HB 5018

Ready to Read Program

January 2017

OLA’s Position

HB 5018 is the State Library budget that includes funding for the Ready to Read Grant Program to local libraries. The Oregon Library Association strongly supports maintaining the Ready to Read Grant Program at its current level of $1,465,695 or 94¢ per child. The Governor’s Budget would cut the program to $978,540 or67.2¢ per child. This remains significantly below OLA’s goal of $1 per child.

This program helps Oregon’s public libraries advance early childhood literacy, engage adolescents in reading activities, and support summer reading programs.

Ready to ReadGrant Program

In 1993, the Legislature created the Ready to Read Grant Program to improve library services to children. Since then, Oregon’s public libraries have used Ready to Read grants to help children learn to read and to maintain their literacy skills as they grow.

This program is successful.

  • Attendance at literacy-based activities for children and teenscontinues to increase - 1,453,134 this past year.
  • Summer reading participation has more than doubled to 297,051 since the grant program started. 108 public libraries used state funds to implement and enhance their programs.
  • All 133 eligible public libraries in Oregon applied for and were awarded a grant in 2016.

The evidence is clear that children who startschool reading or ready to read will be more successful in school. Research also shows that about two-thirds of the achievement gap can be attributed to unequal access to summer enrichment programs such as library reading programs. Fully funding the Ready to Read Grant Program would ensure public libraries address this need for all children from kindergarten through age 14.

The Ready to Read Grants are the only State General Fund program directly supporting Oregon’s public libraries. Current funding is equivalent to 94¢ per child and will drop to 67.2¢ if funded at the Governor’ proposed level. In 2016, each $1 of state funds leveraged $1.89in local funds.

For more information:

  • Nan Heim, 503-703-9358,
  • Amanda Dalton, 503-884-0415,
  • Janet Webster, OLA Legislation Committee, 541-265-6919,

HB 5018

OLA supports the Ready to Read Grant Program.

OLA supports restored funding per child to $.94.

  • HB 5018 is the State Library’s budget that includes the Ready to Read Grant Program funding.
  • The Ready to Read/Reading for Success program works:
  • Attendance at programs increased.
  • Kids read over 207,000 books during the 2016 summer.
  • Close to 300,000 kids participated in Summer Reading Programs in 2016.
  • Every dollar in grant money leveraged $1.89 in local funds.
  • All 133 eligible public libraries applied for and received grants in 2016.
  • The Ready to Read Grant Program should be funded at $1,465,695to maintain current funding at 94¢ per child.

February 2017