Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda “stomach foot”
Live mostly Pomacea, Ampullaria, and Helisoma in tank-locomotion, etc.
Class Bivalvia “2 door”
External: ID Umbo, shell, mantle, foot, adductor muscles, gills
Live Anodonta in tanks-feeding siphons
Class Polyplacophora “many plates”
Class Cephalopoda “head foot”
Squid dissection Loligo know genus
External- ID arms vs. tentacles, eye, funnel, mantle, fin
Internal - ID pen, Blue circulatory-anterior and posterior vena cava
Red circulatory-gills, branchial vein
O. Nautilida-“sailor”- nautilus
O. Sepiida- “cuttlefish”-cuttlefish
O. Decapoda- “10 feet”- squid
O. Octopoda- “8 feet”- octopus; know genus Octopus
Alcis and shells of various classes or orders
Octopus videos...
ID all to respective class or order
Know Loligo and Octopus for reference-most common genera