Regional Staff Retreat FY15

Cannon Beach Conference Center

October 6-8, 2015


1:30 p.m. Check-In

3 p.m. Welcome – Mason

3:15 p.m. Personal Time in Solitude – Read Phil 1-4

3:45 p.m. Worship (long set) – John

Devotion – Mason

Challenges/Opportunities/Prayer – Mason

O Lord, you are never weary of doing me good. Let me never be weary of doing you service. But as you have pleasure in the prosperity of your servants, so let me take pleasure in the service of my Lord, and abound in your work, and in your love and praise evermore. O fill up all that is wanting, reform whatever is amiss in me, perfect the thing that concerns me. Let the witness of your pardoning love ever abide in my heart. John Wesley

Psalm 51

Pray in groups of three:


Your club and leadership team

Area Directors and Staff – each other


Western Washington Young Life Alumni

Young Life Northwestern Division – Ken and Shannon

Denny and Marilyn

New and future leaders

Organizations that we affiliate with – the church

Young Life as a mission across the globe


5:45 p.m. Break

6:15 p.m. Dinner

6:45 p.m. Break

7:30 p.m. Worship – John

To Live is Christ and Die is Gain (Phil 1) – Ernie

8:30 p.m. Small Group Discussions

9 p.m. Beach Fire


8:30 a.m. Breakfast

9:00 a.m. Worship – John (10-15 minutes)

To Live is Christ to Die is Gain (Chap 3-4, Phil 2) – Lily

9:45 a.m. Personal Devotional Time

10:30 a.m. Ministry Strategy – Sarah

11:30 a.m. Break – Snacks

11:40 a.m. Strategic Plan Discussion – 5 mins from each person informing staff

Diversity -- Katie

Pipeline -- Ryan

New and Healthy Ministry -- ???

Camping – Dan

Orientation to Lunch ($10 cash from Region – do not use PCard)

12:30 p.m. Lunch on your own

Free Time – basketball, bike ride, Seaside

4:30 p.m. 60 Minutes of Discussion – Mason MC

5:30 p.m. Dinner

6 p.m. Magical Hour

7 p.m. Worship (longer set) – John

To Live is Christ to Die is Gain (Chap 5-8, Phil 3) – Keller

8 p.m. Small Group Discussion

9 p.m. Beach Fire or Concert if raining

10 p.m. Magic Show


8:30 a.m. Breakfast

9:30 a.m. Worship (shorter set) -- John
To Live is Christ to Die is Gain (Chap 9-12, Phil 4) – Didrickson

10 a.m. Personal Devotional Time

10:30 a.m. Move out of rooms

11 a.m. 60 Minutes of Business (see below) – Ross MC

12 a.m. Depart for Breakaway

12:30 p.m. Sack Lunch at Breakaway

1 p.m. Small Group Discussions

Ensuring Leader connection with Campers – Dan Hartsoch

2 p.m. Communion

3 p.m. Everyone out of Breakaway

Business Agenda

Development Business

Top Ten Donor Area Lists – Emma

Top 20 donors from last three years

You tell us who the top 10 are

Fiscal Year End -- Requirement is that no Areas are in Deficit

Wenatchee Apple Century on June 4 – Mason

Calendar Year-End – Goal is to have every Area up by one month on December 31.

Camping Business

Thanks for your help with allocation – great job

Fall Camp

November 13-15 – Dom Folkins introduce team

November 18-20 – Katie Tormey introduce team

R2 for Fall Camp due October 6

R1 was much lower than last year

From talking to a few of you, understood that was just more conservative asks

We stayed with two weekends, but we need folks to come through

Summer Camping

WFR Canyon Freshman Camp

Five-Day Camp Cost – same as Creekside

Assignment Team – let Mason know by email if interested

Work Crew – Emma

Work Crew PreUnion – Led by Work Crew Coordinators from led Regions

Rockridge Work Crew – we’ll provide kids for Work Crew at Rockridge

Expectations of Work Crew Bosses

Work Crew PreUnion

Work Crew Reunion at WFR


Process has started

·  Step #1: RD’s recommend CD/Speaker/WCC/LP

·  Step #2: Staff requests Assignments

·  Step #3: Place CD, Speaker, Lead program, Work crew coordinator on pre-allocation call with Divisional Leadership Team and RD’s

·  Step #4: Place top choices in all other positions by Allocation Team

·  Step #5: Create session ‘hoppers’ – holding “tank” for people needing to be placed

·  Step #6: Filters - Specialty weeks, WLN, MC&U, Property, number of children.

·  Step #7: Fill Remaining spots with session ‘hoppers’

·  Step #8: RD’s give input for their staff

·  Step #9: Place volunteers mid-November

·  Step #10: Hand over to Camp Directors and RD’s by Dec 15

Expectation is that everyone does assignments

Assignments come before sabbaticals

Paid Staff on Assignment – If you give anyone any level of funding we can get them an assignment in the first round

Have volunteers fill out the Divisional Request form

Property Committee Reports

Malibu – Marshall

WFR – Katie Renton

Facebook vs Yammer

GPS update Oct. 1-8 – Emma

Training Business

Student Leader Day (Mason) – Great job, Brittany Franke organizing that day

Regional Leadership Day

Mason is speaking

Quota – Due October 16, check eRegion

Young Life Honors – Feb. 27

Spouses invited

Just for Area Directors and Staff Associates serving as Area Directors

Teacher in Mission – We need someone to replace Huber

Young Life 75 All-Staff Conference

Committee – Cindy

Committee Chair Breakfast – Saturday, Dec. 5th

Committee Summit – This spring

Student Staff – Mason

Regional Week of Prayer and Breakfast – Bellevue Westin

Table sponsors

Keynote – We have a request out, waiting to get confirmation

Vacation Time Use

Matthew 9.38 Cards

Next time together – Quarterly, Nov 12

Next Fall Staff Retreat – Lake Chellan, Oct. 4-6, 2016

Western Washington Extension Prayer Requests

Doug Burleigh – The Fellowship

·  October 9-11 94 members of the Coe family gathering in Annapolis, MD to honor Doug and Jan Coe (former YL staff in 50's) at87 and 85 years old and pray for the ministry in the coming years.

·  Core meeting of 11 Youth Core teams from all over the former Soviet Union --Antalya, Turkey Oct. 15-18 For wisdom, strategic decisions for the future (20 year anniversary of the work)

·  Doug's trip to Moscow and Kiev, meeting with national leaders in Russia and Ukraine Nov. 7-13.

Eric Scofield – Chief Development Office, Young Life

·  Pray for protection for our family. I travel, Marni has had cancer, and just general protection.

·  Pray for Hudson -- 9th grade, new school. Has good grades -- our prayer is two things: (1) Make a few good friends that will be friends for life (2) Walk with Jesus -- start to love and own his own "faith"

·  Charlie - we call him FULL time Charlie.... he will continue to have a sensitive heart for others

·  Wisdom and Direction -- specifically on when we should, if we should, buy a house verses rent (rates, timing, etc.)

·  YL Mission -- as we close out one campaign and head to the next -- guidance

·  All our Camp Campaigns --- too many to name -- God's favor

·  My covenant weekend in November -- be one of the best

·  Finally, Marni's mom --- cancer is back. Peace, Favor, and God's willing and timing

Steve Vollmer – Tri Cities Area Director

·  The Vollmers would love prayer for our adoption process. We are approved for 2 sibling girls from Mexico and are a few months away from our first visit with them. Pray for safe travels. Pray for a smooth rest of the process (so much paperwork). Pray for fundraising (for the adoption...I guess YL too). Pray for our family to adjust well to a brand new lifestyle with new humans living with us!

Adam Powers – Diablo Valley Area Director

·  Matthew 9:38 with us as we pray for leaders…workers for the harvest. We cannot do this work here sufficiently as our leader base is too impacted with busyness in the SF Bay…this applies to all area in both of our regions.

·  Pray for provision, especially after a tough summer.

·  Pray we would hear the voice of Jesus and not grow weary and lose heart. Particularly for our local committee, as they are tiring of carrying the torch with out much help.

·  Pray for me and my passion, compassion and enthusiasm would continue. Pray that I would act out of God’s belovedness for me and not out of performance.

Kevin Hazelton -- Brentwood Young Life

·  My friend DJ. He's a senior at Deer Valley HS. Came to our first club ever at DVHS last year and told me at the end that he can never come back because he's an "atheist." I pursued him all year and he came to nearly every club and then went to Woodleaf with us this past summer. He had a few panic attacks at camp which in my opinion were completely spiritual. He respectfully said no to Jesus at camp and continues to say no today. However, he continues to stay involved in YL and is still open to conversations about Jesus even though he chooses not to believe. At this point it's a hardness of heart. Pray that his heart is softened and that he chooses Christ.

·  Pray for mine and Kristin's marriage. Having a 3 and 1 year old, me in seminary, her working part time, and the craziness of a YL schedule, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find quality time together where we're both not exhausted. Pray for energy, a commitment to weekly quality time together, healthy communication, and a deeper friendship with one another.

·  Pray that in the Lord's time, he will send us more workers - leaders, committee, and donors - into his harvest field here in the East Bay. And in the meantime, that myself and our leadership will be content with what we have.

Brian Reeder – Houston Region of Young Life

·  Golf Tournament Oct.19. We are shootin for $250k again this year.

·  Also, we have a few key staff positions to fill. We are all spinning a lot of plates at the moment.

Ryan Buskirk – Young Life College, Grand Canyon University

·  House in Tacoma to sell

·  Family to get settled here as kids meet new friends and relocate.

·  Amy as she transitions seasons from homeschool mom to new season of motherhood with all 3 kids in school.

·  Me to live without fear and discern the correct steps to take in establishing a new ministry that has a lot of expectations of what it could be from many different parties.

Kirk Willms – Area Director, Eugene

·  Expecting our son in December

·  Undergoing restructuring of college ministry

·  Hoping to hire the right person for college ministry

David Pritchard – Axis Ministries

·  Biggest request would be continued prayers for our grandson Justus and his rehabilitation. He has been in the hospital for over 60 days and entering his 3rd week of rehab.

·  We have now launched Axis Ministries… named that based on the intersection of truth and grace. We really are still doing what we’ve always done, we’re just doing it as our own entity… basically serving marriages and parenting.

Jeff Huber – Inland Empire Young Life Regional Director

·  For the Lord to lead West Snohomish County to hire theirnext area director.

·  For the next 3 months as I transition to be regional director while I live apart from the region with my family in this transition.

·  Prayer for priorities to be clear for me in the Inland NW region and that my first 3 months wear a worthypath of direction.

Mark Cook – U.S. Navy Chaplain; Camp Lejenue, N.C.

·  Pray for military service members (Sailors, Marines, Soldiers, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen) and their spouses and children. As we transition away from Afghanistan and prepare for the future there is uncertainty. Pray for Chaplains to continue to provide for their religious needs

·  Pray for me as we prepare to move to Norfolk, VA in April 2016.

Jonathan Schultz – Alumni and Friends Director

·  For wisdom in leadership of A & F

·  For ongoing growth as we seek to care for and serve our alumni and friends.

·  For an increase in the number of high school and college grads that we can stay connected to and serve.

·  That our efforts bless and serve to grow the efforts of our local areas.

Keith & Jenny Dow () – Associate Regional Director, Montana

·  for our staff across the state to feel encouraged and not alone.

·  For our jump start we are planning on doing in Dillion MT.

·  For our hiring process in Bozeman MT. That the Lord will bring the right persona and give us wisdom and discernment.

·  Praise for every area in our Region finishing the fiscal year out of deficit.

·  Praise for 15% growth in camp numbers.

·  Praise for the 1st state wide leader and committee weekend in MT in 6 years.

Josh Powell – Hong Kong

·  Local leaders. We need more local leaders who speak Cantonese to catch the vision and to join our team to help reach local kids.

·  Financial Resources. We're working and praying for funding to hire more staff to expand ministry to new neighbourhoods.

·  a camp in Hong Kong for local kidsthis spring.

·  a housing venue for 100 guests in Seattle this July.