dan. By birth. In 1 Kings 7:14, a widow . . . of Naphtali. By marriage. No discrepancy, as alleged.
Verse 16
floats = rafts.
Verse 17
the strangers. See note on 2 Samuel 12:31, and compare 1 Chronicles 22:2.
Verse 18
set . . . a work = keep the people at work.
03 Chapter 3
Verse 1
the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4.
mount Moriah. Not mentioned since Genesis 22:2, nor ever again.
Moriah. Vision of Jah. Refers here to "where Jehovah appeared".
where. See note on 1 Chronicles 22:1.
had prepared. Compare 1 Chronicles 22:14; 1 Chronicles 2:7.
Verse 3
God. Hebrew. ha-"elohlm, the [true or triune] God.
Verse 4
according to = in the front of.
an hundred and twenty. Read "twenty" by a transposition of letters.
Verse 5
the greater house: i.e. the holy of holies.
cieled = covered. Walls as well as roof.
fir = cypress.
fine = pure.
palm trees: i.e. artificial.
chains = wreathen work. Only found in connection with Tabernacle and Temple.
Verse 7
posts = thresholds.
Verse 8
the most holy = the holy of holies. See note on Exodus 3:5.
Verse 9
weight of the nails. These small and simple things not excluded. They held all together; and, though out of sight, are remembered and named by God.
Verse 10
image work = carved work. This was no breach of the second commandment, for it was by the Divine Lawgiver"s own direction.
Verse 13
inward = toward the Ark.
Verse 14
the vail. Not mentioned in 1Ki 6.
Verse 15
thirty and five cubits. In 1 Kings 7:15 = eighteen cubits. But there it is "apiece"; here they are reckoned together. See note on 1 Kings 7:15.
Verse 16
chains = wreathen work.
the oracle. See note on 2 Samuel 16:23.
Verse 17
Jachin . . . Boaz. See notes on 1 Kings 7:21.
04 Chapter 4
Verse 3
in a cubit: or, to the height of a cubit (i.e. one-fifth of the brazen sea).
Verse 5
received and held three thousand baths., 1 Kings 7:26 says 2,000; and it is alleged that "there must be a mistake in the figures". But no: 1 Kings 7:26 speaks of what it usually "contained", while here it speaks of what it could actually "receive and hold".
Verse 6
offered = offered up. Hebrew. "alah. App-43.
Verse 7
candlesticks = lampstands.
Verse 8
basons = bowls for sprinkling.
Verse 9
court of the priests. None in Tabernacle.
Verse 12
pommels = bowls.
wreaths = network.
Verse 13
upon = upon the face of.
Verse 16
the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4.
Verse 18
found out = searched out.
Verse 20
after the manner: i.e. the prescribed order. Compare 2 Chronicles 4:7 and Exodus 27:20, Exodus 27:21.
the oracle. See note on 2 Samuel 16:23.