Question for Review-II (human anatomy)

Locomotor system

1.Briefly describe the general structure of the bone

2.Briefly describe the shape and structures of cervical, thoracic, and lumber vertebrae and sacrum

3.Briefly describe the classification, shape, and structures of ribs.

4.Briefly describe the shape and structures of sternum.

5.Briefly describe the bone markings of scapula, humerus, ulna and radius, hip bone, femur, tibia and fibula.

6.Write out the essential and accessory structures of the synovial joint.

7.Briefly describe joints of the vertebral bodies and physiological curves of vertebral column.

8.Briefly describe the composition and shape of thoracic cage.

9.Master the composition, portions and apertures of pelvis.

10.Briefly describe the composition, structural features and movement of the shoulder joint, elbow joint and wrist joint, hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint.

11.Briefly describe the important structure of internal surface of base of skull.

12.Describe the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of ①trapezius, ②latissimus dorsi, ③deltoid, ④biceps brachii and ⑤triceps.

13.Describe the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of ①gluteus maxim, ②piriformis, ③gastrocnemius and soleus, ④tibialis posterior, ⑤sartorius, ⑥quadriceps femoris, ⑦tibialis anterior.

14.Briefly describe the composition and shape of diaphragm

15.Write out the composed of masticatory muscles.

Alimentary system

1.Describe the parts and structures of pharynx.

2.Briefly describe the three constrictions of esophagus.

3.Briefly describe the location, shape, parts of stomach.

4.Briefly describe the location, shape and structures of duodenum.

5.Briefly describe the location and shapes or structures of rectum.

6.Briefly describe the location, shape and surface markings of liver.

7.Briefly describe the location and shape of pancreas.

8.Briefly describe the composition of extrahepatic parts of biliary system.

9.Write out the producing site and the discharging pathway of the bile.

10.Briefly describe the surface marking of the root of vermiform appendix and fundus of gallbladder.

Respiratory system

1.describe the positions and openings of the paranasal sinuses.

2.Briefly describe the features of left and right principal bronchi.

3.Briefly describe the shape and structures of lung

4.list the arrangement of main structures of the root of lung.

5.Briefly describe the definitions of pleura and pleural cavities; the portions of parietal pleura, pleural recesses, and surface markings of inferior margins of lungs and pleura.

Urinary system

1.Briefly describe the location, shape and internal structure of kidney

2.Briefly describe the structures passing through the hilus of kidney, structures in renal sinus, and capsules enclosing the kidney.

3.List the segments and constrictiones the the ureter.

4.Briefly describe the location, shape and internal structure of urinary bladder

5.Briefly describe the features of the urethrae in male and female.

Genital system

1.Briefly describe the location and shape of testis and epididymis.

2.Briefly describe the course of ductus deferens and composition of spermatic cord

3.Briefly describe the location and shape of prostate

4.Briefly describe the features of the male urethrae.

5.Briefly describe the location and lig. of ovary.

6.Briefly describe the location, shapes or potions uterine tubes.

7.Master the location, posture, shapes, portions, and cavity of the uterus

8.Briefly describe the supporting structures( lig.) for the uterus.

Circulatory system

1.Briefly describe the location, surface structures of the heart.

2.Briefly describe the structures in four chambers of heart

3.Write out the components of the conduction system of the heart.

4.Briefly describe the distribution of the right and left coronary artery.

5.Briefly describe the location, drainage and opening of coronary sinus

6.Briefly describe the branches off the aortic arch.

7.Briefly describe the position and fnction of carotid sinus and carotid glomus.

8.Briefly describe the branches of external carotid artery and subclavian artery .

9.Describe the main arterial tree of the upper and lower limb.

10.Briefly describe the branches of abdominal aorta.

11.Briefly describe the branch supplying of the celiac trunk, sup. and inf. mesenteric a..

12.Name three sites where peripheral pulse may be palpated. Where are these vessels liable to injury?

13.Describe the lymph drainage of the breast.

14.Describe the beginnings, course and endings of cephalic and basilic veins.

15.15.Describe the beginnings, course and endings of greater and lesser saphenous veins.

16.16.Describe the groups, area of drainage of the axillary lymph nodes.

17.Briefly describe the main tributaries of inf. vena cava.

18.Write out the the formation and tributaries of portal v., and the places of portal-systemic venous anastomoses.

19.Briefly describe the beginning, ending, and drainage of thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct.

20.Briefly describe the location, shape and structures of spleen

Sensory system

1.Master the layers and divisions of wall of eyeball and their functiones.

2.Master the form, position and functions of lens

3.Master the production and circulation of aqueous humor.

4.Master the name of ocular muscles, functions and innervation.

5.Master the position of lacrimal gland,the form of lacrimal passages and its opening.

6.Master the structure of tympanic membrane, position and parts.

7.Master the position of tympanic cavity, the main structures on the 6 walls.

8.Master the position, divisions, opening, and its functions of pharyngotympanic tube,the characteristic of pharyngotympanic tube in infant.

9.Master the position and divisions of internal ear.

10.Master the position of receptors of hearing and equilibration.

Centeral nervous system

1.Describe the the position and external feature of the spinal cord

2.Describe the divisions of the gray matter and white matter

3.Describe the position, origin, ending and function of fasciculus grascilis, fasciculus cuneatus, spinothalamic tract, the lateral corticospinal tract and anterior corticospinal tract

4.Describe the external feature of the brain stem

5.Describe the functional classification of the nuclei of the cranial nerves in the brain stem

6.Describe the he position and function of the pyramidal tract, medial lemniscus, lateral lemniscus, trigeminal lemniscus and spinal lemniscus in the brain stem

7.Describe the the position, external feature and lobes of the cerebellum

8.Describe the name of the three pairs of cerebellar peduncles

9.Describe the the names of the cerebellar nuclei.

10.Describe the divisions of the diencephalons

11.Describe the names, fiber connections and functions of the specific thalamic nuclei (including the medial and lateral geniculate body)

12.Describe the main fissures, lobes, sulci and gyri of the surface of the cerebral hemisphere

13.Describe the organization and position of the basal ganglia

14.Describe the position and divisions of the internal capsule, the names and locations of the nerve fiber tracts in the internal capsule

15.Describe the position and functional localizations of the somesthetic area, visual area, auditory area, motor area of the cerebral cortex, the position of the language area of the cerebral cortex..

16.Describe the positions of the neurons, the name of tracts and the position of their decussationin in each part of the central nervous system, projecting areas to the cerebral cortex of the conscious deep sensory pathway and fine touch sensory pathway of the trunk and limbs.

17.Describe the positions of the neurons, the name of tracts and the position of their decussationin in each part of the central nervous system, projecting areas to the cerebral cortex of superficial sensory pathway of the trunk, limbs, head and face

18.Describe the positions of the neurons, the name of tracts and the position of their decussationin in each part of the central nervous system, projecting areas to the cerebral cortex of visual pathway

19.Describe the position of the upper and lower motor neurons of the pyramidal system, the position of the corticospinal tract and corticonuclear tract and the position of their decussationin in each part of the central nervous system

20.Describe the position and contents of the epidural space.

21.Describe the position and contents of the subarachnoid space

22.Describe the production and circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

23.Describe the course of the internal carotid artery, vertebral artery and basilar artery, the origins and distributions of the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries

24.Describe the formation and position of the circle of the Willis

25.Describe the the position and communication of the fourth ventricle.

Peripheral nervous system

1.Describe the formation, position and distributions of phrenic nerve.

2.Describe the formation, position, main branches and distributions of the brachial plexus.

3.Describe the distributions of the ①musculocutaneous nerve, ②axillary nerve, ④ulnar nerve and ③radial nerve in arm.

4.Briefly describe the muscles which pronate and supinate the forearm and their innervation.

5.Briefly describe the innervation of the muscles and skin of the hand.

6.Describe the origin, branches and distribution of the femoral nerve.

7.Describe the origin, course and distribution of the sciatic nerve.

8.Describe the origin and distribution of the①tibial nerves, ②superficial peroneal nerve and ③deep peroneal nerves.

9.Briefly describe the innervation of the muscles which evert and invert the foot.

10.Briefly describe the main branches, functional components, and the distributions of trigeminal nerve.

11.Briefly describe the main branches, functional components, and the distributions of facial nerve.

12.Briefly describe the main branches, functional components, and the distributions of pharyngeal ner.

13.Briefly describe the main branches, functional components, and the distributions of vagus.

Visceral nervous system

1.Describe the the diference between the somatic and visceral motor nerve

2.Describe the the position of lower center of sympathetic nerve

3.Describe the the position of lower center of parasympathetic nerve

4.Describe the the diference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve

Endocrine system

1.Describe the the position and shape of thyroid gland

2.Describe the the position and shape of hypophysis

3.Describe the the position and shape of suprarenal gland