Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance

Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance

City of Edmonton Participation in the ACAA

That the City of Edmonton become a member of the Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance, as outlined in the November 16, 2008, Deputy City Manager’s Office report 2008DCM047.

Report Summary

This report provides an overview of the Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance (ACAA) and justification for the City of Edmonton to officially join the ACAA.

Previous Council/Committee Action

·  At the December 2, 2008, Agenda Review Committee meeting, the November 16, 2008, Deputy City Manager’s Office report 2008DCM047 was referred to the December 17, 2008, City Council meeting.


ACAA Overview

·  The City of Edmonton’s Office of Environment and Energy, Deputy City Manager’s Office and the Drainage Branch (through their membership in the Strathcona Industrial Association) have participated to date in the development of the Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance (ACAA).

·  A map of the ACAA is provided in Attachment 1. The boundaries are the Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA), less the West Central Airshed which occupies a portion of the CMA to the west of Edmonton and the Fort Air Partnership airshed which occupies a portion of the CMA to the northeast of Edmonton.

·  The ACAA is officially recognized by the Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) and Alberta Environment and has been incorporated as a non-profit society under the Alberta Societies Act.

·  The ACAA is in the process of updating their business plan. Background information on the ACAA is available at

·  In addition to the City of Edmonton, participating stakeholders include Alberta Environment, Capital Health Region, EPCOR, Lehigh Inland, Sierra Club, Strathcona Industrial Association and the Toxic Watch Society.

·  Current municipal members of the ACAA are Stony Plain, Parkland County and Leduc County.

ACAA Current Activities

·  Ozone Management Plan: The ACAA is leading the development of the Ozone Management Plan for the CMA. The Plan is required under the CASA framework for the Canada Wide Standards (CWS) for ground level ozone. The ACAA is coordinating the development of this plan with input from the Fort Air Partnership and the West Central Airshed.

·  Air Emissions Inventory: A preliminary inventory of air emissions in the CMA was undertaken as a precursor to the Ozone management plan development and as background information for planning purposes of the ACAA. The City‘s Transportation Department modeling work that has been undertaken on a regional basis was used to derive transportation emissions for the inventory. It is expected that the inventory methodology will be refined over time.

·  Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: A key goal of the ACAA is to implement a program to collect scientifically defensible data related to ACAA regional air quality. This goal includes an intent to assume the responsibility of monitoring of ambient air quality in the airshed.

·  Prior to assuming responsibility for air quality stations a sustainable funding model will need to be put into place. The ACAA plans to establish an equitable funding model over the next three years. As the ACAA moves into air quality monitoring the City will have an opportunity to reaffirm our membership.

·  To ensure adequacy of the monitoring system, the ACAA has commissioned an assessment of the monitoring network with a report to be available in early 2009.

·  Membership Recruitment: In order for the ACAA to be successful, it needs to actively identify stakeholders and recruit new membership. To date, the ACAA has identified 41 specific participating stakeholder groups, which includes the City of Edmonton, and recruited 11 paid members through its outreach activities. Recruitment will continue to be a priority over the next three years.


·  The City of Edmonton’s participation in the ACAA is supported by the City’s Environmental Policy, C512.

Focus Area

·  The City of Edmonton’s participation in the ACAA will support the 10-year strategic goal to Preserve and Sustain Edmonton’s Environment.

Public Consultation

·  The City’s Environmental Advisory Committee has been kept up to date on the development of the ACAA and is supportive of the City of Edmonton becoming an official member of the Alliance.

Budget/Financial Implications

·  The City’s annual membership fee ($2,000 for 2008) will be funded from the existing Office of the Environment and Energy budget.

Justification of Recommendation
The City of Edmonton’s participation in the Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance will provide an opportunity to provide input into policy decisions around air quality such as the development of an Ozone Management Plan for the Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area and the rationalization of the ambient air quality monitoring network.


  1. Map of Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance

Others Reviewing this Report

L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department

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Attachment 1

Map of Alberta Capital Airshed Alliance

Page 1 of 1 Report: 2008DCM047 Attachment 1