IAF TC Task Forces and Working Groups
Status as of 7 October9 September 2008
4.1. Technical Committee Task Forces and Work Groups
4.1.1. IAF-ILAC JWG on Guidance on the application of ISO/IEC 17011 (Accreditation Bodies). Co-conveners: Joan Brough-Kerrebyn ()-IAF; Barry Ashcroft ()-ILAC
IAF Members: Borzek, Keeling, Phua, Rantanen, and Thione
ILAC Members: Coro, Lund, Robinson, Rødland, Soares, and Talbot
Other interested IAF members: Dobyns, Dougherty, Jianhua, and Swift
JWG met on 23 October in Sydney. Reviewed the comments in light of clarification from the JCCC that this will be considered a mandatory document. Therefore, the group deleted most information that was considered informative guidance. The document will be simultaneously be submitted for comment by ILAC and IAF members. A revised draft was circulated to the members of the JWG on 22 November for comment by 10 December. The revised document was sent out for a second 60 day comment by IAF and ILAC members. The comment period closed 15 April 2008. The next meeting of the JWG is scheduled for Tuesday, 14 October 2008 in Stockholm.
4.1.2. TF to maintain the log of key IAF TC decisions. Convener: Norbert Borzek ()
Member: Dougherty
Continuous project. Most recent log is TC-16-08 from Sydney and is now on the members side of the IAF website for the Technical Committee. The updated decision log from the Bonn meeting is included with the TC papers for the Stockholm meeting.
4.1.3TF to develop guidance for the consistent application of ISO 14065.Convener: Phil Shaw ()
Members: Makino, Keeling, Elgasen, Figueiredo, Kaiser, Rantanen, Saraiva, and Warris
The TF met 6-7 March 2008 in Bonn to address the 58 pages of comments from the 30 day TC comment. Once these comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the TF, with the concurrence of the TC chair it will progress to a 60 day comment by all IAF members. Sent for concurrent TC and IAF 60 day comment on 8 September 2008.
4.1.4.TF to improve accredited certification. Convener: Lorenzo Thione ()
Members: Balakrishnan, Beland, Bennett, Boboige, Dalrymple, Dougherty, Ezrakhovich, Hernandez, Salle,Shaw, Savov,Palmes
First meeting was in Geneva in June 2006.Second meeting was in Cancun in November 2006.Third meeting was in Geneva 24 February. Fourth meeting wasin San Francisco in March. Third draft developed and circulated to TF. Fifth meeting was 20 October in Sydney.Agreed upon four specific recommendations:
- AAPG to develop and hold workshops for accreditation assessors in train-the-trainer format to be held in conjunction with each TC meeting.
- The TF decided to develop a proposal for metrics that CBs be required to report to ABs.
- The TF decided to develop further a proposal of ABs conducting validation audits as a form of market surveillance of accredited certification; and of IAF conducting validation audits of CBs accredited by regional MLA signatory ABs as a form of market surveillance of accreditation.
- IAF to expand resources needed to become an organization capable of fulfilling the expectation of safeguarding certification.
The TF met for the sixth time on 2 March 2008 in Bonn. Outcome of the meeting in Bonn:
1. Proposing to develop a mandatory document on AB witnessing…harmonizing requirements among ABs
2. AAPG developing a paper on accreditation assessment report content.
3. Decision to develop a workshop on assessing the performance of CBs…to be presented as part of TC meeting in Stockholm.
4. Changed terminology of validation audit to ‘accreditation direct market surveillance’… appointed committee lead by Lorenzo to draft concept paper
5. CB metrics…appointed committee led by Nigel to develop concept paper
6. AB sanctions of CBs…Dougherty and Yoshi to conduct survey of ABs
This TF also responsible for implementing Strategic Initiative 6 - developing guidance or criteria for making effective that outcomes matter.
A related development since the TC meeting in Bonn is the development, by the IAF-ILAC-ISO JWG of an IAF ISO Action Plan to be discussed at the TC meeting in Stockholm.
4.1.5. TF to establish guidance on competence of accreditation assessors. IAF Co-convener: Open Nathalie Savéant () and ILAC Co-convener: R. Robinson () (tentative) (note JWG with ILAC under the JWG on Guidance to 17011)
IAF Members: Balakrishnan, Brough-Kerrebyn, Carmody, Dougherty, Pilar, Saraiva, Saveant, Swift, Thione, and Woodley
In March Nathalie agreed to chair the TF with the TC leadership (chair and vice chairs) as members to begin drafting with ILAC G11 as one input, and to keep open the offer for ILAC to participate.Draft circulated to TF members in September and a revised draft circulated in October based on comments from two TF members. There was consensus to have this circulated to TC members, and upon consideration of comments by TC members, then to be submitted for concurrent comment by IAF and ILAC members. The document was circulated to the members of the TC on 15 November for comment by 15 December 2007. Have 46 pages of comments…TF to review, revise and submit for second round of comments by TC. First face-to-face meeting of the TF scheduled for Saturday, 11 October 2008, in Stockholm.
4.1.6. TF to review/revise IAF GD3 on Cross Frontier Accreditation. Co-conveners: Tim Inman () and Ekanit Romanyon ()
Members: Balakrishnan, Bennett, Dalrymple, Garcia, Leballo, Masri, Phua, and Yang
TheTF met 2 March 2008 in Bonn. TC authorized TF to submit for 60 day con-current TC and IAF comment with comment period closing 9 June 2008. This is currently focused on accreditation of management systems CBs, and not product CBs or Inspection Bodies. This was circulated as an MD for IAF 30 day ballot on 14 August 2008 with the ballot closing on 15 September 2008. The ballot failed, as announced 30 September 2008.
- The WG on Product Certification is also undertaking defining key aspects as it relates to cross frontier accreditation of product certification bodies.
- The Joint Inspection Group (JIG) is defining key aspects as it related to cross frontier accreditation of inspection bodies.
4.1.7. TF to review Annex 1 to GD2 for QMS Scopes for publication as IAF criteria. Convener: Kim Chua Phua ()
Members: Abraham, Borzek, Cortez, Croft, Cross, Ezrakhovich, Kanneyama, Nakagawa, Poulton, Somma, and Thione
In Sydney there was consensus that this will be a mandatory document. The TF met 2 March 2008 in Bonn. The document is still progressing. The current draft has 87 scopes The TF is planning to meet in Stockholm.
4.1.8. TF to review Annex 2 of GD2 for QMS audit duration for publication as IAF criteria. Co-conveners: Alex Ezrakhovich () and Roger Bennett ()
Members: Beer, Croft, Guerreiro, Holladay, Owen, and Palmes
In March 2007 the IAF EC agreed to consider funding of an academic study. Members of EC and TF requested to identify candidates. The proposal was finalized and solicitations made to candidates. The TF received two proposals which are being considered by the TF with comments due to Nigel Croft by 31 August 2007. Based on extremely limited comment (Croft, Owen and Dougherty) it is recommended that the proposal from the US be accepted and funded by IAF. In Sydney, the IAF EC agreed to have the TC circulate the proposed study and funding to TC, then IAF, members for comment such that an final proposal for the study and budget can be submitted for approval by the General Assembly in 2008. The proposal was sent to TC members on 7 January 2008 and closed 11 February 2008. Based on the comments, the proposal will not be sent forward to IAF members. The IAG task force will need to evaluate the comments and develop a discussion paper for the next TC meeting in Stockholm.
Meanwhile, the TF will proceed to circulatea draft mandatory document for audit duration with minimal changes from the current Annex 2 of GD2, with the understanding that more substantive changes may be proposed following the completion of the study—assuming the study is conducted.
The draft mandatory document was circulated to the TC on 14 December 2007 for 30 day comment closing 31 January 2008. Revised draft to be circulated for 60 day IAF comment. This comment period closed 20 May 2008.
Based on comments, the task force has consolidated both the documents on audit duration (QMS and EMS) into one document, but because this may be perceived as a significant change, it will be circulated for a second 30 day comment, concurrently to TC and all IAF members. Comments due by 22 August 2008. A final draft has been prepared based on comments, and the TC will be requested in Stockholm to approve a 30 day final ballot.
4.1.9. TF to review Annex 1 of GD6 for EMS audit duration for publication as IAF criteria. Co-conveners: Alex Ezrakhovich () and Roger Bennett ()
Members: Beer, Croft, Guerreiro, Holladay, Owen, and Palmes
The draft mandatory document was circulated to the TC on 14 December 2007 for 30 day comment closing 31 January 2008.Revised draft to to circulated for 60 day IAF comment. This comment period closed 20 May 2008.
Based on comments, the task force has consolidated both the documents on audit duration (QMS and EMS) into one document, but because this may be perceived as a significant change, it will be circulated for a second 30 day comment, concurrently to TC and all IAF members.Comments due by 22 August 2008. A final draft has been prepared based on comments, and the TC will be requested in Stockholm to approve a 30 day final ballot.
4.1.10.TF to review GD2 and GD6, for CAAT for publication as IAF criteria.Convener: Nigel Croft ()
Member: Dougherty
Draft normative criteria weresubmitted to IAF TC members on 14 August 2007 for 60-day comment. The comment period closes 13 October 2007. Note: This was circulated to TC members only because the TF had not been formally established by the TC—the subject matter was embedded within GD2 and GD6 rather than being a separate annex which is why this project was initiated. The draft MD was circulated to all IAF members for 60 day comment beginning 16 November and closing 25 January 2008. Final document to be sent for 30 day ballot. Ballot closed 21 April 2008. Passed. Final publication as MD4:2008 pending review of comments. Published on 15 May 2008 as MD4:2008 Use of Computer Assisted Auditing Techniques ("CAAT") for Accredited Certification of Management Systems. Project complete and TF to be terminated, with thanks, at the TC meeting in Stockholm.
4.1.11. TF on TC Liaisons (IAF Strategic Initiative 4). Co-conveners: Norbert Borzek () and Rantanen ()
Members:Bennett, Brough-Kerrebyn, Dougherty, Figueiredo, Keeling, Muller, Owen, Pina, and Shaw
TF has not yet met. Report provided to the TC for discussion. TF to circulate proposal, along with an ILAC document on liaisons, for consideration of a joint IAF and ILAC document on liaisons. TF to meet Sunday, 12 October 2008 in Stockholm. A draft procedure has been circulated to TF members for discussion at the meeting.
4.1.12. TF to develop statements of expected outcomes for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 (Strategic Initiative 5). Convener: Nigel Croft ()
Members: Beer, Cross, Ezrakhovich, Kameyama, Nitsche, Oh, Owen, Salle, Scicchitano, and Shaw
First face-to-face meeting of TF was 21 October in Sydney. Consensus for a document to be circulated to all IAF members for 60-day comment, but also circulate for comment to members of ISO/TC176 and ISO/TC207 industry associations and other end-user groups—refine the draft based on the comments for review by the End-User Advisory Group at its first meeting in March 2008. The TF is also recommending the final document be submitted to the IAF-ILAC-ISO JWG for publication as a joint communiqué.Then this will need to be implemented through IAF member ABs and CBs to each individual auditor and assessor. The statements were circulated to all TC members, and concurrently to all IAF members, on 20 November for 60 day comment closing on 29 January 2008. The outcome of the commenting will be discussed as part of the re-engineering TF meeting on 2 March 2008 in Bonn. TC consensus achieved for the statements, and agreement for these to be reviewed by the new IAF End User Advisory Committee for its input to the TC. As the UAC did not meet, the TC Chair submitted for 30 day concurrent ballot to the IAF TC and IAF members for consensus for the IAF EC to present this at the IAF—ILAC-ISO JWG meeting in Paris on 2 July 2008 requesting the publication of two joint ISO and IAF Communiques. Ballot to IAF members closed 12 May and to TC members closes 15 May. The ballot failed due to insufficient votes, not because of any negatives. Those not voting included ANAB, Sincert, and TGA (members we do know have positive interest in this project). This will be reported to the TC at its next meeting in Stockholm with a request for TC approval to submit this for comment to the new UAE at its inaugural meeting on 17 October 2008. The document will be revised based on UAE comment and resubmitted for comment and ballot.
4.1.13.TF to develop an IAF document on measurement traceability. Convener: Lorenzo Thione ()
Members: Beer, van de Leemput, Sidney
No progress. At the EC meeting in Bonn in March 2008, Dougherty was instructed to coordinate with Merih Malmqvist who will identify ILAC members to work with the IAF TC TF. The ILAC members to this TF were appointed in June 2008.
4.1.14TF to revise guidance on the application of ISO/IEC 17024—Convener: Roy Swift, ()
Members: All members of the WG on the application of ISO/IEC 17024
The 60 day comment has been completed. Awaiting response to comments for final ballot. This was circulated as a revision to GD24 (probably the last revision of a GD) for IAF 30 day ballot on 14 August 2008 with the ballot closing on 15 September 2008. The ballot passed as reported to all IAF members on 30 September 2008. The TF will need to review the comments and prepare the final document for publication.
4.1.15. CAB-IAF Joint Technical Panel. Head of IAF Delegation: Dr. L Thione () Vice Head of IAF Delegation: Norbert Müller ()
IAF members: Chen, Ezrakhovich, Oberste-Lehn, and Paladino
Head of IEC Delegation: Pierre de Ruvo
IEC Members: Agius, Gryn, Mader, Salot, and Sinclair
The third meeting was scheduled to be in Buxton, UK on 26 February 2008, but this has been rescheduled for 10 December 2008 in Geneva.
4.1.16.WG on the application of ISO/IEC 17024 Certification of Persons, expanded to included development of guidance (ref IAF TC 10-2004). Convener: Dr R Swift ();
Members:,Arnold, Bandeira, Bauhof, Beer, Boboige, Born, Carmody, Chen, Cross, Elgasen, Feary, Floteri, Goldsmith, Govens, Henning, Hissnauer, Horie, Houf, Janhager, Keeling, Kronvall, Loi, Lui, Maye, Muir, Phua, Pilar, Rantanen, Samerjai, Savéant, Schroeder, Shaw, Sertifikasi, Sukel, Sunisar, Tanaka, Terry, Thompson, Trask, and Woodley
The WG met1 and 2 March 2008 in Bonn, and proposed a process for the endorsement of a specific schemes.
4.1.17. WG on Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC) ( Convener: Varpu Rantanen ()
Members: Dougherty, Fei, Figueiredo, Keeling, Jensen, Müller, Janhager, Liedberg, Roggli, Saraiva, and Savéant
In June the EC will be considering a paper to the World Bank regarding a document is has published regarding forest certification and ISEAL. The WG met on 9 July in Brussels. The WG is contributing to the development of PEFC guidance on chain-of-custody. A third draft has been provided to WG members. The PEFC Council also included in its strategic plan strengthening of its relationship with IAF. The third meeting was 6 March 2008 in Bonn. Draft four of the PEFC CoC Guidance has been sent out (30 days) to IAF TC members for comments, closing 13 December 2007. The fourth meeting will be 12 October 2008 in Stockholm.
4.1.18. WG on ISO 20000. Conveners:Chikako Makino ()and Steve Keeling ()
Members: Beha, Borzek, Brundle, Garcia, Jin, Kronvall, Lanz, Li, Mawatari, Mikami, Rantanen, Savov, van den Akker, and Yang
The first meeting of the WG was on Sunday, 25 March, in San Francisco. The itSMF will be participating in this first meeting.In August 2007, Tetsuro Kawaberi resigned as a co-convener. The second meeting was 22 October in Sydney. The third meeting was 6 March 2008 inBonn. The fourth meeting is 13 October 2008 in Stockholm.
- The TC approved the WG to begin drafting of a new document on accreditation of CBs to ISO/IEC 20000.
4.1.19. WG on Product Certification. Convener: Paul Moliski ()
Members: Abraham, Beer, Belusz, Boboige, Boigelot, Bowsher, Brockway, Chen, Cortez, Diekmann, Dixon, Figueiredo, Fredriksson, Gillard, Gryn, Hauptmann, Hernandez, Kameyama, Kreinberg, LiedbergKronvall, Liu, Lorenzoni, MacCurtain, Makino, McCrum, McInturff, Mowry, Mueller, Paladino, Phua, Roggli, Romyanon, Rujiratron, Ruzicka, Saegesser, Savéant, Shaw, Seung-Ju, Weidlich, Wloka, Zaffe, and Zhang
The first meeting was 22 October in Sydney. The WG is closely monitoring the work of ISO/CASCO WG29 that is developing ISO/IEC 17065. The WG also agreed, during the TC meeting, to initiate discussions with GFSI in order to determine what may be needed in order to meeting GFSI’s expectations.The second meeting was 2 March 2008 in Bonn. The third meeting 13 October 2008 in Stockholm.
- The WG is also undertaking defining key aspects as it relates to cross frontier accreditation of product certification bodies.
- GFSI has established an accreditation task force that met on 2 April 2008 in WashingtonDC. The third meeting of the GFSI accreditation task force is 2 June 2008 in Paris. Paul Moliski, Chair of the IAF WG, and Randy Dougherty, Chair of the IAF TC were invited to serve as members of the GFSI Accreditation Task Force.
4.1.20. WG on ISO 13485 QMS for Medical Devices. Co-conveners: Grant Ramaley () and Azusa Nakagawa ()
Members: Arnold, Beer, Brooks, Delorme, Cross, Fei Yang, Jamieson, Keeling, Liu, Lorenzoni, McRoberts, Richter,Rudolf, Straub, and Wagener
The first meeting was 22 October in Sydney. The WG is developing the concept of a Global Medical Devices Conformity Assessment Scheme (GMDCAS) based on ISO 13485 and applicable guidance developed by the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF). The second meeting of the WG was 6-7 March 2008 in Bonn. The third meeting of the WG is 12 and 13 October 2008 in Stockholm.
4.1.21. TF appointed to develop the wording of a proposal for a joint ISO and IAF communiqué on certification from ISO 9001:2000 to ISO 9001:2008. Convener: Nigel Croft()
Members: Boigelet, Ezrakhovich, Kameyama, Lorenzoni, Savov, Palmes
On 10 April 2008 a draft resolution was circulated for 60 day comment, concurrently by IAF TC and IAF members. The comment period closes 9 June 2008. Results of the comments not reported as of 24 June. The draft IAF resolution was discussed by members of ISO/TC176 at its meeting in Nova Sad in May 2008, and based on its comments a draft joint ISO-IAF Communique was prepared by Croft/Palmes/Dougherty and forwarded to the John Owen, for possible discussion at the IAF-ILAC-ISO JWG on 2 July. A joint ISO and IAF Communique was issued on 20 August 2008. This project will be terminated at the next meeting of the TC in Stockholm.