PO Box 540, Salford, M5 0DS
Tel:0845 330 3911 (local-call rate) / 0161
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June 2012
Dear Applicant,
Re: Post of Individual Fundraising Officer
Thank you for requesting information about the above vacancy. This Application Pack contains:
- Job description and person specification
- Guidance notes on completing the application form
- Application form part A – this part of the form will be used for short listing
- Application form part B – personal details
- Application form part C - equal opportunities monitoring form – this part of the form is detached on receipt by CAPS and will not be used for short listing or shared with recruiting manager(s)
Please ensure that we receive your application form before the closing date which is Friday 20th July 2012.All applications must be sent to one of the following:
- Email: – please note that if you are returning the form electronically and unsigned you will still be bound by the declaration on the form, or
- Post: Liz Tyson, Captive Animals' Protection Society, PO Box 4186, Manchester, M60 3ZA – mark clearly that this is ‘Private and confidential’. It is recommended that you use Recorded or Special Delivery.
Liz Tyson
Campaigning for animals since 1957Registered charity in England and Wales No. 1124436
The Captive Animals’ Protection Society is a private non-profit company limited by guarantee 2086775
Job title:Individual Fundraising Officer
Location:This post is based at the CAPS office in Salford Quays, Greater Manchester
Salary: £18,000
Working Hours:Full-time (37.5 hours per week), Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm
Leave:20 days per year
Reporting to:The Director
Contract Period:The post is offered on a permanent contract subject to the satisfactory completion of a six month probationary period
Other information:CAPS operates a vegan workplace.
Purpose of Role:
The Captive Animals' Protection Society (CAPS), a registered charity founded in 1957, is a leading animal protection organisation campaigning on issues relating to the use of animals in entertainment.
Our key campaign issues work to end the use of animals in circuses, zoos and the exotic pet trade. Campaigning includes carrying out research and undercover investigations, production of reports and campaign materials, political lobbying and co-ordinating protests.
We work closely with other animal protection and conservation organisations and grass-roots activists at local, national and international level.
Our continuing operation relies on the delivery of an effective fundraising programme; our Fundraising Officer is therefore an essential member of the team, whose success underpins all that we do.
There is an expanding Board of Trustees with a variety of skills to provide support to all staff where needed.
Job Specification
Main Duties:
Reporting to the Director and working closely with the Campaigns team, the role will include the following:
- Recruit and retain members and supporters, maximising income across a broad fundraising strategy
- Devise, implement and evaluate fundraising appeals and communications to existing and potential supporters to maximise cash and committed giving income, including cash direct mail appeals, membership scheme development, welcome process, gift aid, upgrade and renewal activity.
- Work with relevant stakeholders to ensure that long-term income growth from individual donors is maximised.
- Undertake analysis and report on effectiveness of campaigns against targets regularly and as requested by the Director
- Ensure charity’s ongoing compliance with statutory regulations, in particular the Data Protection Act and Gift Aid regulations
- Manage existing fundraising initiatives already in place
- Identifying and stewarding middle and high level donors, working with Director
- In conjunction with the Campaigns team, manage the events timetable for the charity, ensuring all fundraising opportunities resulting from events are maximised
Scope of Job
- Secure rapid growth in income generation within first six months
- Project management of direct marketing campaigns.
- Strategic planning and donor development.
- Integration of Fundraising and Campaign activities and objectives.
- Fundraising market research
- Fundraising event management
Essential Experience and Skills
- Hands on experience of donor recruitment, development and direct marketing campaign management.
- Proven project management, written and verbal communication skills.
- Sound understanding of customer relationship marketing and integrated marketing communications.
- Ability to work under pressure to meet tight and changing deadlines.
- Experience of contributing to annual plans.
- Experience of budgetary control and reporting against targets.
- Experience of managing suppliers and agencies.
- Experience of managing marketing campaigns online is desirable
- Degree level or equivalent essential.
- Membership of IDM, DMA, CIM or IoF desirable.
Person Specification
- Substantial and demonstrable track record in generating income from donors
- Ability to work to deadlines and remain calm under pressure.
- Highly effective organisational skills with ability to prioritise own workload.
- Flexible and methodical.
- Works effectively within a team.
- Ability to take decisions within own area and level of responsibility.
- Ability to communicate clearly to a range of people at different levels across the organisation.
- Excellent copywriting and proof-reading skills.
- Excellent attention to detail.
- Logical thinker.
- Ability to adopt a proactive approach, using personal initiative and confidence.
- Task-orientated.
- Ability to liaise confidently, effectively and professionally with all levels of staff.
- Ability to articulate complex detail clearly.
- Assertiveness in dealing with external suppliers.
- Vegetarian or vegan preferred
Guidance notes on completing the application form
Please read these notes carefully before completing the application form.
The purpose of completing the application form is to enable you to be short listed for interview. Completed application forms are matched against the requirements set out in the person specification to create a short list.
Please note that we do not accept curriculum vitae (CVs).
Completing the application form
You should study the job description and person specification carefully before completing your application form. Whether you are short listed for interview will depend on how well you can demonstrate that you meet the criteria listed in the person specification. We will not make assumptions about your achievements and abilities so you must clearly state on the form how exactly you feel you match the listed requirements.
The following tips are designed to help you complete the application form as effectively as possible:
- Study all the information you have been sent about the job and the application form carefully before you begin to complete the form. Ensure that you are clear about what you are being asked to do.
- Think about the extent to which you possess the skills and experience necessary to do the job. You should then provide information about skills and experience which address all of the items in the person specification. If possible, try to do so in the order in which they are listed.
- Give examples of your skills and experience and write in a positive way. Remember to write about those things which you have personally been responsible for.
- Make sure that you complete all sections of the application form.
- Select those aspects of your experience, skills and interests that are relevant to the job. Remind yourself of your qualities and skills that you may take for granted.
- Remember to consider relevant skills and experience acquired outside of paid work - for example, experience gained from community or volunteer work, or in your leisure interests.
- When listing your previous jobs, ensure that dates are correct and in the right order, stating your most recent employment first.
Equal opportunities monitoring form
CAPS aims to be an equal opportunity employer and is determined to ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, disability, religious belief, marital status, colour, race or ethnic origins, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
Please do not forget to complete the equal opportunities monitoring form (part C). CAPS is committed to equal opportunities and whilst completing this form is not compulsory we would be grateful if you would assist us by filling it in as this is a way to monitor the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policy. Please note that the information provided will be separated from the application; it will be kept confidential and will only be used for monitoring purposes.
Sending your application
Please send the completed application form by:
Email: – please note that if you are returning the form electronically and unsigned you will still be bound by the declaration on the form, or
Post: Liz Tyson, Captive Animals' Protection Society, PO Box 4186, Manchester, M60 3ZA – mark clearly that this is ‘Private and confidential’. It is recommended that you use Recorded or Special Delivery.
You must ensure that the application form is returned by 5pm on the closing date (Friday 20th July 2012) and keep a copy for yourself. We do not accept curriculum vitae (CVs).
PART A - APPLICATION FORM – (this part of the form is used for short-listing)
Data Protection Act 1998
Any data about you will be held confidentially and will only be used for recruitment to the post below, and for employment monitoring purposes, though this data will be kept anonymous. If you are unsuccessful, your application will be destroyed after 12 months and if you are successful, the relevant information will be kept as part of your employee file.
Position applied for: Individual Fundraising OfficerDate______
Name(s) ______Surname ______
Please use the space below to describe how your experience, skills, knowledge and qualities make you suitable for appointment to this post. Please use sub-headings according to the selection criteria in the person specification provided in this pack.
Remember that we will be short-listing based only on the information you provide and on your ability to meet the selection criteria described in the person specification for this post.
Please refer to the Guidance notes on completing the application form provided in this pack. You can list experience and knowledge gained from current and previous employment, voluntary work and any other activities which you consider relevant to this post.
Please use the space below to describe how your experience, skills, knowledge and qualities make you suitable for appointment to this post. Please use sub-headings according to the selection criteria in the person specification provided in this pack.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
Qualifications / Training
Schools, Colleges, University etc.:
Qualification/results / InstitutionOther relevant training / qualifications:
Course / From / To / DetailsCurrent professional membership
Membership / BodyPlease continue on a separate sheet if necessary
Present or most recent employer: (if appropriate)
Name and address of employerDates employed / From: / To:
Your Job Title
Summary of duties and record of achievements in your current role
Current / most recent salary
Reason for leaving
Notice Required
Other employment / experience (most recent first)
Please include experience relevant to this post together with a record of results and achievements.
Name and address of employerDates employed / From: / To:
Your Job Title
Summary of duties and record of achievements in your current role
Reason for leaving
Name and address of employer
Dates employed / From: / To:
Your Job Title
Summary of duties and record of achievements in your current role
Reason for leaving
Name and address of employer
Dates employed / From: / To:
Your Job Title
Summary of duties and record of achievements in your current role
Reason for leaving
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
CAPS operates a vegan workplace and asks that all members of staff respect this position whilst in the office.Are you vegan:
If not, are you vegetarian?
Please note here your leisure interests, sports and hobbies, other pastimes etc.Interest in animal protection
Please note here your personal interest or any knowledge / experience you may have in animal protection.Recruitment advertising feedback
Please note where you saw this position advertised.PART B – PERSONAL DETAILS
Post applied for / Individual Fundraising Officer / Date of ApplicationSurname / First Names
(Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr/Other) please specify
AddressPost Code
Telephone number / Home / Mobile
Personal E-mail
Are there any restrictions on you taking up employment in the UK? Yes No
(If yes, please provide details)
Please tell us below what special arrangements, if any, would be needed if you are invited to interview.
Referees (one should be your current or most recent employer)
Please note that any job offer is subject to satisfactory references. We will only seek references for the successful candidate unless otherwise advised.
Referee 1 / Referee 2Name
Job Title
Post Code
E-mail address
Telephone number
I confirm that the information provided on this application form is complete and correct and that any untrue or misleading information will give my employer the right to terminate any employment contract offered. I understand that if I return this form electronically and unsigned I am still bound by this declaration.
Signed / DatePART C - EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES MONITORING FORM(this part of the form will be detached on receipt and will not be used for short-listing or shared with the recruiting managers)
Post applied for: Individual Fundraising OfficerDate:
CAPS is committed to equal opportunities, and whilst completing this form is not compulsory we would be grateful if you would complete it as way for us to monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy which aims to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of age, sex, marital status, ethnic origin and religious beliefs. Please note that the information provided on this form will be separated from the application form on receipt, it will be kept confidential and will only be used for monitoring purposes.
Ethnic Origin
A - White
□ British □ Irish
□ Any other White background please specify ______
B - Mixed
□ White & Black Caribbean□ White & Asian□ White & Black African
□ Any other Mixed background please specify ______
C – Asian
□ Indian□ Pakistani□ Bangladeshi
□ Any other Asian background please specify ______
D – Black
□ Caribbean□ African
□ Any other Black background please specify ______
E – Chinese or other ethnic group
□ Chinese □ Any other please specify ______
Sex□ Male□ Female
Marital status□ Single□ Married □ Divorced
□ Widowed □ Partner
Faith / Religion□ Buddhist□ Christian□ Hindu
□ Jewish□ Muslim □ Sikh □ None
□ Other please specify ______
Age□ under 20□ 20-24□ 25-29
□ 30-34□ 35-39□ 40-44 □ 45-49
□ 50-54□ 55-59 □ 60-64□ 65 +
The Disability Discrimination Act (2005) defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out
normal day-to-day activities. Long term means that the effect of the impairment has lasted or is likely to last for at least 12 months
Would you describe yourself as having a disability? □ Yes □No
For office use only:
□ Short listed □ Appointed