Mrs. Reed
Objective: You will be able to create a mobile that illustrates your values, character, goals, emotions, and future using the material learned from your notes.
Value Mobile
1. Will helpyou to become very clear about what we want.
2. Will make your goals visible and remind you of what you are working for
3. Will remind you what is important to you and what you value
4. Will make you happy
- Create a list of images you would like to include on your mobile. All of the following categories should be represented.
-Emotions (what do you want to feel?)
-Relationships (who do you want to have close relationships with?)
-Education (what education do you see yourself pursuing?)
-Work (what work do you see yourself doing for a living?)
-Location (where do you see yourself living – both city/town, type of dwelling?)
-Recreational Activities (what would you like to do in your spare time?)
-Vacation (where would you like to travel?)
-Lifestyle (how much money do you want to have)
- Represent your goals: magazine pictures or words, draw pictures, write words, or select images from the computer and print them out.
- You will create a mobile using the pictures and words you gathered using a hole punch and string/ribbon.
- You also need to create text to describe images, thoughts or feelings. Or cut them from magazines.
- Arrange images on your mobile in a meaningful manner.
You must paste a picture of yourself in the center of your mobile (or draw one) next to your name!!!!
Value Mobile Rubric
The following rubric will be used to evaluate your mobile.
Criteria / 1Beginning / 2
Attempting / 3
Meeting / 4
1. Inclusion of required
-Recreational Activities
-PICTURE IN MIDDLE / Five or more areas not included. / Two to four areas not included. / All but one required area included. / All required areas included.
2. Text included / No or hardly any key words included to identify goal areas. / Some relevant key words included to identify goal areas. / Relevant key words included to identify goal areas. / Relevant key words included which clearly summarize goal areas.
3. Neatness / *Mobile is messy and not easy to read / *Pictures are cut out with ragged edges.
*Lettering hard to read / * Some pictures are cut out with ragged edges.
*Lettering is legible / * Pictures are cut out neatly
* lettering is very neat
4. Creativity / Little effort or creativity / Some creativity. Could use more colors / Student shows creativity in board, good use of color / Student shows excellent creativity, variety materials, and colors
TOTAL / 16
Answer the following questions to help organize your thoughts.
-Emotions (what do you want to feel?)
-Relationships (who do you want to have close relationships with?)
-Education (what education do you see yourself pursuing?)
-Work (what work do you see yourself doing for a living?)
-Location (where do you see yourself living – both city/town, type of dwelling?)
-Recreational Activities (what would you like to do in your spare time?)
-Vacations (where would you like to travel?)
-Lifestyle (how much money do you want to have)