

Represented:Workforce Readiness Council

Submitted by:Lawanna Dendy

1. ItemsorProjectsfor Board Discussionor Approval:The Mission Continues Fellowship opportunity provided by Upstate Warrior Solution. The Career Mentors for Veterans opportunity to secure their buy-in. And, The Greenville Chamber and the Greenville Reentry Task Force is interested in GSHRM's (or the GSHRM WRC specifically) endorsement of the following event. The event is a Corporate Leader Engagement Breakfast held at the Commerce Club on May 19th. The topic is employment of people with criminal backgrounds.

2. ActionItemProgress(Board Member or Committee assigned): The WRC has begun researching the untapped markets we plan to raise awareness, dispel myths and prepare resources during the November meeting:

• Veterans – Laura Bogardus and Robyn Grable

• People with disabilities – Bob Lowe and Kelly Scheib

• People with criminal backgrounds – Tia Foster, Lawanna Dendy, Laura Bogardus

• Long term unemployed – Nicole Andrews

• Older Workers –Beth Wood

• Entry Level Workers – Todd Davis & Susan Groomes

3. UpdatesonCurrentProjectsandPlans(asinformation–no discussion needed):

WRC last met on February 20, 2015. We had a brief orientation for our new member. We discussed the following items:

•Ideas on how to be engageGSHRM Members regarding workforce readiness volunteer opportunities. Lawanna Dendy Spoke with Cathy Rodriquez on 3/5/14 to discuss ways we can work together to inform GSHRM members of volunteer opportunities in the community.

•On behalf of the WRC, Laura reported on the WRC's recent marketing discussion with marketing and media committee chair (Bobbie Stewart) and PR committee director (Samantha Smith). The discussion was about greater use of social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to promote meetings, volunteer opportunities, and other happenings to GSHRM members. WRC members suggested that GSHRM outreach and information would be more effectively received if there were more avenues to reach members beyond the newsletter and website, because members don't always read these thoroughly or open them regularly.

•We discussed our upcoming involvement with the August GSHRM conference. The WRC will facilitate the following session:

We Hire Veterans (but where are they?)! Announcing your company's initiative to hire veterans is a good start, but it is not enough. Effective veteran hiring programs require intention, planning, and follow through. In this panel session, you will hear from three employers as they explain their paths to developing successful veteran hiring programs. You will also hear from a veteran who specializes in helping fellow military members and spouses secure employment. You will leave this session with the resources and knowledge necessary to start or augment your company's veteran hiring program.

Facilitator: Work Readiness Council Member (Name TBD)
Employer Panelist 1: TBD
Employer Panelist 2: TBD
Employer Panelist 3: TBD
Veteran Panelist 4: (From Upstate Warrior Solution - name TBD)

Next Meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2015

4. NewMember ContactsRegardingCommittee Interest:

We hadonenew members join us in January:Robyn Grable with ADP

5. GSHRM membersinvolved inyour projectwork:

Active members include:

  1. Kelly Scheib
  2. Laura Bogardus
  3. Nicole Andrews
  4. Beth Wood
  5. Todd Davis
  6. Bob Lowe
  7. Nicole Andrews
  8. Susan Groomes
  9. Tia Foster
  10. Robyn Grable