Résumé of Noriko Kuwabara

Freelance Translator (English/Japanese)

84-1-606 Kozutsumi, Kawagoe, Japan 350-0811 (Residence)

Tel/Fax (011-81) 492-33-6125(JPN)



1990-presentFreelance translator (translation, editing, proof-reading, typesetting)

1992-2002Lecturer of Japanese Language, Southern Oregon University, Oregon, USA

1986-1987Instructor of Japanese Language at Japanese Language Schools incompliance with the National Language Research Institute in Japan

1983-1986Teacher of Social Studies, Saitama High School, Japan

1972-1975Editor, Kodansha Publishing Company, Tokyo


September 1999-June 2001M.S. Computer Science, Southern OregonUniversity in Oregon,

June 1991M.A. Social Science, English, Southern Oregon University in Oregon

March 1972B.A. Education, OchanomizuUniversity, Tokyo

TRADOS(SLDX 2006)(experienced for more than 10 years)

[Translation experience in IT, medical, and technical areas]

Have been working for these areas as a translator or an editor for more than 10 years.

Patents, Code of Business Conducts, Financial reports, or user’s manuals of medical devices, optical instruments and others for Boston Scientific, Merck, Respironics, Timberland, Dow Corning, etc.

User’s manual, License agreements, patents for Sun Microsystems, Novell, etc.

Localization for various game soft (Color playing, dinosaur, jet fighter)

 Patents, Code of Business Conducts, Financial reports, or user’s manuals of medical devices, optical instruments and others for Boston Scientific, Merck, Respironics, Timberland, Dow Corning, etc./  User’s manual, License agreements, patents for Sun Microsystems, Novell, etc/  Localization for various game soft (Color playing, dinosaur, jet fighter), etc./ Guidebook (Hawaii, London) / Movie Synopses for United Airlines/...


Greg Stricherz (Foreign Inc.:MinneapolisMN)

Cheney-Smith, Luann (Merrill Brink )

Paul Lewis (ViaLanguage: Portland, OR)

Ashley Baker (Toyota Technical Development )

[Preferred compensation] $0.8/English word as a minimum but negotiable


[Sample works]

Japanese to English Samples




An introduction is given to the developmental state of the fuel cell hybrid automobile in the spotlight as the next generation clean automobile. The salient feature of Toyota’s FCHV introduced in 1996 was the utilization of a hydrogen storage alloy newly developed at Toyota. Additionally, the FCHV that was presented in 1997 was the world’s first reformed methanol fuel cell automobile. The development of the components paralleled the development of these experimental automobiles and the fuel cell stack that came out in 1999 had a capacity of 65 liters and a rated output of 70kW. Working toward practical application of FCHV not only requires solving technical problems but also entails the selection of fuel, the development of a fuel infrastructure, standardization and the setting of safety standards.





Silicon nitride (Si3N4) materials have heretofore been used in reciprocal engine components but finding new structures combining high strength and high toughness and with high thermal conductivity for new applications is desirable. In this research, a sintered Si3N4 having an anisotropic structure in which the β- Si3N4 columnar particles have been newly synthesized and the columnar particles are oriented to a high degree in one axis direction has been manufactured and the correlation between the mechanical and thermal characteristics and the microstructure of the oriented sintered compact has been uncovered. As a result, this oriented sintered compact combines high strength with high toughness and has demonstrated high thermal conductivity.


English to Japanese Sample

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