Mrs. Powell’s English as a Second Language

School # 474-7702, Ext. 3358


1) A three- ring binder divided into four (5) sections: a) Vocabulary, b) Reading, c) Grammar, d) Writing, e) Speaking and Listening. Please keep extra paper in the back of your binder.

2)A supply of blue or black pens,


index cards

sticky notes

a highlighter

a flash drive

an agenda book

3) Adictionary. Please see me if you need one for home


1) For the beginning of class…

Please be in your seat when the tardy bell rings, write down homework and look up at the front board for directions.

2) For dismissal…

Please remain in your seatuntil the bell rings.

3) For turning in assignments…

a) Assignments you turn in should be typed or written on loose leaf paper and should include your name, date, class period, and assignment in the upper left hand corner.

4) For leaving the classroom.

If you have not been unexcused tardy that week, you will be able to leave the classroom for emergency reasons only and not in the first 20 minutes or the last 10 minutes. You will sign outand take the pass with you, please.

5) If you are absent…

a) It is your responsibility to complete all assignments and come see me before or after school, and I will help you make up your work. Homework assignments (usually for the week) are on the front board.

Tardy Policy

If you must be late for any reason, you must have a pass with the date, time and teacher’s or administrator’s signature. Three unexcused tardies is considered too many and you will have a detention with me before or after school.

Weekly Organization

M= Introduce New Vocabulary and Prior Knowledge/ Discussion

T= Reading Skills

W=Grammar and Mechanics

TH= Writing Skills

F= Speaking and Listening= individualized practice, content –area help, tests, and/or group activity

WEEKEND= dialog journaling in your spiral notebook

How Will I Be Graded?

I will add up all your assignment grades for your total points.

Grading Scale

100 – 90 = A

89 -80 = B

79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

Below 60 = F

Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale to participate in sports.


Be on TIME and Be Prepared

Make Good Choices

Respect Selves, Teacher, Classmates and Property

This is an English as a Second Language class, and I expect all of us to treat each other with respect. Please help one another out, and remember that all of us come from different backgrounds and are in this class with different levels of English knowledge. You are blessed to know two, and some of you three, languages. Work hard and take care of this family.