COMMS 203: Television Journalism

Information Sheet & Application Form

Application Deadline: Friday 2 June 2017

Extended Deadline: Friday 21 July 2017

COMMS 203: Second Semester; City Campus; 15 points

This course provides an introduction to the skills required to operate a multi-camera television studio. Alongside learning a range of studio roles, students will also be trained in single camera production and Avid digital editing. This course is an introduction to television journalism with a focus on the construction and the function of the pre-recorded and live television interview. The major assessment at the end of the semester is achieved by students operating in production teams planning, writing and directing a ‘live’ multi-camera magazine format programme, including interviews with guests from the media industry.

The course is internally assessed with a mix of individual and group work providing the final grade. Students must have a high level of personal motivation as well as an ability to work in research and production teams. Attendance during the semester is compulsory and any unexplained or regular absence or lateness will impact on the final grade. This includes group production meetings held regularly throughout the semester leading up to the final Studio Day.

All students must be available for the Studio Assessment Day, Tuesday 24 October, when their group programme is recorded live in the television studio.

Convenor/Lecturer: Dr Margaret Henley

Class Limit: 30 Students

Workshop time: Monday 1-4pm

Assessment: 100% coursework

Prerequisites: 30 points from COMMS 100 and either COMMS 104 or FTVMS 101.

Equivalents may be considered by the course convenor on a case by case basis for non-Media & Comms majors and Study Abroad applicants.

Selection Criteria: This is a restricted entry course and no student will be allowed a timetable clash. Students will be selected on the quality of their academic record and previous experience they may have had in audio-visual and visual production, drama, cultural or the dramatic arts. The overall quality of their application and an example of their creative work if supplied will also be taken into account.

Submission of Application:

Please submit all applications and digital files electronically to the course convenor:

Margaret Henley,


Your application is in addition to the enrolment required by the University via SSO where you are only waitlisted. Students who only waitlist on SSO and do not make a separate application to the course convenor are not able to be considered for selection.

You are encouraged to complete your application as early as possible. Students who submit their applications later than the due date may not be considered for selection.

Study Abroad students are also required to submit their separate application to the course convenor by the deadline.

NB: COMMS 203 was previously coded FTVMS 201 and retains the same course content.

Application for

COMMS 203: Television Journalism

Deadline: Friday 16 June, 2017

Section A

Student ID:
Address: / Tel:
Major: / 2nd Major/Minor:
Why you want to take this course and what skills you hope to obtain?
Provide a brief outline of previous film, video, dramatic or literary arts, cultural activities, sporting or community activities you have been involved with in recent years, and briefly list the skills you have obtained from this involvement:
What television/online news or entertainment interview programmes do you watch regularly? Why? Who do you admire as a political or an entertainment interviewer? Why?

Section B:

Please attach the following:
ü  Your Dream Interview: Write a brief (no more than two pages) outline of two public figures or ‘personalities’ whom you would like to question in a studio based interview programme.
ü  Include the following:
a.  a brief profile of each subject
b.  why they would provide interesting interviews
c.  what would be the major line of your questioning for each subject
and (optional)
ü  An example of ONE piece of creative work or evidence of other performance/cultural/community activities as outlined in Section A which has been completed by you within the last TWO years. If you were part of a creative team e.g. writer or producer on a production, please clearly state your role in the production. Make sure that only the relevant example is supplied via electronic file, dropbox or flash drive.
ü  Make sure all material is clearly labeled and it is your responsibility to reclaim this material from the course convenor should you wish it returned.

Check list:

·  Have you provided an up to date copy of your unofficial academic transcript?

·  Have you provided the correct personal and contact details?

·  Have you a readily accessible email address?

·  Have you fulfilled the pre-requisites required?

·  Have you filled in ALL sections of the application?

·  Have you securely labeled and attached an example of your creative work (optional)?