Teaching observation feedback form
Name of teacher: / Name of observer:Course code: / Room no: / Time: / Date:
Subject: / No. of sts:
Teaching aim of the class:
Comment on the following:
Structure and timing of the class (Did the stages of the class follow logically, did they combine a variety of focus and tasks, was the timing for each stage appropriate?)There was a good positive friendly atmosphere to this group – evidenced by a number of students talking to you before class. You stared on time and it was good to comment about resources on Moodle for them. The green screen was not much fun for you but well managed. It was good to get make late student sit in with the group.
The session had a positive start with the group activity mini quiz. You had made really clear handouts for the session – supportive and provided a structure for the session. There was good noise in the room during the tasks and this is something to be listening for when setting tasks. During the first task it would have been useful for you to walk round the groups and ensure they are doing the task. This was a great group exercise but you were doing more work than they did – something we talked about when we met.
Good introduction to the presentation and setting it up for the class. Do you give feedback to students on the design and delivery as well as the disciplinary content of the presentation afterwards? Did you have a class about presentations – did you give any guidance, structure, timings etc? Excellent positive affirmation of presenter throughout. What did you want the students to learn/do in the presentation? The presentation took up a lot of session – they are useful to have in sessions but as we talked about they need to work with your session plan. It can help to limit the number of slides, say 4-5 for ten mins. Excellent positive affirmation of presenter throughout. Very positive all the students applauded the presented. I think when you asked questions from students - push them more for this and give them time to write one down and then select people round the room – use the handout to allow space for this to move them to be more active listeners. It was great you had a question for the student.
At 1630 you set a pair work task on a question for seminar – this was done well with clear instructions. You demonstrated throughout the session clam, confident class room management and made use of the board and projector – although be careful with the written part pf the board work as became a little messy during the session. Good to set board up when pair work going and the importance of you also listening to their conversations even though your back is turned. It would add to the group work to go round the groups and work with them a little and be less distant from them and hear more of what their conversations bout and thus allow to evaluate how their learning is developing in the session and any misconceptions that need to be addressed. You did well in asking for someone else to contribute other than presenter Howard.
You provided positive affirmation of students’ contributions with good management of contributions. When asking about policy networks there was an opportunity to ask for someone to contribute who hadn’t spoken up yet; you asked, then silence – here get them to do this in a quick buzz group moment - make them work here. As we talked about, it became apparent they hadn’t done reading and you let them off the hook a little – very easy to do but we discussed some approaches to getting them to undertake the readings and reiterating the importance of them doing the work. On the whole though you facilitated class discussions well.
At the end you did well to ask someone who hadn’t spoken to wrap up. Maybe give them a minute in pairs to talk about this then ask the quieter people to speak up. Here given this is not a first year group you can then ask the non contributing students to speak up with a ‘lets hear from someone who hasn’t spoken to day’. Some rearrangement of the room and you sitting more with them would allow you to have greater control over the group.
You provide a lot of the energy in the session and we talked about if anything calming down a little and through students doing more tasks this will take the pressure of you to be ‘on’ the whole time and more importantly makes them engage in their learning and allow students to work in different ways and for some it will give then a bit of time to work/think the questions through.
Student participation (Did the students have to work during the class, did this work increase their understanding of the class topic, did they develop the skills they will need for the exam / real world, did the tasks mean they are more likely to prepare for the class or can they just sit and not participate?)
On the whole this was a very friendly and engaged group – a few students tended to dominate the session as discussed above and a few students did not speak all session. It is clear they respect your knowledge and they see you as the expert. Maybe with some of the suggestions above regarding readings and group work they may all need to be involved and contributing based on readings.
Teaching manner (Did the teacher look in control, confident etc.?)
Good clear voice and enthusiasm throughout the session. You have a nice friendly rapport with the students and approach your teaching in a confident manner. There is no doubt that the students see you as the expert in the room. You made good use of names throughout the session. It is evident you want your students to do well and this positive supportive attitude to teaching is to be commended.
Visuals (Did the use of the white board, projector, OHP etc. help with the clarity of the information / flow of the class?)
Board was used well – but be careful with red pen and handwriting.
Other comments / recommendations
Overall, did the teacher achieve his / her aims? How do you know?