Record of Board Proceedings


The Metcalfe County Board of Education met at the Metcalfe County School Board of Education on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM for the monthly meeting. The following members were present:

1) Joey Shive 2) Tim Brown 3) Donnie Perry 4) John Caffee

5) Robin McMurtrey - (for a portion of the meeting)

Present - Superintendent

Absent - Board Attorney

1) Call to Order


Donnie Perry led the invocation.

Chairman Shive called the regular November meeting to order

Pledge of Allegiance

2) Recognition

Student of the Month - Chase Cloyd

Staff of the Month - Kim Compton

3) Superintendent Report

Allen Trotter gave the school report for Metcalfe County Middle School. He shared information on the following: Motto & Objectives; Data Driven Decisions; MAS Assessments Results-Fall 2013; Grade Interventions for all grades; Program Reviews; Library Initiatives 2013-14; College & Career Readiness and Transition; Parent Involvement; Community Involvement; Leader in Me Program; Twenty-first After School Learning Grant; SBDM and Next Steps.

Dr. Lile asked Mr. Trotter if when he and his team look at the MAP data if they see correlation in between it and Explore or K-Prep when you look at individual student data? Mr. Trotter stated there are some correlations but you have to be careful and not read too much into it, K-Prep is designed one way and Explore another. The test questions are different. What they are looking for kids to do is different. Teachers are trying to balance that with teaching content.

Kelly Bell, Dawn Harbison and Peter Distefano gave the school report for Metcalfe County High School.

They shared information on the following: KDE 2010 School Leadership Assessment Report; KDE 2012 School Leadership Assessment Report; Accountability Performance in 2012-13 overall score was 64.4 and the classification was Distinguished; Accountability Performance in 2011-12 was 60.6 and the classification was Proficient; Next Generation Learners; Achievement Accountability Assessments;

Gap-Combined Proficient & Distinguished; Growth-combined reading and math; College/Career Ready Seniors and Graduation Rate; AP Exams; MAP;ACT; PLAN; CNA Certifications; Sustainability Plans; 30-60-90-120-150-180 Day Plan; Internal Audit and 2013 Fall KDE Culture Audit.

Dr. Lile asked Ms. Bell if she has any results from the TELL Survey from her staff regarding facilities. She said she did not have any major point of emphasis regarding this matter. There are a few minor issues as well a leaks in the roof, but they are addressed in a timely manner. She did state they would like a new vocational school added in the future.

Dr. Benny Lile

December Graduates - There are seven students from the Metcalfe Virtual School who have requested to graduate in December. Dr. Lile had met with Matt Shirley, Bennie Stephens and Chris Huffman to discuss. Everything is in order with this. In the last General Assembly legislation was passed referring specifically to early graduates. There will be a state wide process on this from now on. This is well in the guidelines with what has taken place before. Matt Shirley is present tonight if Board members have any questions.

Local Planning Committee (LPP) and Architect - Dr. Lile. Chris Huffman and Dwight Ross have had discussion about this. A list of committee members is in board books. Mr. Huffman has made sure we have met all requirements for all members and these persons have agreed to serve. We have persons from all areas of the county serving on this committee. We sent out requests for proposal for architects, which you must have. We received three responses back, all three were very similar. RBS was almost half the price of the other two proposals.

Second Read and Approval of Policy 09.33 (Fund Raising Activities) -

Principals are already aware of this proposed change and are doing a great job. This proposal is to have fundraisers presented to the Board three times a year.

Council for Better Education (CBE) -

Tom Shelton, Superintendent of Fayette County is chair of this group. This is the original group that brought the KERA lawsuit, Metcalfe County was a member of that group. The cost will be right at $350,

that could change a little depending on participation. Dr. Lile recommends that we participate in this study.

Submission of 21st Century Grants - The high, intermediate and primary schools are all submitting grant proposals. The middle school already had this grant. There is a one page synopsis from each school so you get the idea of what they are submitting. The deadline for submission is December 04, 2013.

KETS Offer Of Assistance - The KETS offer is for $13,896, we match that locally. This is something we do every year. There will probably be a second offer in March.

Bennie Stephens

CSIP & CDIP - The schools and district are in the process of creating and new Comprehensive Improvement Program. This had to be submitted by December 20th.

Chris Huffman

Out of District Contracts - This is a routine item. We have an agreement with the eight surrounding counties for out of district students.

Proposed Calendar 2014-15 - This calendar has us staring about one week later. The four Professional Development Dates will be flexible and are not listed on the calendar. The principals will have the option to schedule these days at their discretion. The Calendar Committee met and the calendar was shared with all schools.

Building & Grounds/Maintenance

The main project at this time is the girls softball field and dugouts.


We have a final punch list for the primary center. John Borders, Tommy Garrett, a representative from Scotty's and Mr. Huffman worked on the list today and it's close to being closed out.

James Moss

December 1 Child Count - The Special Ed Department is consumed with working on December Child Count. The numbers are close to the same as last year. He does expect more to qualify.

Other - Kim Compton, Staff of the Month is a member of the Special Ed Department. The graduation rate at the high school for special needs students increased to 100%.

Jamie Howard

Nothing to report this month.

Dwight Ross

The biggest item for finance this month was the recording of the auction proceeds. Everything else is business as usual.

Chairman Shive asked about the Munis report in the back of the Board book was just an FYI. He was told they were. Dr. Lile told him anytime the board had questions regarding these reports to contact Dwight

Ross or Donna Caffee.

Board member Robin McMurtrey left the meeting at this time.

4) Consent Items


October 28, 2013


None requiring approval



Class of 2014 RADA Jan-Feb 2014

Class of 2014 Little League Basketball Tournament Jan-Feb 2014

Class of 2014 Cookbook Feb-March 2014

Class of 2014 Donuts March -April 2014

Class of 2014 Shoulder Sale April 2014


School Wide Pennies for Patient Program 02/03-28/13

Beta Fall Dance 11/25/13

Beta Christmas Dance 12/18/13

Beta Snow Dance 01/22/14

Beta Valentine's Dance 02/12/14

Beta Easter Dance 03/05/14

Beta Parent's Night Out December 2013

Beta Parent's Night Out January 2014

Beta Parent's Night Out February 2013

KJHS Coke Sales 02/03-20/14


PTO Butter Braids/Cookie Dough 11/19-12/03/13

PTO Raffle Ticket Sales 12/02/13/13



David Acree MCPC Custodian 11/04/13

Cindy Dennison MCHS Cook/Baker 11/06/13


Dale Hagan Custodian

Family Medical Leave of Absence

Timothy Jessie 10/21 - 11/21/13

John Caffee moved to approve Consent Items as presented, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes

5) Action Items

5A. Approval for December Graduates

Donnie Perry moved to approve December Graduates, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes

5B. Approve Local Planning Committee and Architect for Facility Plan

John Caffee moved to approve Local Planning Committee as presented and RBS as the architect, seconded by Donnie Perry , with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes

5C. Approve 2014-15 Non-Resident Contracts

Donnie Perry moved to approve 2014-15 Non-Resident Contracts, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes

5D. Approve 2014-15 School Calendar

John Caffee moved to approve 2014-15 Calendar, seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes

5E. Approve Warrants & Finance Report

Warrant # 13111A

Check Date 11/05/2013

Advice # 47530-47829 $266,170.91

Check # 7151830-7151831 $ 174.88

Warrant # 13111X

Check Date 11/05/2013

Check # 7151832-7151858 $156,540.37

Warrant# 13111B

Check Date 11/20/2013

Advice# 47830-48129 $262,001.08

Warrant# 1311X2

Check Date 11/20/2013

Check # 7151859-7151884 $154,239.87

Check # / Name / Amount / Check Date
651815 / ALLEN TROTTER / 46.92 / 10/25/2013 / TRAVEL/MCMS SBDM
651817 / BARREN CO. BUSINESS / 13,939.31 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/COPY PAPER/MCIC SBDM & GF
651818 / BUSY BEE FLORIST / 50.00 / 10/25/2013 / FLOWERS/GF
651819 / DEMCO / 170.08 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCIC SBDM
651820 / EDDIE FIRKINS / 20.00 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651821 / FARMERS RECC / 245.88 / 10/25/2013 / UTILITIES
651822 / GLASGOW ELECTRIC MOTOR / 651.58 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651823 / GRREC / 125.00 / 10/25/2013 / REGISTRATION/PERSONNEL
651824 / JEFFRIES HARDWARE / 50.97 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651825 / JOSEPH A. WADE, INC. / 62.42 / 10/25/2013 / TRANSPORTATION
651826 / KASC / 400.00 / 10/25/2013 / MEMBERSHIP/MCIC SBDM
651827 / KENWAY DISTRIBUTORS / 575.00 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651828 / METCALFE CO. CHAMBER / 100.00 / 10/25/2013 / SPONSOR/GF
651829 / MICKEY MUNROW / 410.80 / 10/25/2013 / TRAVEL/MCHS BOARD PAID
651830 / OGLES EXTERMINATING / 1,630.00 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651831 / ONE CALL NOW / 750.00 / 10/25/2013 / NETWORK SERVICES
651832 / PC & MAC EXCHANGE / 191.07 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/SUPT OFFICE
651833 / PITNEY BOWES / 227.99 / 10/25/2013 / POSTAGE/MCMS SBDM
651834 / PITNEY BOWES / 56.00 / 10/25/2013 / POSTAGE/MCIC SBDM
651835 / REALLY GOOD STUFF / 249.67 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCPC SBDM
651836 / SCHOOL SPECIALTY / 570.30 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM
651837 / THE PRINTING PRESS / 115.28 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCIC SBDM
651838 / THOMPSON'S TROPHIES / 10.00 / 10/25/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCIC SBDM
651839 / TRI-COUNTY EMC / 307.82 / 10/25/2013 / UTILITIES
651840 / VALLEY FERTILIZER / 105.00 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651841 / WILLIS-KLEIN / 7.50 / 10/25/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651842 / ACHIEVE3000 / 44,509.50 / 10/29/2013 / SITE LICENSE/21ST CENTURY
651843 / ANGELA GOTT / 346.66 / 10/29/2013 / TRAVEL
651844 / B & H PHOTO VIDEO / 3,506.53 / 10/29/2013 / SUPPLIES/21ST CENTURY
651845 / CATHY NUNN / 119.60 / 10/29/2013 / TRAVEL
651846 / DELL, INC / 214.99 / 10/29/2013 / TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES/KETS
651848 / GRREC / 2,960.16 / 10/29/2013 / ANNUAL CONTRACT/DISTRICT TITLE I
651850 / KASS / 50.00 / 10/29/2013 / REGISTRATION/DISTRICT TITLE I
651851 / LEANNE BELL / 108.56 / 10/29/2013 / TRAVEL
651852 / MARTHA BARLOW / 124.20 / 10/29/2013 / TRAVEL
651853 / MOBY MAX / 299.00 / 10/29/2013 / MATH PROGRAM RENEWAL/MCIC TITLE I
651854 / SCHOOL OUTFITTERS / 1,701.99 / 10/29/2013 / AUDIO EQUIPMENT/MCHS TITLE I
651855 / VERNER SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY / 340.00 / 10/29/2013 / LABQUEST 2 /21ST CENTURY
651856 / AWARDS, INC. / 39.99 / 10/29/2013 / SUPPLIES/GF
651857 / BARREN CO. BUSINESS / 791.77 / 10/29/2013 / SUPPLIES/GF & MCPC SBDM
651858 / BLUEGRASS CELLULAR / 347.80 / 10/29/2013 / UTILITIES
651859 / C P G / 525.00 / 10/29/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651860 / CENTURY LINK / 1.73 / 10/29/2013 / UTILITIES
651861 / DOLLAR GENERAL / 196.80 / 10/29/2013 / SUPPLIES/TRANSPORTATION
651862 / EDMONTON IGA / 87.99 / 10/29/2013 / FOOD/TRANSPORATION
651863 / FIRST BANKCARD / 6,377.92 / 10/29/2013 / GF/MCMS TITLE I/SOLE KIDS/PD
651864 / JEFFRIES HARDWA / 85.40 / 10/29/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651865 / KAAC / 175.00 / 10/29/2013 / REGISTRATION/ASSESSMENT & ACCT
651866 / KAGE / 60.00 / 10/29/2013 / DUES/GT
651867 / KONA PRODUCTS / 182.84 / 10/29/2013 / TRANSPORTATION
651868 / KONICA MINOLTA / 702.47 / 10/29/2013 / COPIER/DISTRICT
651869 / REALLY GOOD STUFF / 162.30 / 10/29/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCPC SBDM
651870 / RIDGEWAY DISTRIBUTORS / 360.96 / 10/29/2013 / TRANSPORTATION
651871 / SEXTON APPRAISAL SERVICE / 150.00 / 10/29/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651872 / THE PRINTING PRESS / 510.00 / 10/29/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCPC SBDM
651873 / BEST WESTERN / 152.64 / 10/31/2013 / LODGING/COMM ED
651874 / BETTER QUALITY / 211.14 / 10/31/2013 / COPIER/DISTRICT
651876 / KAREN NUNN / 36.80 / 10/31/2013 / TRAVEL
651877 / KY STATE POLICE / 500.00 / 10/31/2013 / BACKGROUND CHECKS
651878 / L-S BUILDERS SUPPLY / 1,117.58 / 10/31/2013 / MAINTENANCE
651879 / PARRISH'S CARPET / 80.00 / 10/31/2013 / CONSTRUCTION
651880 / SCHOOL NUTRITION ASSOCIATION / 120.25 / 10/31/2013 / FOOD SERVICE
651881 / TIM CLARK / 47.50 / 10/31/2013 / CONSTRUCTION
651882 / WALMART / 79.70 / 10/31/2013 / SUPPLIES/MCIC SBDM
651883 / CONNIE CREWS / 40.48 / 10/31/2013 / STUDENT TRANSPORATION/IDEA B
651884 / DR JOHN MILLER / 30.00 / 10/31/2013 / WELFARE ASSISTANCE/FRC
651885 / KASA / 1,080.00 / 10/31/2013 / VAL-ED 360 SURVEY/TITLE I/DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT
651886 / KASS / 250.00 / 10/31/2013 / REGISTRATION/SUPT OFFICE
651887 / PEARSON EDUCATION / 34,041.21 / 10/31/2013 / READING STREET PROGRAM/TITLE I
651888 / POSITIVE PROMOTIONS / 118.45 / 10/31/2013 / SUPPLIES/FRC
651890 / EDMONTON IGA / 363.20 / 11/06/2013 / FOOD/YSC SUPPLEMENT
651891 / HIBBITTS / 119.94 / 11/06/2013 / YSC SUPPLEMENT
651892 / LEA ANN PARNELL / 46.92 / 11/06/2013 / TRAVEL