Rev 05-16 template 109
Barbados Maritime
Confirmation of vessel status following temporary transfer out of the
Barbados International Ship Register
The Transfer procedure allows for a named vessel to pass between two Administrations mutually in agreement with this arrangement.
Declaration of No Change
It is hereby confirmed that the person or company having title to the above named vessel is the same as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag and that the owning person or company’s Authorised Person for legal transactions remains the same as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
Status Confirmation
01That the vessels technical managers remain the sameas when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
02That the vessels class remains valid and is issued from the same classification society as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
03That the statutory certificates issued by class including ISM and ISSP remain valid.
04The vessel’s tonnages remain the same as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
05The ship’s radio equipment remains the same as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
06The range of operational areas and any restrictions imposed remain the same as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
07The manning of the ship remains thesame as when the vessel previously sailed under the Barbados Flag.
08If a mortgage is in existence then it is established that the mortgagee having interests in the vessel is aware and in agreement with the pending transfer.
09That the LRIT registration has been suspended by the former Administration.
10If vessels P&I certificates General Liability, Tanker Oil Pollution, Bunker Oil Pollution have been reissued while the vessel has been away then copies of new certificates are to be provided to BMSR ( In the case of Tanker and Bunker BMSR will issue new compliance certificates
All the previously issued Barbados Documents and Certificates (including those issued by classification societies on behalf of BMSR) remain valid and at hand onboard.
Should there be any area of this Declaration which cannot be confirmed as there having been no change then this Declaration may not be signed. In which case BMSR must be informed immediately and the appropriate BMSR forms and/or CSR data file must be re submitted to BMSR.
Declaration by Owner
It is hereby declared that I XXXXXXX XXXXXXX may sign for the following owning person or company of the subject vessel XXXXXXXX
And that there are no areas of changeconcerning the status of the vessel as referred to within the Declaration having regard to the vessel’s condition now compared to when the vessel last left the Barbados Ship Register
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