Washington County Public SchoolsRFP #2015-24
10435 Downsville PikeRecordkeeping and Investment Services
Hagerstown, MD 21740403(b) and 457(b) retirement plans
Issue Date – October 14, 2014
Request for Proposals
Recordkeeping and Investment Custodial Services for 403(b) and 457(b) Retirement Plans
RFP No. 2015-24
10:00 a.m. Local time
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Washington County Public Schools
Center for Educational Services
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Friday, October 31, 2014
4:00 p.m. Local time
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Deliver to: WCPS Center for Educational Services
Dates/times are subject to change by written notice to all potential Proposers. Questions regarding an issue arising in the context of this procurement must be directed in writing transmitted by mail, fax or email to: Lisa Freeman, Supervisor of Purchasing for Washington County Public Schools. She can be reached by telephone at 301-766-2842, fax at 301-766-2859, and email: .
Washington County Public SchoolsRFP #2015-24
10435 Downsville PikeRecordkeeping and Investment Services
Hagerstown, MD 21740403(b) and 457(b) retirement plans
RFP Issue Date:October 14, 2014
Procurement Officer:Ms. Lisa Freeman, C.P.M.
Supervisor of Purchasing
Office Phone: (301) 766-2842
Fax: (301) 766-2859
Pre-Proposal Conference:Tuesday, October 28, 2014at 10:00 a.m. local time
Washington County Public Schools
Center for Education Services
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Proposal Due Date and Time:Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. local time
Purchasing Office
Washington County Public Schools
Center for Education Services
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Action / DatesIssue RFP for 403(b) and 457(b) vendors / October 14, 2014
Pre-Proposal Conference / October 28, 2014 10:00 am
Deadline for written questions / October 31, 2014 4:00 pm
Proposal submission deadline / November 11, 2014 4:00 pm
Proposals review / November 12 – November 26, 2014
Finalist interviews / December 1 – December 3, 2014
Recommendation for vendor approval to the BOE / December 16, 2014
Implementation with TPA and all vendors / December 17, 2014-March 31, 2015
Go live date with TPA and all vendors / April 1, 2015
*All dates subject to change as necessary
IGeneral Information………………………………..…………………..….…….4-10
II Proposal Format……………………..…………………………….….……..….11-12
III Criteria for Selection…………………..…...………….………….………….…...13
IVDemographic Data…………………………………………………………..…..…..14
VScope of Services…………………………………………………………………15-16
VI Technical Questionnaire…………………………………...……………...... 17-34
VII Pricing Proposal/Program Fees..…………………………………….……..35-36
Attachment A, 403(b) Plan Data (Great West Retirement Services)
Attachment B, 403(b) Summary Plan Description
Attachment C, 457(b) Plan Data (MetLife)
Attachment D, 457(b) Summary Plan Description
Attachment E, Bid/Proposal Affidavit
Attachment F, Professional Service Agreement
Attachment G, Mandatory Contract Addendum
I.Summary Statement
The Washington County Public Schools (“WCPS”) is seeking proposals for administration and investment services for multiple vendor mutual fund platform voluntary 403(b) and 457(b) plans. Services shall include recordkeeping, administration, communication, investment advisory and investment custodial services for these plans which will be sponsored by the Washington County Public Schools.
WCPS is seeking to award to multiple vendors, each of whom will have access to a variety of quality mutual funds and fixed annuities, under a platform that will service our employees in the best interest of plan participants and their beneficiaries. Contracts will be awarded for a term of three (3) years, with multi-year renewal options encouraged.
All bidders, including independent agents, are encouraged to submit proposals for consideration.
This RFP solicitation document contains instructions governing the requested proposal, including the requirements for the information and materials to be included; a description of the services to be provided; the requirements bidders must meet in order to be eligible for consideration; general terms and conditions; specific terms and conditions, proposal forms and other information applicable to this RFP.
II. Authority
Washington County Public Schools will be the plan sponsor of the 403(b) and 457(b) programs.
The Board of Education of Washington County (“WCBOE”) is the legal entity and governing authority that will award any resulting contract.
III.Procurement Official
The sole point of contact at Washington County Public Schools for purposes of this RFP, prior to the award of any contract, is the Procurement Officer at the address listed below:
Lisa Freeman, C.P.M., Supervisor of Purchasing
Washington County Public Schools
Center for Education Services
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Telephone #: 301-766-2842
Fax #: 301-766-2859
IV.Contract Management
The individual responsible for day-to-day administration and management of the Contract issued pursuant to this RFP shall be the Contract Monitor identified below:
Regina Keller, Supervisor of Employee Benefits
Washington County Public Schools
Center for Education Services
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Telephone #: 301-766-8991
Fax #: 301-766-8727
V.Pre-Proposal Conference
A pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 AM (local time) Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at the Washington County Public Schools, Center for Education Services, 10435 Downsville Pike, Hagerstown, Maryland, 21740. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory, but all interested biddersare encouraged to attend.
VI.e-Bid Marketplace
Public school systems in Maryland are required to publish notices of procurements and procurement awards on the State of Maryland’s “eBid Marketplace” web portal. All prospective bidders are required to register and maintain registration on eBid Marketplace if actively bidding public school projects. For registration requirements, visit to register and “join Maryland’s gateway” to bidding opportunities throughout the State. Awards can only be posted to registered companies. As such, award of this contract is contingent upon the bidder being registered on Maryland’s eBid Marketplace.
The deadline for questions about this RFP is 4:00 pm (local time) on Friday, October 31, 2014. Questions may be submitted by mail, facsimile, or e-mail to the Procurement Officer only.
Written questions will be accepted prior to, during and subsequent to the pre-proposal conference. The Procurement Officer shall, based on the availability of time to research and communicate an answer, decide whether an answer can be given before the proposal due date. Answers to all substantive questions that have not previously been answered, and are not clearly specific only to the requestor, will be published to all prospective Bidders on the WCPS Purchasing website:
The Bidder shall NOT make contact with any other member of the WCPS staff or any member of the elected Board of Education. Violation may result in rejection of the bid. The Procurement Officer named above is the sole contact for any and all inquiries after this RFP has been released and until a final decision has been made to award by the WCBOE.
VIII.Proposals Due (Closing) Date
An unbound original, and nine(9) bound copies of each proposal and one electronic copy provided on a CD or flash drive, must be received by the Procurement Officer, at the Purchasing Office of the Center for Education Services, no later than 4:00 PM (local time) on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 in order to be considered.
Requests for extension of this date or time will not be granted. Bidders mailing proposals should allow sufficient mail delivery time to ensure timely receipt by the Procurement Officer. Except as provided in COMAR, proposals received by the Procurement Officer after November 11, 2014 at 4:00 PM (local time) will not be considered. Proposals may not be submitted by e-mail or facsimile.
IX.Duration of Offer
Proposals submitted in response to this RFP are irrevocable for 120 days following the closing date of proposals or from receipt of Best and Final Offers (BAFOs), if requested.
X.Revisions to the RFP
If it becomes necessary to revise this RFP before the proposal due date, amendments will be made only by written addenda to this RFP solicitation document which will be posted on the WCPS Purchasing website and made available to all prospective biddersand interested parties. Any amendments made after the closing date for proposals will be sent only to those bidders who submitted a responsive proposal.
Acknowledgment of the receipt of all addenda to this RFP solicitation document must be acknowledged in the bidder's proposal in the Transmittal Letter in the Proposal submittal. Acknowledgement of the receipt of amendments to the RFP issued after the proposal due date shall be in the manner specified in the amendment notice.Failure to acknowledge receipt of amendments does not relieve the bidder from complying with all changes /terms of any such amendment.
XI.Cancellations; Discussions
WCBOE reserves the right to cancel this RFP, accept or reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, received in response to this RFP, to waive or permit cure of minor irregularities, and to conduct discussions with all qualified or potentially qualified bidders in any manner necessaryto serve the best interests of the WCBOE. The WCBOE also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to award a contract based upon the written proposals received without prior discussions or negotiations.
XII.Oral Presentation
Bidders may be required to make oral presentations to WCPS representatives. Significant representations made by a bidder during the oral presentation must be reduced to writing. All written representations will become part of the bidder's proposal and are binding if the contract is awarded. The Procurement Officer will notify bidders of the time and place of oral presentations. Typically, oral presentations occur approximately one to two weeks after the proposal due date.
XIII.Incurred Expenses
The WCPS will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a bidder in preparing and submitting a proposal, in making an oral presentation, in providing a demonstration, or in performing any other activities relative to this solicitation.
XIV.Economy of Preparation
Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the bidder's proposal to meet the requirements of this RFP.
XV.Multiple or Alternative Proposals
Neither multiple nor alternate proposals will be accepted.
XVI.Access to Public Records Act Notice
A bidder should clearly identify and give specific written direction regarding those portions of its proposal that it considers confidential, proprietary commercial information or trade secrets, and provide justification why such materials, upon request, should not be disclosed by the State under the Access to Public Records Act, Title 10, Subtitle 6, of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
Information, which is claimed to be confidential, is to be placed in a separation section of the proposal inserted after the "Title Page" and before the "Table of Contents" of the proposal. Bidders are advised that, upon request for this information from a third party, the WCPS will make an independent determination whether the information is subject to release for public disclosure under the federal Freedom of Information Act and State law (COMAR
The selected bidder shall be responsible for all products and services required by WCPS under this RFP solicitation document and any resultant contract. The proposal must explicitly disclose the name and qualifications of any/all subcontractor(s) to be employed and provide a complete description of their roles and responsibilities. The contractor shall remain at all times fully responsible for all services and deliverables required under this contract including any portion of the work assigned to a subcontractor.
XVIII. Subsidiaries
If a bidder that seeks to perform or provide the services required by this RFP is the subsidiary of another entity, all information submitted by the bidder such as, but not limited to, proposedservices, description of the bidder's ability to perform the scope of work, references and financial reports, shall pertain exclusively to the bidder, unless the parent organization will guarantee the performance of the subsidiary. If applicable, the bidder's proposal must contain an explicit statement that the parent organization will guarantee the performance of the subsidiary.
XIX. Prohibited Persons
In accordance with the State of Maryland’s Criminal Procedure Article, Section 11-722, a person who enters into an agreement with a local board of education may not knowingly employ an individual to work at a school if the individual is a registered sex offender. This provision applies to all individuals that may be working on the school property, making deliveries or visiting the school property for business purposes.
XX.Consent to No Exceptions
By submitting an offer in response to this RFP, abidder, if selected for award, shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of this RFP and the Contract, unless an exception to any term/condition of this RFP or the Contract is explicitly written in the "Executive Summary" of the Proposal. A proposal that takes exception to any term or condition of the RFP/Contract may be rejected by WCBOE without further correspondence if, in the opinion of the Board, the proposed exception is not in the best interest of WCPS and/or its employees.
XXI.Proposal Affidavit
A proposal submitted by a bidder must be accompanied by a completed and signed Bid/Proposal Affidavit. A copy of this Affidavit Form is included in this RFP solicitation document as “AttachmentE.”
XXII.Professional Service Agreement - DRAFT
WCPS’ Standard Professional Services Agreement-DRAFT is included in the RFP solicitation document as "Attachment F". It is WCBOE’s intention to utilize this Standard Agreement as the form of any resultant contract. All bidders are advised that if a contract is awarded as a result of this solicitation, the successful bidders will be required to complete and execute WCPS Standard Professional Service Agreement. This Agreement must be completed and submitted within five business days of notification of proposed contract award.
By submitting a response to this solicitation, each bidder represents that it is not in arrears in the payment of any obligations due and owing the State of Maryland, including the payment of taxes and employee benefits, and that it shall not become so in arrears during the term of the contract if selected for contract award.
XXIV.Procurement Method
This solicitation and contract will be awarded in accordance with the competitive sealed proposals process under COMAR 21.05.03.
XXV.Verification of Registration and Tax Payment
Before a corporation can do business in the State of Maryland it must be registered with the Department of Assessments and Taxation, State Office Building, Room 803, 301 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. It is strongly recommended that any potential bidder complete registration prior to the due date for receipt of proposals. As time is of the essence, abidder's failure to complete registration with the Department of Assessments and Taxation in a timely manner may disqualify an otherwise successful bidder from final consideration and recommendation for contract award.
XXVI.Financial Capability and Statements
The bidder shall provide evidence that the bidder has the financial capacity to provide the services by providing copies of the last two (2) year-end financial statements (independently audited). The financial statements mustbe for the entity proposing to provide services under this RFP and not for any prospective owners or parent companies not directly involved in the provision of services.
XXVII.False Statements
Bidders are advised that section 11-205.1 of the State Finance and Procurement Article of theAnnotated Code of Maryland provides as follows:
(a) In connection with a procurement contract a person may not willfully:
(1) falsify, conceal, or suppress a material fact by any scheme or device;
(2) make a false or fraudulent statement or representation of a material fact; or
(3) use a false writing or document that contains a false or fraudulent statement or entry of a material fact.
(b) A person may not aid or conspire with another person to commit an act under subsection (a) of this section.
(c) A person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a felony and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $20,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or both.
XXVIII.Conflict of Interest
Potential bidders should be aware that the State Ethics Law, State Government Article, §15-508, might limit the selected bidder’s ability to participate in future related procurements, depending upon specific circumstances.
The successful bidder will provide services to WCPS and must do so impartially and without any conflicts of interest. If the Procurement Officer makes a determination that facts or circumstances exist that give rise to or could in the future give rise to a conflict of interest within the meaning of COMAR, the Procurement Officer may reject a bidder's proposal under COMAR
XXIX. Multi-Agency Procurement
WCPS reserves the right to extend the terms and conditions of this bid to any and all other governmental agencies within the state of Maryland that require these services. A copy of the contract pricing and the bid requirements incorporated in this contract will be supplied to any requesting agency. This may include requests by private schools, parochial schools, and/or state agencies and community colleges and private colleges located within the state of Maryland, as well as, other state quasi-agencies.
Each participating jurisdiction or agency shall enter into its own contract with the contracted firm and such contract shall be binding only upon the principals signing such an agreement. Invoices shall be submitted in duplicate "directly" to the ordering jurisdiction. Disputes over the execution and administration of any contract shall be the responsibility of the participating jurisdiction or agency that entered into that contract. Disputes must be resolved solely between the participating agency and the contractor.
XXX. Objection to Award
Any company objecting to the bid procedure or the recommendation for award has five (5) business days following the date of award by the Board of Education to file a written protest with the Superintendent of Schools. It is the company’s responsibility to ascertain and confirm the date/time of the pertinent Board Meeting. The written appeal must be submitted on company letterhead, dated and signed by the senior officer in the company. The protest letter must include a request for review and ruling by WCPS, a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds for the protest, including the resulting prejudice to the company, copies of relevant documents, and a statement of the form of relief being requested.Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the protest being deemed “not filed.” Bid protests received later than five (5) days after the Board Meeting will result in the protest being deemed “not timely.”The WCPS will not respond or address bid protests that do not conform to these instructions.