Triumphant Ministries Toowoomba –
Sexual Sin List with Prayer Strategy
Father, firstly I address the spirits of the kingdom of darkness.
Devils I resist you, I renounce you and refuse your will for my life. I no longer want to be in agreement with your perverse ways. I denounce you and your ways and I hate you and declare you are my enemy and I come into agreement with Jesus my deliver that you will leave His Temple, my body.
Today is the day you are going to loose and leave me. I come out of agreement and fellowship with you and resist all of you; you will leave me and I declare and agree you will be taken to the place The Lord Jesus Christ has appointed for you.
I surrender all the area’s I have given over to you to The Lord Jesus Christ. I reclaim all the ground I have ever given to you in my body, soul and spirit because of sexual transgressions. I resist you, renounce you and refuse your presence any longer in my life.
I now renounce, repent and confess every sexual transgression that I have done on this list and those done by my ancestors on both sides of the family back over three, four, seven, ten, forty and even a hundred generations. I confess our iniquity in our trespass where we have trespassed against You (Leviticus 26:40).
I repent and renounce of each and every transgression I am committing, involved in and those I have practiced and participated in. I now forsake and turn from darkness to light from the flesh to The Spirit so as to overcome the sexual transgressions I have been bonded to.
I ask for release of all evil soul ties to the following people I have been in every way sexually intimate with inside and outside the legal covenant of marriage __________________.
[Stop and take the time to name those before The Lord Jesus; and if you do not recall, just say Father those I cannot recall. Name also any of those throughout your early milestones or those that were without your consent.]
Father, I ask where I still have close or friendships with those who are fornicators, homosexuals or those who are sexually perverse, either a brother or a sister in Christ or those of the world, change my heart to come away from them so as to obey Your command “not to associate intimately with fornicators” and that which is written in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13.
Father I come into agreement with Your Word old things are passed away and I am a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). I ask that you would release me from all soul-ties, affections so that I may break away from these friendships so as to spiritually mature and overcome the iniquities that caused me to have things in common with them. Father I choose to obey the command “come out from among them, and be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17) “since I must go out of the world.” (1 Corinthians 5:10)
Father, I also repent of all unscriptural divorce and the remarrying that may of made my spouse commit adultery or myself to commit adultery (Mark 10:11-12). I repent of all spiritual whoredom, harlotry, fornication, adultery and idolatry in these areas. I repent where I have been disobedient to all your commandments by my sexual transgressions.
I repent, renounce and denounce where others and myself have been involved in these transgressions out of; deceit, deception, lies, fear, fear of man, people pleasing, loneliness, stress, pain, rejection, self-protection, inferiority, pride, shame, ambition, money, control, perversion, seduction, power, prestige, rank, title, greed, hatred, revenge, to hurt and harm others, for gain, for money, for taking forbidden fruit, adrenalin rush, pleasure, feelings, to escape reality, false securities as my circumstances were too much for me to handle, to have a sense of being loved, to be approved, to be seen as desirable, for ego, for conceit, self-esteem and for whatever reason You will to bring to my heart ________________.
Father, I repent with the worship, agreement and fellowship with darkness and the worship of man and or woman or child/ren. I repent of all unrighteousness, fornication, iniquity, covetousness, malice, full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, evil habits; becoming a whisperers, slanderer, God-hatter, insolent, proud, braggart, devising evil things, disobedient to parents, without discernment, perfidious, without natural affection, unforgiving unmerciful and approving and applauding those practicing such (Romans 1:29-32).
Father, I repent for being a lover of self, lover of money, braggart, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural feeling, unyielding, slanderer, without self control, savage, hater of good, betrayer, reckless, puffed up, lover of pleasure rather than lover of God, having a form of godliness but denying Your power and all my foolishness (2 Timothy 3:2-5).
Father, I ask you to release myself, my child/children who are living at home under my Parental authority from all; judgments, from where you have given us up to a reprobate mind and uncleanness, where our eyes, ears and heart are veiled that we might not perceive. From everything you have sent on us, from all reproach, from oppression, from all reproach, from all wraths. From everywhere we are seared in our conscious and from family and marital curses, from curses judgments unknown, strongholds, plagues, any hexes, jinx or spells, oaths and vows, mind control, control, witchcraft control, blood covenants, promises and all binding allegiances.
Father, I ask for release from bonds of iniquity if wise. If not I ask for a binding until I am aware of these bonds of iniquity so as they can be brought to death so I no longer walk after these ways or give demons grounds to come back seven times making me worse. Father, teach me self-deliverance in the power of The Holy Ghost and the knowledge that after I have received deliverance of demons I may transgress again in powerlessness or deceit to need the seven plus demons to be cast out.
[Grace is available in this Covenant, however if we continue to abuse grace by thinking “Oh He will cast out the demons when I repent,” He will bring chastisement and correction upon us.
He knows the difference between wilfully abusing grace and His forgiveness to powerlessness because of hidden unhealed areas in our lives.]
Father, I also ask for release from all psychic heredity, demonic heredity, demonic bands bonds holds and powers, spiritual and evil soul ties unknown, destruction, death, infirmities, diseases, sicknesses, plagues, disabilities, physical and mental illnesses and disabilities and depression because of the sexual transgressions on this list. Also any other effects for every aspect of our lives because of the transgression on this list and any others not mentioned here.
Father, annul, break, cancel, lift every cord, link up, bondage and legal right of demons and every judgment, correction and chastisement. Close all doors, release us from each and every effect of each curse either of darkness or of light. Set us free from where we have been handed over, from everywhere you have given us up and sent on us a work of darkness with deception. Set us free from every whoredom, ungodly inheritances, ungodly heredity and genetic heredity and all legal rights of passage of the demonic.
Father, I call upon the power of The Blood Covenant that provides demonic deliverance and the provision of healing. For it is written “if we confess our sin You are Faithful and Just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) and that includes cleansing of demonic infestation.
Father, I renounce the deception of being considered as daddies favourite, as the pet the lie of having the little secret and being considered his precious one or his little angel or ______________. I agree it was not my fault, I did not provoke or ask for such betrayal of my childhood or youth, but I chose to forgive myself if I am blaming myself. I agree, and declare I am not guilty, not guilty, and not guilty and I renounce all guilt complexes and ask where I have anxiety or any form of anxiety neurosis from deep guilt and blaming myself I receive my healing.
Father, I agree with You, it was not my fault and Father where my own father or my relative has not admitted to me he did sexually abuse me, I hear Your word in my heart “I’m sorry, yes I did abuse you, I admit I did sin against you.” Father where closure cannot come because he/she is dead or refuses to admit in fear of jail, I receive from You a Fathers voice in my heart and I release them to You.
Father, break every controlling link up and spirit because of sexual abuses from each and or from the offender(s) and every soul tie with them and my siblings. Father, where I have been so fragmented because of molestation and incest and rape and sexual sins attached, thank you for restoring my soul. Where I hate myself, blame myself and reject myself and or believe my body, my breast and my private parts are disgusting I repent and renounce and invite you into these areas to heal and change my heart.
Father I renounce all guilt, condemnation and shame, feeling depressed and miserable because of these transgressions or my failing. I agree with Your Word that when we confess our sin that “You cast it as far as the east is to the west and remember it no more.” (Psalm 103:12) Jesus, I receive, “I am not guilty” and I forgive myself for my involvement in any of the transgressions on this list. 76
Father where I have come addicted to lust in all its forms, I ask for freedom. Just like you deliver those from drugs deliver me from the lusts my body and soul has come addicted to. Jesus, I call upon you and I bring these habitual lusts into the light.
Father, where I have to forsake these lusts or transgressions, strengthen me to put away the magazines, the internet, the video’s the DVD‟S. Create dissatisfaction in my behaviours where I am struggling to forsake these lusts. Give me the courage to become accountable to someone I may confide in where I will receive acceptance counsel and understanding and no gossip. Help me to connect again in the way You will for me.
I also ask for release and cleansing of my land, and any or all physical material items that have become defiled because of mine or others sexual transgressions. Jesus, let each and every spirit be cast out and taken to their place appointed of them as I go through this list.
Father, I now surrender my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living and holy sacrifice, to You. I totally renounce Satan and his kingdom and their ways and all the ways on this list.
I give myself to You Lord Jesus Christ to be Your follower, Your disciple and to now commit myself to live as one who belongs to the Kingdom of God. I return to you from where I have knowingly and unknowingly turned from Your Covenant ways.
Now Father, before You and My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I repent, renounce and denounce and stand in the gap for all the following transgressions and iniquities:
Abortion knowingly and unknowingly and the use of IUD or Inner Uterine Device and the use of tablets to bring forth any unwanted pregnancy
Abuse; mind, emotional, holding back sex for manipulation, domination, cruelty, depravity, fear of sex, fear to incite arousal
Addiction, insatiable desire for sex, burning passion – concupiscence
Adult Shops
Adultery (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:23-24; Proverbs 6:32 33; Hosea 2:2; Matthew 5:28 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:9-10; 2 Peter 2:14)
Affection and attachment to children, sex objects, material things, philosophies and religion that condone sexual transgressions
Babylonian rituals and male prostitution in all god and goddess rituals
Bestiality (Leviticus 18:23, 20:15-16)
Bitter love
Blocking out desire for sexual intercourse
Body language, speech and dress
Bonding with same sex and soul ties with companions to fill lack; for approval and because of no nurture from father and or mother
Bondage and Discipline – B&D
Breast implants, breast lifts, penis extension, virginal reconstruction done out of vanity and for sexual, sensual, “sexer” mindsets
Broken Covenant
Burning lust, continual torment of the mind that gives no rest
Carnal Sex
Cleavage revealed, bending over on purpose to reveal breasts and or cleavage; off shoulder dresses; backless dresses/shirts; miniskirts/shorts; skirts with split up to far; cloths resembling underwear; see through shirts to reveal bra or camisole; seductive clothes; buttons done down too far to expose chest and or hairy chest; pants too tight that give prominence to „private parts‟ (Hosea 2:2)
Cohabitation (Romans 13:13)
Compromising by watching M rated movies with a perverse mindset to “perve” to “delight” to “get off” that promote all sexual sins, movies that show those in sexual relationships in or outside of marriage and owning these movies or collections of movies that promote sexual fornications in all their depths and also selling these movies (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Considering self to be; “a ladies man” a ‘Don Juan” a “bed hopper” “a squire of dames” “a Knave of Hearts” “a lover of lovers” “a darling” a _____.
(“Rooted in inadequacy, inferiority and fear and creates doubts about their masculinity which drives them into constant sexual affairs. It is not because they are over sexed, but the sub/conscious view of their masculinity and sexual abilities which no satisfaction can be found. 1. [Worley, 1996:30] This bondage is one sexual experience one orgasm or twenty is not enough (2 Peter 2:14; Ezekiel 16:28-29) When you know sexual bondage and have experienced freedom then fall back into it you get to appreciate your liberty and freedom and realize that you do not will to go back into slavery again.)