TeamUnify Account Information

  • There are two types of billings – manual and system-generated.
  • Manual – includes billings for meet fees, hospitality, team trips, shirts, caps, etc… These are billed at various times during the month. We try to avoid billing accounts after the 25th of the month, but it may happen on occasion.
  • System-generated – billings for installment and monthly payment plans, late fees, worker fines. These billings occur on the first of the month with the exception of late fees. Late fees are generated on the 25th of the month.
  • Invoices – TeamUnify has a unique way of handling invoices.
  • Manual billings (as described above) in one month become part of the invoice for the following month. As an example, if meet fees are billed to your account in October, they become part of the November 1 invoice.
  • System-generated billings become part of the invoice for the current month. These bill after midnight so they show up on the morning of the 1st of the month. They also become a part of the invoice for the current month. So a November 1 billing becomes part of the November invoice.
  • Payments – multiple methods
  • If you have entered your credit card information, your credit card will be billed on the first of the month and will be billed for that month’s invoice. Using the examples above and if you were on the monthly dues payment plan, on November 1 your credit card would be charged for your October charges and your November 1 monthly payment. We do pass on the credit card fees which are 2.95% of your balance plus $0.30.
  • You may also pay by ACH. This option is not available during the registration period (software issue), but is available the rest of the year.
  • If paying by check, please put in the treasurer folder in the file cabinet at either pool. You can also mail to PO Box 10341, Knoxville, TN 37939.
  • You can give the check to me in person. I am typically at the pool at pickup, between 7:00 and 7:40 in the afternoons.
  • Late fees
  • Late fees are system-generated on the 25th of the month.
  • TeamUnify does not discriminate on amounts. If you owe one penny, it will charge you a late fee.

How to check account information in TeamUnify

1)Log into the website

2)Click on My Account

3)Go to My Invoice/Payment

4)Click on Current Invoice Summary

  1. It will show your previous month’s balance in the first section.
  2. The second section shows you the items for your current invoice. Today is September 24, so it will show you the charges from August that made up your September 1 invoice.
  3. The third section will show any payments made during the current month.
  4. The final section will show any amounts billed during the current month that will become the invoice for the following month.

5)If you go back to the My Invoice/Payment page, there are some other items you may look at.

  1. Click on Your Total Projected Amount Owed on …. and it will show what your next month’s invoice currently is expected to look like. It will include anything that has been billed during the current month plus any regulary scheduled billings such as installments or monthly payments.
  2. Click on Billing History and you can view previous months’ invoices. When you are in this section, there are two ways to view the data.
  3. If you click on a date in the first column, it will show you a copy of the invoice with all the charges detailed out for you.
  4. If you go to the column labeled Account Balance and click “view,” you get a little more detail, including who billed your account. Contacting the right person will save you some time in getting an answer to your questions.
  5. If Amy Hudson billed your account, please contact the Treasurer at
  6. If Lauren Cummings billed your account, please contact her at .
  7. On occasion, a coach may process a billing. Please contact Lauren or me first and we can pass on to the coach if necessary.
  8. System-generated billings do not include a name. If for installment/monthly dues or late fees, contact the treasurer.
  9. If for worker participation fines, contact the volunteer coordinator, Amy Penn.
  10. If you unsure who to contact, contact the Business Manager first.