Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad

Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project

(3rd Floor, B-Block, Yojna Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur)

Phone No.0141-2229386, 5188114, Fax-0141-2229894

No. (F).13(2)RD/RRLP/IB/2012/ Date: 23-03-2012

Expression of Interest for selection of agency for promotion of livelihood for persons with disabilities (PwD) in Rajasthan

The Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad, with funding from The World Bank, intends to implement the Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project (Credit No. 4859 IN). The project aims to enhance the economic opportunities and empowerment of the rural poor with a focus on women and marginalized groups in 18 targeted districts (Baran, Bhilwara, Bundi, Banswara, Bikaner, Chittorgarh, Churu, Dausa, Dholpur, Dungarpur, Jhalawar, Karoli, Kota, Pratapgarh, Sawai Madhopur, Rajsamand, Tonk & Udaipur) of Rajasthan.

With commitment to an equitable society, RGAVP has decided to incorporate the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) to provide them with appropriate livelihood options according to their choice and ability on a rights based perspective.The State Project Management Unit invites Expression of Interest for one of the project districts to undertake the activities pertaining to the enhancement and promotion of livelihoods of PwDsto bring them into active rural employment.The assignment is expected to be completed by 31st March, 2015.

The agencies /institutes must provide information proving that they are qualified and competent to perform the services. Applying agencies should have minimum 3 years experience of working in the field of rural livelihood including two years working experience with PwDs.The proposals should contain information as per the questionnaire given on the website alongwith, details of financial turn over for last 3 financial years (average turnover should not be less than 25.0 lacs) and a declaration by the head of the institution stating that the agency has not been black listed by any government department/institution.

The Agencies / Institutions will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s guidelines. RFP will be issued either on thematic specialization or based on sector specific specialization of the agency. The interested Agencies / Institutes may obtain further information from our website or at the address mentioned below between 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM on any working day. Expression of Interest must be delivered to the address mentioned below by April 30, 2012 by 6.00 PM.

State Project Management Unit,

Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Project

3rd Floor, B-Block, Yojna Bhawan,

Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur

E-mail :

State Project Director













Term of Reference


Enhancement and promotion of livelihoods of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) to bring them into active rural employment through appropriate intervention under the Rajasthan Rural Livelihoods Project

Section A: Brief Project Description

The XIIth Five Year Plan (FYP) approach paper places strong emphasis on inclusive and rapid poverty reduction and among the key strategies proposed by it involves accelerated support to decentralized and outcome-basedplanning. It expects decentralisedplanningto improve effectiveness of development programmes and to facilitate inclusive growth, the latter by ensuring equitable participation and benefit sharing by disadvantaged social groups.

The Rajasthan Grameen Aajeevika Vikas Parishad (RGAVP) recognises that the national development agenda is now looking beyond growth at social inclusion and effective implementation. RGAVP response to these priorities forms the basis for the proposed inclusion project at district level. The outcome of this project would be the formulation, execution and monitoring of Integrated District Inclusive Livelihood Plan and budgets, ensuring participation and inclusion of poor women and men from the SC and ST groups and minorities as well as Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). RGAVP support to DistrictLivelihood Planningwill be one of the cornerstones for the Joint GOR-World Bank programme on District level Convergence to meet marginal and disabled groups (MDGs). This will be done by developing district capacity for results-basedplanning, resource convergence, implementation and monitoring. During capacity development, emphasis will be to introduce tools and methods that will ensure that women, PwDs especially from the disadvantaged groups have an important role to play in the envisioning process as a whole for the plan preparation.

The Rajasthan Rural Livelihoods Project (RRLP) is rural livelihoods project under the aegis of RGAVP, aims to improve the economic opportunities, living standards and social status of the poor and marginalized group which include PwDs in 18 targeted districts of Rajasthan. There are five components to the project;

  • Component 1 - Institution Building and Social Empowerment: The objective of this component will be to help the poor mobilize themselves into Self Help Groups (SHGs), and gradually develop their own capacity to initiate and expand sustainable livelihoods activities.
  • Component 2 - Community Investment Support: The objective of this component will be to support asset creation of SHGs and their federations and identify and support innovative approaches to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor.
  • Component 3 - Skills Development and Employment Promotion: The objective of this component will be to support beneficiaries to capture new employment opportunities through the establishment of a structured mechanism for skill development and job creation.
  • Component 4 - Climate Change Adaptation: The objective of this component is to develop and implement drought adaptation mechanisms and institutional models, at the state, district, and local level, for a more effective delivery of assistance to drought-affected communities through improved coordination and leveraging programs, currently delivered by the Government of Rajasthan.
  • Component 5 - Project Implementation Support: The objectives of this component include establishing and supporting project management units at the state and district levels, project MIS, internal monitoring, evaluation and learning activities including studies, information and communication support including establishment of a project website, documentation of project experience and its dissemination to the wider development community and thematic studies and pilots to be tested in some project blocks for future scaling-up.

Background of the Assignment

Experiences suggest that livelihood promotion for People with Disabilities (PWDs) in India has been the most neglected issue. While globalization and opening of the market has yielded fruits for certain sections of urban India, PwDs have been excluded even within this benefited section of the society.

There is great uncertainty and debate about the prevalence rates of disability in India. For the first time Census of India enumerated Persons with Disabilities under separate category. However, due to lack of understanding on the part of enumerator as well as complexities in defining disability, the existing figure has come under great controversy. While the Census figure quotes 2.19%, other independent surveys by NGOs, International Bodies, Disabled Activists as well as the World Bank Report (People with Disabilities in India: From Commitments to Outcomes 2009) quote 6%, WHO believes as 10% of the population suffers from some or other kind of disability. The wide range in prevalence figures reflects the variation in the definitions of disability.

Disabled people living in poverty have always suffered from double disadvantage and are also at higher risk of becoming even poorer. The same is true for all people living in poverty, who have a higher risk of facing a disabling condition due to their limited access to basic services such as health, education, and sanitation and higher rates of exposure to hazardous working conditions.

Women with disabilities face certain unique disadvantages, such as difficulties in performing traditional gender roles, participating in community life, and accessing rehabilitation services that are dominated by male service providers.

With the passing of The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, though the government has reserved 3 percent of the jobs in the formal sector as well as in various poverty alleviation programmes, the countrywide statistics prove the inadequacies of the State Governments to implement the provisions. Thus even the percentage reserved in the poverty alleviation scheme is not exhausted, although hundreds and thousands of PwDs are still anxiously on the lookout for most rudimentary livelihood support for themselves.

In this context, a study undertaken jointly by Planning Commission and UNDP in 10 states (including Rajasthan) entitled “Good Practices for Livelihood Options for Persons with Disabilities in India” in 2011, clearly state the immense gap in provision of employment as well as other means of livelihood to PwDs in spite of 3% reservation across the government schemes.

With commitment to an equitable society and conforming to the spirit of UNCRPD, RGAVP has decided incorporate the inclusion of PwDs to provide them with appropriate livelihood options according to their choice and ability on a rights based perspective. Accordingly, the following components and sub components of the project has been underlined to meet the requirements of this endeavor;

Section B: Scope of Work

The agency would identify partner NGO, preferably from the locality, and improve its capacity and orientation on the issues pertaining to the livelihood and working with the persons with disabilities. The partner NGO should have sense of the disabled and marginal groups. The partner NGO would work in close association with the target groups and facilitate in achieving the objectives of the assignment. The agency would provide proper guidance and support to the partner NGO and the assignment would be executed through the following phases.

Phase I – Creating Enabling Environment

Sub Component 1: Preparatory Task – Preparatory period would ensure the ice-breaking work with the district authorities.

Sub Component 2: Identification of Partner NGOs - Exploring and ensuring the motivation and commitment of partners to address the livelihood issue of PwDs as a target group. The work would be spread over 1 district using a saturation model. The names of blocks/district would be as per the designated by RGAVP and be finalized with mutual consent. One NGO partner would be identified for the district.

Sub Component 3: Disability Mapping & Functional Assessment - Guide and support selected partner organization(s), to conduct disability mapping exercise in their own allotted geographical jurisdiction in a structured and common format. The Disability Mapping exercise will have following specific elements:

  1. A disability survey that would enumerate category wise PwDs in working age.
  2. A detailed function assessment of each PwD to access their capacity on the basis of their physical (residual) and intellectual ability. Thus a category wise functional ability matrix will have to be created that will facilitate the formulation of individual as well as group livelihood plans.

Sub Component 4: Capacity Building: Capacity Building of multiple agencies in order to prepare various stakeholders for facilitating the livelihood of PwDs:

1.Review and adaptation of appropriate training pedagogy.

2.Capacity building of partner NGO in the identified district.

3.Capacity building PwDs for creation of Master Trainers in the district.

4.Orientation and capacity building of government functionaries and PRI members.

5.Orientation of parents and care givers (in case of multiple disabilities).

6.Strengthening of training institute in the locality for capacity building on vocationalskills in the district for giving them disability orientation and trainings.

Sub Component 5: Process Documentation for phase I(including audio/video)

Phase II – Livelihood Planning and Implementation

Sub Component 6: Livelihood Planning

  1. Analyze livelihood options on the basis of functional matrix
  2. Preparation and finalization of individual livelihood plans for individuals / groups
  3. Analyze project risks and evaluate alternatives

Sub Component 7: Implementation of Livelihood Plan for PwDs

1.Appropriate disability specific skill development based on livelihood option chosen

2.Formation of CIGs / SHGs

3.Capacity building of CIG/SHGs

4.Formation of block level federations

5.Building linkages with financial institutions and market support

Sub Component 8: Implementation of Livelihood Plan for PwDs with severe disability

  1. Establishment of Sheltered workshop and appropriate linkages
  2. Home based work and appropriate linkages

Sub Component 9: Process Documentation for phase II (including audio/video)

Section C:Activities and Deliverables

The activities and deliverables are indicated below.

Sr. No. / Activity / Deliverables
1. / Preparatory Work /
  • Rapport built with the district authorities

2. / Identification of Partner NGO /
  • At least one competent NGO to be identified for the district where programme is being implemented and report about the same.

3. / Disability Mapping & Functional Assessment /
  • Category wise enumerated, segregated data of PwD collected through survey
  • Functional assessment for each category of PwD undertaken
  • Functional Ability Matrix prepared for matching livelihood options with functional abilities

4. / Capacity Building for Multiple Agencies:
  • Partner NGOs
  • PwDs for Creation of Master Trainers
  • Government Functionaries and PRI Members
  • Parents and Care Givers
  • Vocational Training Institutes
  • Developed training plan, module, pedagogy and schedule
  • Built capacity of at least one partner NGO in the identified district
  • Built capacity of at least 5 PwDs for creation of master trainers in the districts
  • Conducted at least two programmes for capacity building and orientation of approx.50 government functionaries and PRI members in the district
  • Identification, building capacity and infrastructure support of at least one vocational training institute in the district for disables.

5. / Livelihood Planning /
  • Designed livelihood creation plans for the district
  • Analysis of identified potential livelihood options based on functional matrix
  • Prepared and finalized livelihood plans for individuals/groups
  • Identified and analysed project risks, suggested solutions or alternatives and their evaluation

6. / Livelihood Implementation Plan /
  • Designed comprehensive strategy and action plan for project implementation
  • Formed at least 50 PwD SHGs in the district and built their capacity.
  • Built linkages with financial institutions for at least 500 members of SHGs in the district
  • Developed disability specific skill for chosen livelihood option and implementation
  • Developed livelihood plan for PwD with severe disability and implementation

7. / Project Monitoring /
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation plan
  • Prepared community monitoring format and put to collection , compilation and analysis
  • MIS Reports generated on quarterly basis

8. / Project Documentation (including audio and video) /
  • Reports on Quarterly, Monthly and Annual Progress
  • At least 5 Success Stories and Case Studies documented
  • Prepared at least 1 video film/documentary of about 20 minutes of the entire project process of PwD

Timelines – The output from the assignment is indicated above in the table. An indicative yearwise timeline is prepared for the above activities and given below. This would be finalized mutually.

First year –

Conduction of Surveys, preparation of matrix of functional ability and data segregation, selection of PwDs, Orientation, training to stakeholders, Formation of SHGs, capacity building of SHGs, Identification of vocational training institute,

Second Year –

Formation of SHGs, capacity building of SHGs, credit and market linkages, vocational trainings to SHGs, Prepare ToTs, Identification and strengthening of vocational training institute

Third year –

Organization of second training for capacity building of stakeholders, Market linkages and credit linkages of the SHGs, documentation and submission of final reports.

Section D: Organizational Relationships(Qualifications and eligibility) –

The agency will constitute a multi-disciplinary team of professionalshaving adequate qualifications and experiences in the field of livelihood, social sciences and of those professional skills on which PwDs are being promoted for the duration of the assignment. Resource Persons having experience of working with PwDs, would be desirable. This team will be expected to work in close coordination with the District Project Management Unit of the concern district andState Project Management Unit (SPMU) at Jaipur. The agency should provide reliable data and information timely to RGAVP.

Eligibility Criteria of the agency -

  • As a part of legal requirements, the agency should be a registered body under the relevant state law and is active and operational continuously for the last 3 years on the date of application. It should maintain its accounting records and have them properlyaudited.Annual statements of income and expenditure should have been prepared.
  • It has average annual turnover/budget of more than average of Rs. 25.0 lakh in the last three years.
  • The Agency should not be blacklisted by any government (Union and/or State), Ministry/Department/ Organization/NABARD/CAPART/Multinational donor agency/etc. or any other donor/partner organization in the past.
  • The Agency should be non-political and secular in nature.
  • The Agency should be in conformity with mission, vision and the values of Project and ready to work for the key goals.
  • The Agency should have experience of working in the field of livelihood including two years working experience with PwDs.
  • It should have of deep understanding of socio-economic, political, cultural and livelihood realities (affecting the persons with disabilities) of the area.

Section E:The assignment is expected to be completed in the period of 3 years.

Section F: Data and services to be provided by the client (RGAVP) :

RGAVP will provide the project guidelines, names and addresses of the blocks and villages.

Directions and guidelines received from the World Bank and authorities.

Section G : Review of progress – The agency will prepare and submit the action plan and implementation progress in detail to SPMU under intimation to the DPMU along-with monthly progress report. Annual progress report shall be prepared by the agency incorporating the details of SHGs formed, livelihood plans created, implemented, lessons learnt, constraints and suggestions for improvement. The progress shall be reviewed by the committee at SPMU level by the committee. The agency will also have to present the progress and outcomes before the committee, as and when required.