1.The Recreation & Parks Advisory Commission was called to order byChairperson, Kim Carpenter. 6:32 p.m.
Commission Members present: Commission Members – absent:
Shawna Audette, At-LargeAdedojaJinadu, At-Large
Kimberly Carpenter, At-LargeMark Nolen, At-Large
Monica Dillenberg, At-LargePaul Obinger, At-Large
Mindy Frost, At-LargeMayata White, At-Large
Cindi Matthew, At-LargeJane Wilson, At-Large
Michelle Mersereau, At-LargeBob Mata, City Council Liaison
Linda Peschl, At-LargeMichael Kisch, Planning Commission Liaison
Brooklyn Park Staff:
Pam McBride, Youth Services Coordinator
Brad Tullberg, Parks and Facilities Manager
Jan Ficken, Program Services Manager
Community Members in attendance:
Jim Dillenberg
Mike Konzen
Community members Jim Dillenberg and Mike Konzen proposed a metro turkey hunt for consideration by the RPAC, similar to the Annual Deer Hunt. Brad Tullberg agreed to follow up, and report back at the next RPAC meeting.
A correction was noted on the Agenda: the date for the approval of the February minutes was written as February 15, 2016 and should be February 15, 2017.
Motion to accept approval of March 15, 2017 Agenda with date correction as noted: Motion, CommissionerCindi Matthew; Second, Commissioner Shawna Audette. Motion unanimously approved.
Motion to accept Approval of January 18, 2017: Motion, Commissioner Monica Dillenburg; Second, Commissioner Cindi Matthew. Motion unanimously approved.
The frequently asked questions were introduced by Brad Tullberg. Comments from RPAC were favorable as they found the FAQ’s to be informative, educational and well written. Brad explained that the FAQ’s will be posted on the Park System Plan webpage and that we will continue to build on them as questions arise.
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Michelle Mersereau asked if the FAQ’s would be posted in other languages.
R: Brad Tullberg responded that other languages are not being provided at this time however we are looking into ways to bridge this gap.
Comment: Commissioner Michelle Mersereau commented that the FAQ’s would be a good addition to the orientation information for new Commissioners and City Council Members.
Comment: Commissioner Shawna Audette commented that moving questions 5-8 to just before questions 12-14 would make more sense as the answers to questions 5-8 are vague but a the answers to 12-14 give a better understanding of funding and cost impact.
Motion was made to recommend that the Frequently Asked Questions be posted on the City and Recreation and Parks Department website Parks System Plan page. Motion, Commissioner Shawna Audette; Second, Commissioner Mindy Frost. Motion unanimously approved.
Pam McBride provided background information on the Super Bowl Legacy Fund Grant and reviewed the Next Generation Rec on the Go! plans for using the grant funds to purchase an additional Rec on the Go! vehicle. This purchase will provide additional opportunities for collaboration with our Alliance partners and specifically support a team outreach.
In January 2017, the Brooklyn Bridge Alliance for Youth (BBA) was approached by the 2018 Super Bowl Legacy Fund Committee related to funding opportunities for worthwhile projects for expanding youth health and well-being throughout the state of Minnesota. The Super Bowl Committee was seeking partners specifically related to expansion of the recreation activities to non-participating youth in the Brooklyns. The mobile recreation programming expansion was identified as a fit for their goals, and aligned with need in community.
The 2018 Super Bowl Legacy grant will be used to purchase an additional vehicle to transport equipment, supplies and staff to expand opportunities to reach various neighborhoods with limited mobility and barriers to recreation program participation in the cities of Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center. The Rec on the Go! Program expansion in Brooklyn Park, will include an evening teen program, identified as a gap in program services after the program’s first pilot year evaluation.
The cost to implement this expanded program is $119,900. The Super Bowl Legacy grant fund award is for $90,000. The remaining expenses of $29,900 for the program will be supported by Alliance partners, including the City of Brooklyn Center and school districts of Robbinsdale, Osseo, and Anoka- Hennepin and grants or donations from other funders, such as, Cummins, Youthprise, Hennepin Youth Sports Equipment Grant and Edinburgh USA Pro Am Golf Tournament.
The Alliance partners in the cities of Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center are participating in joint planning to build a collaborative teen program that leverages resources from their respective organizations to help in cost sharing as the program is fully developed. A teen mobile recreation program will increase access for disengaged teens currently not participating in programs. The program expansion will focus on summer programming, however the van will be used year round for transportation needs for Zanewood and other partnering cities.
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Michelle Mersereau asked what the life expectancy of the vehicle is and are replacement costs factored in.
R: Jan Ficken responded that the life expectancy of the vehicle is 10 years and that replacement costs are factored into the annual budget so when the vehicle needs to be replaced there is money set aside for that purpose
Q: Commissioner Linda Peschl asked if Brooklyn Center will be using the vehicle.
R: Pam McBride responded that the vehicle will be used by Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, and the School Districts. Recreation staff will collaborate with our partners to work out a rotation schedule.
Motion was made to recommend that City Council accept the Super Bowl Committee grant award as presented, and encourage staff to confirm partnering funding to ensure program sustainability. Motion, Commissioner Monica Dillenberg; Second,Commissioner Mindy Frost. Motion unanimously approved.
Jan Ficken reviewed the list of Summer Recreation Programs and provided the following additional information:
- These events will also be used to gather feedback from the community for the Parks and Recreation System Plan.
- Some of the programs are new initiatives this year including the Learn to Swim program at Zanewood and the 1860’s Baseball Tournament. The Learn to Swim program that is being promoted at Zanewood will be targeted at apartment residents. Transportation will be provided from the apartment complexes to the pool facilities for swimming lessons.
- Kidzone Camps will be held at Lakeland and Hamilton this year due to construction at Zanewood and the CAC.
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Michelle Mersereau asked if it would be possible to coordinate a Learn to Swim program at area apartment complexes with swimming pools.
R: Jan Ficken responded that kids will be bused in to our pools and the program would not be going out to other pools at this time due to liability reasons. This is a pilot program and grant funds are being applied for to help fund the program. This first year will be used to assess need and help determine the future growth of the program.
Q: Commissioner Kim Carpenter asked if children that do not live in an apartment complex can also participate in the program.
R: Jan Ficken responded that our goal is always to make programs accessible to everyone. The Learn to Swim program is being promoted through Zanewood. How we will do the sign up is yet to be determined. It is easy to promote through theapartment network, where there is a need for pool safety.
Information was provided from the City Ordinances clarifying the use of the word “term” in respect to RPAC.
- Staff Recommendations on System Plan Consultant
- Brad Tullberg reported that SRF is consultant that was selected following the consultant interviews for the Park System Plan. SRF was chosen based on their familiarity with our community,their experience working with Brooklyn Park on the Light Rail project and prior experience on other community Park System Plan efforts.
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Linda Peschl asked if the costs incurred for the consultant come out of the Parks budget.
R: Brad Tullberg responded that it is an expense that was included this year in the OSLAD budget.
Motion was made to accept the recommended approval of Professional Service Consultant, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for the Parks and Recreation System Plan. Motion, Commissioner Cindi Matthew; Second, Commissioner Monica Dillenberg. Motion unanimously approved
- Review of Community Advisory Team (CAT) Members
- A roster of the CAT was provided as a handout
- Due to the large number of applicants and in an effort to keep all of the applicants engaged in the planning process, the Park System Planning Leadership Team has proposed asking applicants not selected for the CAT to serve on a Community Outreach Team (COT)
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Kim Carpenter asked if a vote was needed recommending the COT slate to City Council.
R: Brad Tullberg responded that the COT team has not been defined yet as letters will be sent out to applicants asking them to participate, but they will have the opportunity to decline. Once we have confirmation of those that want to be a part of the COT, a slate will be presented for approval.
Motion was made to accept the proposed slate of community members to serve on the Parks and Recreation System Plan Community Advisory Team. Motion, Commissioner Michelle Mersereau; Second, Commissioner Mindy Frost. Motion unanimously approved.
Brad Tullberg reviewed the proposed Fairview Inn & Suites project.
- Land that would be dedicated would not be usable as park land.
- Park dedication fees would be $17,280.
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Monica Dillenberg asked if the city will require green space in this development.
R: Brad Tullberg responded that green space is a priority. All landscape design and open space must adhere to the City’s requirements.
Motion was made to accept the required park dedication fee in the amount of $17,280.00 in lieu of land. Motion, Commissioner Cindi Matthew; Second, Commissioner Linda Peschl. Motion unanimously approved.
- Brad Tullberg showed an aerial view of the proposed land swap that between the CAC and the Armory. The land swap would allow the city full access to the land between 85th Avenue and the Armory. The proposal will be presented to City Council on March 27th.
- The Resilient Communities Project will conclude in May. A presentation will be given at the U of M McNamara Hall on May 12th from 2:00 – 4:00, and at Brooklyn Parkon May 15th from 4:00 – 6:00 at the Council Chambers at City Hall.
- We will lose access to classrooms during the Armory construction project that begins in May.
The following questions were asked and responded to regarding the Directors Report:
Q: Commissioner Kim Carpenter asked when the City’s participation in the National Park Service Paddle Ride Share Project will begin.
R: Brad Tullberg responded that we are looking at adding one station this summer and will look at future expansion of the program.
Recreation Programs and Services Manager, Jan Ficken, provided an update of programs and highlighted events the Recreation and Parks Department would like Commissioners to be aware of in the month ahead.
The following questions were asked and responded to:
Q: Commissioner Shawna Audette asked if there were age restrictions on the Step To It Challenge..
R: Jan Ficken responded that there are no age restrictions and families are encouraged to participate together.
- Jan Ficken stressed the importance of RPAC members attending the System Plan Orientation Meeting on April 26th, and the Joint Commissions and City Council Meeting on Monday, June 5th.
- Commissioner Kim Carpenter will do a short presentation on the RPAC Work Plan at the City Council Meeting on May 8th.
City Council Liaison, Bob Mata, was not in attendance due to illness.
●Thanks and farewell wishes were extended to our departing Commissioners, Michelle Mersereau, Mindy Frost, and DojaJinadu.
12. ADJOURNMENT – 8:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: Motion, Commissioner Michelle Mersereau; Second, Commissioner Mindy Frost. Motion unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted by
Becky Dally-Peek