SCIGateway12.3 Newsletter
The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight the changes to SCI Gateway that occur in version 12.3.
The major changes are listed on pagesiii to iv – What’s New in SCI Gateway 12.3. Further details are provided on subsequent pages where appropriate.
What’s new in SCI Gateway 12.3 for end users
/ Advice Request & Advice Response MessagesTwo new message types have been added to SCI Gateway which will allow clinicians to communicate regarding a patient without the need for a referral – see page 1-2 /
/ Supplementary Messages
This new message type will allow the sender to provide additional information to a clinician that relates to a previously sent message – see page 1-11 /
/ The Audit Trail
The Audit Trail has been redesigned with a new search facility added which provides multiple search options – see page 1-17 /
/ Permission Groups
for received messages
Practices will now need to be included in a Permission Group to be able view and manage received messages i.e eGPFR Requests, Advice Requests Advice Responses and Discharges- see your local system administrator if you cannot receive messages /
/ GP Look up
The GP look up / matching facility, which is invoked when you try to send a protocol where some of the GP details have been omitted, will now present the GPs current practice when it finds a match /
/ Dose Description - Removal of 35 character restriction
The Dose description field in the Medication tab of referral protocols has now had the 35 character restriction removed. The maximum number of characters the field can take is 198 - there may be local variations /
What’s new in SCI Gateway 12.3 for System Administrators
/ New Message Type Protocols & StylesheetsThere are new protocols and stylesheets on SCI Gateway to facilitate the new message types – Advice Request, Advice Response and Supplementary messages – see page 2-2 /
/ Adding new message capabilities to HCEs
HCEs that need to receive new message types will need to have the capability configured for their location on the NHS Directory tree – see page 2-6 /
/ Permission Groups
and received messages
To view and manage received messages users will need to be included in anappropriate Permission Group – see page 2-7 /
© Crown Copyright 20091
1End User Changes
Advice Request & Advice Response Messages
Advice Request
There are occasions when a GP needs advice on how to take a patient’s treatment forward without the need for the patient to be seen by a Consultant/Clinician. It is now possible to request this kind of advice and receive a response through SCI Gateway.
Login and find the required patient in the usual way through your Primary Care System.
The default settings for the Advice Request destination options are your local Health Board and your local Health Board Non GP Locations/Providers. Another Health Board can be selected if required.
Pictured below is an example of an Advice Request protocol which is displayed after clicking on Create as described on the previous page.
The following confirmation message is displayed after clicking Proceed as described on the previous page:
After clicking OK the message will be sent and will be displayed in the worklist with a status of Submitted. Depending on which system that you use details of the Advice Request may be saved to your primary care system in the same way that a referral is saved.
Details of an Advice Request will not populate the patient’s record in GPASS.
Commonly Used Tabs
Although protocols can differ greatly in layout and what information is required, there are commonly used tabs which will appear in most protocols. The protocol in the example is the NHS Scotland Advice Request. Health Boards may have their own protocol however it will have a similar look to the one in the example.
If you have accessed SCI Gateway from a patient encounter in your primary care system, many of the fields in the protocol will be pre-populated with data from the patient’s record.
Tab Content / FunctionAdvice / Recordsdetails of the advice requested
Patient Demographics / Records details of patient’s name, address, CHI number, etc.
Medication / Records the patient’s current and recently administered medication – you can delete any medication pre-populated from your primary care system that is not relevant
Administration / Records details of the requestingGP and the Clinician the advice is being requested of
Receiving Advice Requests and Creating Advice Responses
A Clinician can reply to an Advice Request from a GP or other Clinicianthat they have received through SCI Gateway. An Advice Response is generated through the original Advice Request and not as a New Message from the Menu Bar. After logging on to SCI Gateway any new Advice Request messages will be listed under‘You have xnew messages’:
When you click on Reply as described on the previous page the Advice Request letter is closed and an Advice Response protocol is opened as pictured below:
The original request details, patient demographics, medication and requesting Clinician details are all pre-populated from the Advice Request letter.
The responding Clinician details are mandatory and must be completed in the Administration tab.
An Advice Request can be printed and managed from the worklist in the same way as other messages i.e. Referrals and Discharges. See the Sending & Receiving Messages User Guide for more information on managing messages.
If there is mandatory information missing a link will be displayed as pictured below:
When you have completed all mandatory fields click on Send.
When you click on Send as described on the previous page the Advice Response Options window is displayed as pictured below:
The Advice Response is sent and you will be returned to the Advice Response worklist. The message you have just sent will be displayed with a status of Submitted.
Filtering for Reply Created
There may be occasions when you want to check that you have replied to all messages that require a response. Open the worklist required:
Selecting ‘Set’ means you are filtering for messages that have had a response created. Selecting ‘Not Set’ means you are filtering for messages that have not had a response created.
Receiving Advice Responses
When a Clinician replies to an Advice Request it will be displayed to the recipient in the SCI Gateway Home page under the link ‘You have X new Advice Responses’as pictured below.
Advice Request & Advice Response Letter Options
Clicking here will print a copy of the letter.
Save to File
Clicking here allows you to save a copy of the letter,for example to a location on your PC or local network.
Save to Docman
Clicking here allows you save a copy of the letter to Docman. Advice Requests will save to the patient record at the point of sending through SCI Gateway, but can also be saved by clicking the button on the letter window. Advice Responses need to be seen by the GP so will be saved to the Batch Manager in Docman.
Change Status
Clicking here allows you to change the status of the message in the worklist, for example you may want to mark it as Filed after it has been seen by the GP/Clinician.
In order to be able to view and manage received messages you must be included in a SCI Gateway Permission Group or have ‘HCE Coverage’. See your system administrator if you are not receiving new messages that you expect
Supplementary Messages
There are occasions when it is necessary to send additional information regarding a referral after the referral has already been submitted to the hospital/clinic. Previously practices have used several different workarounds to ensure that the information was received at the hospital, such as faxing, sending through traditional mail and sending as a new referral. None of these solutions adequately solved the issue of matching up additional information with the original referral.
Supplementary messages have been added to Gateway to ensure that additional information reaches the hospital/clinic in a secure way and is linked to the original referral.
To send a Supplementary message open the Referral worklist:
It is not possible to select a destination for the Supplementary message as it must go to the same location that the original referral was sent.
Pictured below is an example of a Supplementary protocol which is displayed after clicking on Create as described on the previous page:
The following confirmation messages is displayed when you click on Proceed as described on the previous page:
On return to the worklist the Supplementary message is displayed with a status of Submitted.
As with other protocols mandatory fields should be completed prior to sending. If you miss a mandatory field the following message will be displayed with a link to the missing information.
Supplementary Tabs
Tab Content / FunctionSupplementary Message / Records details of the supplementary information – this field is mandatory – can be simple a message, for example indicating that you have attached a lab result
Patient Demographics / Records details of patient’s name, address, CHI number, etc.
Supplementary Administration / Records the details of the Clinician sending the supplementary message
Original Message Administration / Records details of Clinician and practice/clinic address etc who sent the original message
The protocol in the example is the NHS Scotland Supplementary protocol. Your local supplementary protocol may look different however the information you need to record will be similar.
It is not possible to send a Supplementary message from New Messageon theMenu Bar. A supplementary message can only be generated from a previously sent referral.
Receiving Supplementary Messages
You will receive Supplementary messages in the same way that you receive a referral. Log in to SCI Gateway in the usual way:
The Supplementary Message is displayed when you click on the patient name as described on the previous page.
Supplementary messages can be printed and managed in the same way as a referral or a discharge letter. See page 1-10 for description of the letter option buttons.
See the SCI Gateway Sending & Receiving Messages Guide for more information on managing your messages.
The Audit Trail
The Audit Trail window has been redesignedto provide users with similar search options to those available when using the search function in the worklists.
The Audit Trail search function is displayed with a default date range of one month as you would see in a worklist.
Pictured below is the HCE Directory window which is displayed when you click on the HCE… button as described on the previous page.
When searching on the From HCE… and To HCE…you can only have one HCE in each of the HCE… fields. For example you can search for Referrals sent from one GP practice to one Specialty at a hospital.
If you select a hospital name you may not get any resultsreturned and the message pictured below would be displayed.Generally hospitals do not receive referrals. Referrals are sent to Specialties or Consultants.
Pictured below is the result of the search carried out in the example on the previous page:
The Results are displayed in date and time order like the worklist.
The update button can be used if you change the number of items per page or make a change to the search criteria.
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon will close the search criteria window but the results of your search will remain displayed on the page.
Clicking on the Clear Search button will clear all search criteria and the results from your search but leave the window open.
To search on a date range of one specific day the From and To dates should have the same date.
Audit Trail Search Criteria
Message Type
Allows you to search by message type i.e. Referral, Advice Request etc
Event Type
Allows you to search by different actions that have taken place when creating, sending and managing a message.
Attached to message / A submitted message was attached to a new message using the ‘Attach to new’ option. The audit record is for the original submitted message e.g. an original referral was attached to a new Tertiary referralCreated / A message was created
Docman attached / A document from Docman was attached to a message
File attached / A file was attached to a message
File Unattached / A file was unattached from a message
Flag set / A flag was set on a message e.g. Filed icon
Flag unset / A flag was unset from a message e.g. Filed icon
Message attached / A submitted message was attached to a new message using the ‘Attach to new’ option. The audit record is for the new message e.g. an original referral was attached to new tertiary referral
Message attachment attached / A Submitted message that had an attachment was attached to a new message using the ‘Attach to new’ option e.g. a referral with an attachment was attached a new tertiary referral. If the original referral has more than one attachment there will be an audit record for each attachment
Redirected / A message was redirected to another healthcare provider
Saved to Docman / A message was saved to Docman
Status change / The status of a message was changed
Submitted / A message was submitted
Submitted (recipient) / A message was successfully sent to a recipient web server e.g. SCI Outpatients
User Name
Allows you to search for actions carried out by a specific user
Allows you to search by the UCPN - the patient’s Unique Care Pathway Number
Allows you to search by the patient’s CHI number
Allows you to search by the patient’s first name
Allows you to search by the patient’s last name
From Date - To Date
Allows you to search through a date range. If you choose All Messages the date range is restricted to one day. The following message will be displayed if you attempt a search on a longer date range
From HCE... to HCE…
Allows you to search for the location or clinician that sent or received a message. Clicking on the button will display the HCE directory
© Crown Copyright 20091
2System Administrator Changes
New Message Type Protocols & Stylesheets
New Stylesheets and Protocols will have to be published on SCI Gateway before users will be able to use the new messages types – Advice Request, Advice Response and Supplementary. Copies of the protocols and stylesheets will be available from SCI Support. Each health board can edit the originals or create their own to meet local requirements.
New Message Type Protocols
To publish your own protocols open the Protocol window from the Menu Bar:
Pictured below is the Add Protocol window which is displayed after clicking new Protocol as described on the previous page:
In the example above Supplementary has been selected. From this point on you would add the details and the protocol XML in the same way as for a Referral protocol.
Advice Request and Supplementary Message protocols should be associated with Specialties in the HCE Directory tree.
Advice Response protocols should be associated to GP Practices in the HCE Directory tree.
See the SCI Gateway Admin Guide for more information about adding protocols.
New Message Type Stylesheets
To publish your own stylesheets open the Stylesheet window from the Menu Bar:
Pictured below is the Add Stylesheet window which is displayed after clicking on NewStylesheet as described on the previous page:
In the example above Supplementary has been selected. From this point on you would add the details in the same way as for a Referral stylesheet. See the SCI Gateway Admin Guide for more information about adding stylesheets.
Adding New Message Capabilities to HCEs
HCEs will need to have additional capabilities if the users associated with them are to be able send or receive the new message types. Navigate to the required location in the NHS Directory tree:
The same action must be carried out for each message type i.e Accept Advice Response, Make Supplementary and Accept Supplementary.
HCEs and Message Types
Message TypesHCE / Advice Request / Advice Response / Supplementary
GP practice / Make / Accept / Make
Hospital / Clinic / Accept / Make / Accept
The table above shows the most common configuration for message types and HCEs however any HCE can send or accept any message type if appropriate. For example a hospital that has sent a Tertiary referral may have additional information which should be sent using a Supplementary message. You would need to ensure that the HCE is configured for Make Supplementary.
Permission Groups & Received Messages
Previously on SCI Gateway there was a requirement for users to be included in a Permission Group to be able to work with received referrals. When SCI Gateway is upgraded to 12.3 there will be a requirement for all users to be part of a Permission Group if they are to work with any received message types i.e. eGPFR Requests, Discharges and also for the new Advice Requests and Advice Responses and Supplementary messages.