Carman Minor Hockey Association
Annual General Meeting
May 17, 2012 Carman Collegiate
(Board members): Darrell Ens, Randy Goertzen, Rob Neufeld & Marcy Platt
Regrets: Wendi Wood
(Non-Board members): Joel O’Connor, Andrew Murphy, Rob Schroeder, Glennis Gitzel, Larisa Ens, Jodi Cox, Shannon Clemis, Claude Durand, Shane McLaren, Vicki Neufeld, Wayne Nykyforak, David Bruce, Lisa Bruce, Kelly Swark, Curtis Plaitin, Myrna Klassen
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Acceptance of previous minutes: Motion to accept February/12 minutes made by Myrna Klassen. Seconded by Jodi Cox.
- President’s Remarks: Welcome everyone.
a)Fee analysis sent to membership for review prior to AGM. Huge concern with shortfall. Board feels this is directly tied to lesstournaments. Past years CMH teams have hosted approx. 6 tourneys per year. This year there were only 3. Looking at the financials approx. 20% of every $1 spent goes to CMH. Not sure what the right answer is for encouraging teams to host a tourney. Over President Ens’ time on the board various ways of selecting dates for teams have been tried. Some working better than others. In order to keep fees down tournaments need to happen. There was also no provincials hosted this year which is the first in a few years. Provincials can also play a key role in our kitchen/rink. Encourage teams to consider bidding for a provincial tourney.
Fall of 2012 after teams have been selected there will be a standard team meeting/organizational form given to all teams, to be used as an outline to assist CMH executive. (see attached)There will be a question or two on the form pertaining to tournaments. We want to make tourneys more of a priority league will get played, but we need to look after our own community as well.
An outline/guideline for hosting a tournament will be placed on the CMH website for those looking for assistance in the planning/preparation for a tourney.
It is the board’s hope that teams will know their tourney dates by mid October, before the league scheduling meeting and in enough time to get it up on the Hockey Mb. Website.
b)Darrell discussed our concern with the “skeleton” board our 2011-12 season was faced with. It is our hope to operate with a full board next year.
c)Removal of the $50.00 manager’s fee. It was felt that in the past this fee helped to cover long distance charges etc. with e-mail now and CMH financials an issue it was decided that this fee could be removed.
Motion made by Jodi Cox. Seconded by Myrna Klassen.
d)Code of Conduct: New this year, initial purpose was to have a place to start with kids, parents, coaches etc. listing clear expectations regarding the upcoming season. The hope was that each parent and player would go through it for a serious read prior to signing it. On a whole the board felt that it served the intended purpose.
Correspondence: Marcy Platt gave a brief overview of the PVMH AGM she attended on behalf of CMH April 18/12
- Committee Reports:
a)Secretary Registrar: Vacant
b)Treasurer: Wendi Owen – unable to attend financial reports attached
Motion to accept report: Shannon Clemis. Seconded by Jodi Cox
c)Equipment: Rob Neufeld-purchased several new sets of jerseys. Bantam girls, PW boys and Squirts still need new jerseys. A new blocker and glove were purchased for the Novice team. A big thank you to the Fraser family for donating a pair of goalie pads to CMH.
d)Ref in Chief: Shared by Trish Middelton/Carrie Hennan and Matt Lemky. A HUGE thank you to these guys for splitting this position, it was greatly appreciated.
e)Ice Convenor: Marcy Platt. Fairly good season. Liked the 2nd half scheduling meeting held in December. Marcy would like to thank all managers it was a pleasure working with you all.
f)Canteen report- as attached
- Old Business
Championship Banners: Rec. commission will hang up at center ice this summer. CMHis to collect the banners and put them in the sequence we want andthen give them to the Rec. commission.
- New Business
Ice- Rec. commission working on power skating and hockey camps for early September. Plant to be turned on mid August ready for early Sept.
Fundraising- CMH has decided to go with the Travel voucher fundraiser for the 2012-13 season. Watch for this to be handed out at fall registration. Please also note changes to the amount of books sold per player, in order to generate more revenue.
CMH registration date will be Sept. 56, 2012
Discussion of ways to cut costs. Discussion of having to start charging $15/player for Breakfast program. The possibility of hosting the Bud/Spud and Steak fundraiser with a specific fundraiser in mind such as the Breakfast Program might be a good idea. Two of the quickest options; 1)raise fees 2) increase ticket sales through travel vouchers. Last years ticket sales generated $5000.00. Discussion followed. Motion made by Shannon Clemis to raise fees across the board through every age group by $10.00, and each family to sell 2 books of tickets per child. Seconded by Claude Durand.
Gord Woodhall clinic held in Carman organized by Glennis, well rec’d good clinic. Thank you to Glennis for this. President Ens encouraged coaches to attend these clinics whenever possible, you always get something good out of them and they are free.
Elections: Nominations are now open for President.
Brad Cramer and David Bruce have both put their names forward and or been nominated. Are there any other nominations? Vote took place via a ballot system. David Bruce was the successful candidate. Thank you David.
Nominations are now open for Vice-President.
Both Brad Cramer and Joel O’Connor stepped forward/nominated to run for this position. Are there any other nominations? Vote took place via a ballot system Joel O’Connor was the successful candidate. Thank you Joel.
Nominations are now open for Secretary/Registrar.
Myrna Klassen was nominated, no other nominations were received. Myrna by acclamation will be our new Sec./Reg. Thank you Myrna.
Nominations were then opened up for both Ice Convenor and Ref in Chief. There were no nominations received. Marcy Platt to send a notice out to membership regarding this.
- Items from the floor:
-Myrna Klassen expressed concern of losing young refs due to “abuse” from the stands/player benches. It was not a “slight” at those doing the ref in chief job because those volunteers looked after the scheduling of the refs which is an important part, however our refs lacked mentorship, support this past year. Discussion followed. Other parents present at the meeting have seen associations go as far as; parent gets kicked out kid/player goes with them. Perhaps having a parent on the team to help “diffuse” the aggressive parents might work. Future board to look for support/mentorship for young refs, someone they can “lean” on.
-Rob Schroeder thanked CMH for supporting the ice time for goalies and
to Helen Klassen for arranging this. It is the hope to continue these clinics as it is felt to be very beneficial.
-The draw was held for the one free registration fee. Winner Wayne Nykyforak.
Motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. by Larisa Ens/Shannon Clemis