EFA Community Room December 15, 2004

933 Hoffman Street 5:30 p.m.

Elmira, NY 14905

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / Board President Michael Crimmins called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 5:30 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
ATTENDANCE / Present: Michael Crimmins, Barton Graham, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Susan Skidmore (arr. 6:05 pm), Ethel Stroman, Mary Beth Turner, Robert Woods
Absent: None
Others: Laura Sherwood
CLERK PRO TEM / President Crimmins appointed Mrs. Long Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA / Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley, to move Item J9 (Approval of Salary Increase for Assistant Superintendent of Management Services) to G and renumber other items subsequently.
Ms. Sherwood asked that High School Schedules be added to the Superintendent’s Report and also added a personnel addendum (K-Addendum).
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Absent: Skidmore
EXECUTIVE SESSION / Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation and the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or persons. (5:40 p.m.)
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Stroman,
Turner, Woods
No: None
Absent: Skidmore
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION / Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board return to open session. (6:57 p.m.)
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon,
Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Robin Long
Clerk Pro Tem
ATTENDANCE / Others: Laura Sherwood, Madge Larrimore, Christine Mecke, Patricia Stayments, Alex Shephard (EFA Student Representative), Kelly McWhorter (SHS Student Representative), Mark Greven (ETA President), Christopher Spezialetti (ESSAC Representative), Shawn Morris (CMCW President)
RECONVENE / The Board reconvened at 7:08 p.m.
CLERK PRO TEM / President Crimmins appointed Kristin Butler Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.
EDMS – Project Lead the Way Excellence Award / Ernie Davis Middle School Principal, Christopher Spezialetti, introduced Technology Teachers, Rick Lombardini and Doug Stadelmaier, and recognized them for receiving the Project Lead the Way Excellence Award.
Ernie Davis Middle School Students
Peggy Chalk
Marilyn Mekos & Lisa Hubbard
Alex Shephard & Kelly McWhorter
New Student Board Representatives / Ernie Davis Math Teacher, Megan Cramer, introduced and recognized the following Student Government students for participating in creating a float for the holiday parade: Cassandra Augustine, Jacob Coles, Alex Coon, Gabrielle Cornish, Mallory Davis, Michael Davis, Katie Denicola, Riley Donahue, Iesha Duncan, Tiffany Fields, Megan Kelley, Nick Lian, Anna Moss, Chinami Onodera, Casey Ostrander, James Rice and Ian Strzelecki.
Superintendent, Laura Sherwood, recognized Purchasing Manager, Peggy Chalk, for being honored as the Institute for Supply Management Person of the Year Volunteer.
Superintendent, Laura Sherwood, recognized teachers Marilyn Mekos and Lisa Hubbard for becoming National Certified Teachers.
Superintendent, Laura Sherwood, and Board President, Michael Crimmins, thanked Alex Shephard and Kelly McWhorter for serving as student representatives for SHS and EFA throughout the year 2004.
Laura Sherwood introduced the following high school juniors as the new student representatives on the Board for the year 2005: Rachel Mattison (EFA), Patrick Seymour (Alternative High School), and Justin Woods (SHS).
Board Members / Mr. Woods wished everyone Happy Holidays!
Mrs. Mattoon reported on Pine City activities and remarked that the PFO is amazing. She also attended the School Board Institute Courses.
Mr. Hurley attended the SHS Madrigal Feast at Elmira College and the final School Board Institute Courses.
Mrs. Long attended the benefit for Danny Cady, a SHS junior hurt in a motorcycle accident, the BOCES merger meeting and she finished the School Board Institute Courses.
Ms. Stroman also finished the School Board Institute Courses.
Mrs. Skidmore welcomed Patrick Seymour, the new student representative from the Alternative High School, and reported on the Small Cities meeting on litigation, and two conferences she attended on negotiations and legal issues.
Mr. Graham commented on shared decision making.
Mr. Crimmins asked for a moment of silence to remember those who are no longer with us this holiday season. He also gave an update on the Superintendent’s search and the scheduling of interviews for an Interim Superintendent. He reported on Board work during the past five months and the newly established Board committees which have begun their work.
Associations Representatives / ETA President, Mark Greven, congratulated both Marilyn Mekos and Lisa Hubbard on becoming National Certified Teachers. He also commended Jeremy Sager for being a Golden Apple Award winner and Megan Cramer for her active participation in the canned food drive at Ernie Davis Middle School. He noted that Hendy faculty wrapped gifts for the American Cancer Society at the Arnot Mall and that seven of our schools were represented at the recent holiday parade.
ESSAC representative, Christopher Spezialetti, reported on various school activities throughout the District including canned food drives, holiday concerts, site review team visits, upcoming middle school testing and an upcoming hockey game at the First Arena with Davis Middle School staff playing Broadway Middle School staff.
CMCW President, Shawn Morris, reported on the status of negotiations and also discussed the Horizon Flagship 403(b) situation.
Student Representatives / Alex Shephard, EFA student representative, reported on a recent comedy performance, student council activities, improvements at EFA and the success of the basketball teams. He also reflected on the time he served as the EFA student representative on the Board .
Kelly McWhorter, SHS student representative, reported on the Madrigal Feast, Key Club, Student Council and Interact activities and noted that winter sports are underway. She stated that she has enjoyed her experience as student representative on the Board.
Statement Regarding Negotiations by Board President / Board President, Michael Crimmins, read a statement regarding the contract and negotiating goals set by the Board in January 2003. The Board believes that it is in the best interest of the District that 20% of the annual premium contribution comes from all participants in the health plan. This has already been built into other employee contracts. The Board stands by this, and reaffirms this belief, which may hamper negotiations with CMCW and ETA.
VISITORS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD / Ken Douglas, who was employed as Clerk of the Works for the District from 1998-2001 and then hired by Welliver-McGuire in 2001 to oversee our $88 million project, spoke on behalf of the District continuing to use Welliver-McGuire to oversee the rest of the project.
Tom Petro spoke to the Board about the amount of change orders generated throughout the Capital Construction Project. He also spoke about the provision for the public to be at executive sessions and an administrator’s pay raise.
Jonathan Evans, Ernie Davis Middle School Teacher, commented on Elmira’s need to compete with other local school districts in order to retain teachers.
Michael Thomas, maintenance mechanic, spoke to the Board about CMCW negotiation issues in trying to settle their contract.
Joan Treubig, Pine City Elementary Kindergarten Teacher, stated that time with students is being taken away with other activities (test scoring, training, etc.). She also stated that resources are going to administration instead of teachers.
Margaret Rebarchik, Special Education Teacher, spoke to the Board about the lack of an ETA contract and the recent 403b changeover.
Charles Collins, Physical Education Teacher, commented that our district loses good teachers to other school districts.
Mary Tucker, SHS Business Teacher, stated that the cost of health insurance is increasing and that if retirees have to pay the additional 20% they should receive dental and prescription coverage like the active employees do.
Mary Ann Cleary, First Grade Teacher at Hendy, asked if the Board would consider release time for professional development for those pursuing other courses outside the district for their professional development.
Anne Caruana, EFA Teacher, stated that retiree issues such as dental and optical needs should be considered in contract negotiations.
Salary Increase for Assistant Superintendent for Management Services / Mrs. Mattoon moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner to approve amending the Assistant Superintendent for Management Services’ contract to provide a salary increase of four and one-half percent (4.5%) effective July 1, 2005.
Motion Defeated
Yes: None
No: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon,
Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods
Comprehensive District Educational Plan (CDEP) / Interim Associate Superintendent for Instruction, Madge Larrimore, handed out the updated Comprehensive District Educational Plan (CDEP) to Board Members. A discussion ensued regarding how the Board Goals, the Plan for Participation and CDEP are all intertwined. The Board will receive minutes from the DPT meetings to keep them informed. Schools will format presentations to the Board to coincide with the goals of CDEP.
Initiatives and Update on School Safety and Climate / Superintendent Sherwood updated the Board on school safety and climate initiatives which included the internet safety presentation at Broadway Middle School, the modified dismissal procedure at Pine City Elementary, the training of aides in Choice Theory & Assertive Discipline at Beecher Elementary, and the book fair and student dance at Washington Elementary. She also read the proposed site council mission statement from EFA.
Super PAC Update / Superintendent Sherwood explained the purpose of the Super PAC group which includes parent partners and PFO members from each school in the district. They meet with the Superintendent monthly and a guest speaker from the district reports on topics such as bully-proofing, staff development, early literacy, curriculum, arts, the marketing committee, the budget, health and wellness, technology, etc.
High School Schedules / Ms. Sherwood queried the Board on the high school schedule alignment work. The Board reaffirmed that aligned schedules are important to them and that they are committed to having an aligned schedule for both high schools in place for September 2005. Consultant, Elliot Merenbloom, will meet with the Building Planning Teams from both SHS & EFA on January 5th and then make a presentation to the Board on January 19, 2005.
CONSENT ITEMS / Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board of Education approve the consent items as follows:
Minutes / Minutes of the November 3, 2004 Special Meeting, the November 4, 6, & 16, 2004 Work Sessions and the November 17, 2004 Regular Meeting. Also the December 1 Special Meeting and December 7 & 8 Work Sessions of the Board of Education.
Financial Reports / Treasurer’s Reports for October 2004 as presented.
Central Treasurers’ Reports for October 2004 as presented.
Contract / The contract with the Corning-Painted Post Area School District for non-resident student health services provided by it for fifteen students for the 2003-04 school year in the amount of $3,571.05. (Copy available in the Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)
Grants / The grant from the New York State Education Department for the Positive Citizens Plus Program in the amount of $34,000.
The grant from the New York State Education Department for Title V Innovative Programs in the amount of $42,741.
The grant from the New York State Education Department for Title II, Part A Programs in the amount of $726,577.
The grant from the New York State Education Department for Targeted Pre-Kindergarten in the amount of $348,049.
Donations / The gift of $50.00 donated to Coburn Elementary School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $50.00 at budget code A2110-04-56-0487.
The gift of $110.00 donated to Broadway Middle School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $110.00 at budget code A2020-36-56-0500.
The gift of $18.25 donated to Coburn Elementary School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $18.25 at budget code A2110-04-56-0500.
The gift of $56.67 donated to Coburn Elementary School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $56.67 at budget code A2110-04-20-0500.
The gift of $1,985.50 donated to Broadway Elementary School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $1,985.50 at budget code A2110-03-20-0500.
Reimbursements / The receipt of reimbursements totaling $603.32 and that the 2004-05 General Fund expenditure code A2610-39-36-0525 be increased by $8.37, and that the 2004-05 General Fund expenditure code A2020-36-56-0500 be increased by $575.00, and that the 2004-05 General Fund expenditure code A2110-10-56-0500 be increased by $9.95, and that the 2004-05 General Fund expenditure code A2110-04-56-0481 be increased by $10.00.
Committee on Special Education Recommendations / The placement of students classified by the District Committee on Special Education (CSE) Teams.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon,
Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
2003-06 Comprehensive District Educational Plan (CDEP) / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board of Education approve our updated District Comprehensive Educational Plan (CDEP). (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Abstain: Graham
Add Two Additional Assistant Indoor Track Coaches / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board of Education approve the request to add two additional assistant indoor track coaches effective immediately.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon,
Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Establish a School Store at Southside High School / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley, that the Board of Education approve the request for the creation of a School Store named “The Hornet Depot” at Southside High School effective immediately upon approval.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon,
Skidmore, Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
New Social Studies Textbooks / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board of Education approve the following Social Studies textbooks: 1) Passport to World Communities, copyright 2005 by Scott Foresman; 2) Social Studies New York, copyright 2005 by Scott Foresman, 3) Passport to Latin America and Canada, copyright 2005 by Scott Foresman.