Range of specialist provision

Nursery Resourced Units / Description of Need / Number of Planned Places
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Southport / -complex needs (learning difficulties combined with other difficulties)
-autistic spectrum condition and speech and language difficulties
-physical and or medical needs
An Education, Health and Care Plan is not required for a child to attend a resourced nursery / There is up to 28 planned places across the resourced nurseries
Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School, Netherton
Cambridge Road Nursery School, Bootle
Greenacre Nursery School, Bootle
Primary Resourced Units / Description of Need / Primary Need / Number of Planned Places
Freshfield Primary / Complex needs (learning difficulties combined with other difficulties) / Complex Needs / 10
The Grange Primary / A range of high needs including autistic spectrum condition and speech and language difficulties / Complex Needs and Language / 27
Primary Resourced Units / Description of Need / Social, emotional and mental health / 8
Freshfield Primary / Complex needs (learning difficulties combined with other difficulties) / Autism/Asperger's Syndrome / 21
The Grange Primary
Hudson Primary
Kings Meadow Primary
Northway Primary / A range of high needs including autistic spectrum condition and speech and language difficulties
Autistic Spectrum condition
Speech and language difficulties
Specific learning difficulties, usually of a dyslexic nature / Complex Needs and Language
Autism/Asperger's Syndrome / 8
Specific Learning Difficulties / 10
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary / Autistic spectrum condition / Autism / Asperger's Syndrome / 24
Rimrose Hope CE Primary / Complex needs (learning difficulties combined with other difficulties) / Complex Needs / 20
Waterloo Primary / Autistic spectrum condition / Autism / Asperger's Syndrome / 30
Secondary Resourced Units / Description of Need / Primary Need / Number of Planned Places
Meols Cop High / Asperger’s Syndrome or Specific learning difficulties, usually of a dyslexic nature / Autism / Asperger's Syndrome, / 8
Waterloo Primary / Autistic spectrum condition / Specific Learning Difficulties / 10
St Michael's CE High / Asperger’s Syndrome or Specific learning difficulties, usually of a dyslexic nature / Specific Learning Difficulties / 23
Meols Cop High / Asperger’s Syndrome or Specific learning difficulties, usually of a dyslexic nature / Autism / Asperger's Syndrome, / 8
Special Schools / Description of Need / Primary Need / Number of Planned Places
Rowan Park / Severe and profound learning difficulties, often with autism spectrum conditions and for pupils who have profound and multiple learning difficulties with visual impairment / Severe & Profound Learning Difficulties / 97
Autistic Spectrum Condition / 29
Merefield / Severe and profound learning difficulties, often with autistic spectrum conditions. / Severe & Profound Learning Difficulties / 54
Autistic Spectrum Condition / 26
Newfield / Social, emotional and mental health / Social, emotional and mental health / 81
Presfield (Secondary) / Autistic spectrum condition (not SLD) / Autistic Spectrum Condition / 88
Rowan High
(Secondary) / Autistic spectrum condition (not SLD) / Autistic Spectrum Condition / 16
Crosby High
(Secondary) / Provides for students with a range of complex needs; in addition to their moderate learning difficulty, includes students with speech and communication difficulties, autism spectrum conditions, social and emotional difficulties and with physical and sensory impairments. / Complex Learning Needs / 146